Project Runway

Modelgirlie said:
Austin Scarlett

okay, this look like puss in boots from shrek 2 :lol: She just needs to make this face :cry:
cyka said:

that photo is hot from the waist up but from the waist down she looks like someone's skinny grandma. :lol:

sorry i'm in a mood...:lol:
Assembler said:
I didn't see it. Tell me more!!!

Horatio Sanz played Jay. Rachel Dratch played Wendy (HILARIOUS!!!), Maya Rudolph played Kara Saun, and that guy who always plays an animal (like a parrot or a dog or whatever, his name escapes me) played Austin.

It's so hard do describe what happened... Maybe you can catch it on the E channel? I think they replay it the following week?
i hate that wendy women.. God, if i was there i would have lost my patience on her and punched that b*tch in the face lol...

I love Kara tho..I think she's so freaking talented...I hope she wins..
luna said:
Horatio Sanz played Jay. Rachel Dratch played Wendy (HILARIOUS!!!), Maya Rudolph played Kara Saun, and that guy who always plays an animal (like a parrot or a dog or whatever, his name escapes me) played Austin.

It's so hard do describe what happened... Maybe you can catch it on the E channel? I think they replay it the following week?

And Hillary Swank was Heidi Klum -- She was hysterical...she and wendy/rachel both were so funny.
True to form, Austin's work is very costumey...

And an anecdote a friend told me kind of confirms it:

A friend of mine models for life drawing classes at Parsons, and Austin Scarlet actually models for these classes as well (my friend does nude and draped (clothed) or costume poses, Austin does draped poses only). One day, Austin came in to one of the scheduled classes in one of his very costumey outfits and my friend remarked, "Nice costume, Austin." Austin then looked at him with a puzzled expression and asked, "Are we modelling costumes today?" :lol:
^ :lol: ... i'm actually going to watch this one.... this'll be the first episode i've seen!
kara is a total cheater...
i can't believe she went on and on about wendy and all the while she was plotting and scheming and getting shoes custom made for
FREE!!!...what a disgusting hypocrite...gross...!!!
no real geniuses were discovered here imo...

i think we met some interesting characters and that's about it...
i wish them good luck for the future...
JAY WON!!!!!!!
his was the best
wendy was out of her mind
Kara is totally stolen from the movie
so glad jay won..!!!
cheaters should not win...
softgrey said:
kara is a total cheater...
i can't believe she went on and on about wendy and all the while she was plotting and scheming and getting shoes custom made for
FREE!!!...what a disgusting hypocrite...gross...!!!
Huh. I saw that as an oversight, not an outright intention to cheat. Plus Dollhouse was probably thinking, man, Project Runway exposure!

I mean, heck, that's why they used L'Oreal products and Banana Republic prizes, because it's all about promotions. In real life, designers always get stuff for free for promotional purposes, right? Styling and makeup and hair, because it's all good press. My friends have used Manolo for their shows, and even Manolo would give shoes for free for a show. I don't see Kara's shoe thing as that big a deal in judging her capabilities for the real world, since it can be struck from the judging anyway, and frankly, they're judging her on just the clothing.

That said, I think Wendy's two-faced plottings are far graver (and consistently and admittedly so), and while it doesn't have any direct bearing on how one judges her clothing anyway, it does make one like her less as a preferred contender. Anyhow, that point is moot, since Wendy Pepper's collection was AB.SO.LUTE.LY. HIDEOUS.
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I dont really see Kara as having cheated, intentionally. When Tim Gunn asked about the shoes, she answered, without hesitation, as though there was nothing to hide...she was even proud of the fact she thought of the whole concept.

I do think the producers needed to level the playing field though, even though its wendys own damn fault that she didnt even think of the styling.

Jay's stuff was great. Kara's was great. They each have different strengths. Jays was less professional than karas, Kara didnt have the eye for color that Jay has.
He was a bit matchy, a bit fashion school...but a strong vision. Karas was easily appealing to women.
cerise said:
I missed it!! :( guess i'll have to catch the reruns...

this is the 3rd time ive watched it in a row...well now its more like atmospheric noise now
well, i'm glad jay won. Kara Saun it cool but a bit too conventional. Jay is funky and I love funk!
why would they have pictures of austin's pieces if he wasn't mentioned in the show at all? why did he even have a show?

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