Kell on Earth - Kelly Cutrone's reality show on Bravo

Hello everyone,

If someone has uploads it or has a link they will post the info. Please don't clutter up the thread with requests.

Thank you!
I just watched the first episode and LOVED it. It was amusing to see how differently the People's Revolution offices are portrayed in this series compared to The City :innocent: Kelly is amazing, and I really feel for Stephanie. She reminds me a lot of my best friend so seeing her getting so stressed out was difficult! Can't wait for the next episode! :woot:

PS: I loved Kelly's quote from an upcoming episode - "he is like, Sicilian dead to me." :rofl:
^OMG! I loved that :rofl:

My favorite quote from Episode 2 was Andrew on Stephanie Vorhees.

She never had any real problems. Her whole life she just pranced around in her dresses and got asked out left and right.

I just googled Kelly and realised that we are born on the same day (though in a different year) that explains why she is so amazing. I love fellow Scorpios.

I caught a couple minutes of this today and now I just HAVE to see the full episodes so far, I'm going to be addicted!
Btw, Kelly is sort of a nicer version of my boss.. :)
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nice to see that irritant is gone now. it was only a matter of time really.
cast bios from


Andrew Mukamal
Andrew is a welcome addition to People’s Revolution, acting as a sounding board and ally for the other employees. While his high-end “goth” style may raise eyebrows, Andrew’s extensive knowledge and passion for fashion makes him a valuable and beloved asset to Cutrone and People’s Revolution.


Stefanie Skinner
Stefanie is Cutrone’s former assistant and has recently been promoted to Junior Executive. Having quit People’s Revolution once due to the long hours and the non-stop pace, Stefanie is back and has become one of Cutrone’s most beloved employees.


Emily Bungert
A true power publicist and a partner at People’s Revolution, she meticulously helps steer the company towards excellence. Emily has recently assumed the guillotine lead from Cutrone - leaving her to be the head of the firing squad this season. Bungert is an unapologetic toughie with heart of a hometown Minnesota girl.


Robyn Berkley
A partner at People’s Revolution, she is the heartbeat of the agency. Cutrone refers to her lovingly and jokingly as her wife or sister. She is a break-out star in the industry and holds the business up as Cutrone pioneers the next plateau. Her sweet exterior combined with her penchant for perfection and intolerance for excuses has earned her the nickname – Snow White with Razor Blades.


Kelly Cutrone
Founder of the powerhouse PR firm People's Revolution, Cutrone is a major player in the fashion world. A notable New Yorker and a force to be reckoned with, Cutrone lives a fast-paced, whirlwind life juggling her business in a tough economic climate, organizing major fashion shows across the world, and managing the everyday hectic pace of People's Revolution.
i watched eps 1 & 2 and am DYING to watch more. i'm from australia and i've watched them on hulu using hot spot shield which hides your isp & replaces it with one from the usa.

unfortunately on hulu only eps 1 & 2 are up, but they expire on 4 days, so hopefully new eps will be up then.
Oh man I just watched this today for the first time and I'm hooked! Kelly seems wayyy nicer than they portrayed her in The City.
I love how they all look so different with makeup on in the cast bios from bravo. It looks like such a high stress atmosphere there, I dont know if I could hack it there personally.
ralph rucci s so dramatic. he s always been like this so Kell shouldn t take it personal at all.
maybe thats why hes not very successful. he's attitude ruins the perception of his brand.

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