Quitting Cigarettes

Tinuviel said:
^Good for you! :flower: :clap:
thankyou :heart: :heart: :flower:

Fade to Black said:
Thanks for the support, guys.

Update: I went out to the pub for a beer about an hour ago...people around me everywhere were smoking, which should have been a tempting cue...BUT i did not even feel the urge to smoke. As a matter of fact, I began to find the smell of cigarette smoke quite repulsive.

I still haven't had a cigarette all day.
brilliant :woot: :clap:
Fade to Black said:
Thanks for the support, guys.

Update: I went out to the pub for a beer about an hour ago...people around me everywhere were smoking, which should have been a tempting cue...BUT i did not even feel the urge to smoke. As a matter of fact, I began to find the smell of cigarette smoke quite repulsive.

I still haven't had a cigarette all day.

Congrats!! :) Keep it up :flower: :clap: :clap: :magic:
Thanks Tinuviel, well it's been a whole week and I haven't smoked a single cigarette or felt the urge to. I think I've successfully quit.

I'll still smoke cigars though. Even though they can still give you mouth and throat cancer without the inhaling, cigars are too chic for me to stop. Besides, I've never been addicted to those ^_^
Oki-dokey, I've decided to quit... Anyone have any practical tips on what worked for you?
I tried to give up smoking about 10 times in the 10 years that I smoked. I even succeeded once in stopping for 2 years...but inevitably I started again. A few of my friends that had managed to stop suggested that I read Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking....

It's now been two months and I haven't smoked or even had a craving for a cigarette (even when drunk - the hardest test of all!!!). The book is a bit boring and repetitive but it does help. you don't need to chew gum or use any other substitutes. I would recommend it to anyone who really wants to quit.
I managed to stop for three days once but by then I was ready and willing to kill someone.

I don't think I'll ever be able to quit :(
I hear people after "so many days without a cigarette" and I feel so bad for them. I wonder what the general thought going through their head was when they tried that very first cigarette?
I quit almost a year ago (yay, time flies!) on my own, cold turkey and have not looked back ever since. I woke up one morning with a hangover, vaguely remembering how I discussed smoking and how to quit with a friend of mine and then decided to see how long I could go without a cigarette... I probably chose the worst time ever to quit, just a couple of weeks before my exams, and I felt so edgy, jumpy and pissed off those few weeks but still it was a lot easier than I thought! :woot:
My boyfriend tried to quit with that gum, and he just ended up eating the gum all the time, and then STILL smoking. :lol: He's quit cold turkey before, and now he's doing it again, I think cold turkey is the best way to quit. Good luck everyone! :flower:
tott said:
Oki-dokey, I've decided to quit... Anyone have any practical tips on what worked for you?

I quit smoking for a few years - I had been in the hospital for a week and figured I'd quit for that long I might as well quit for good. Unfortunately, I started smoking again about 5 years ago - I was under a lot of stress :doh:

For the 3 years I was smoke free I chewed on drinking straws. It sounds weird but it worked. I would send my friends to fast food restaurants and have them each grab a handful of straws. I kept them everywhere - in my glove-box, in my handbag, in my drawers...you name it.

For anyone considering quitting, I suggest checking your local university's psychology department for a smoking cessation lab. They always need volunteers and you'll get help quitting - everyone wins!

Good luck, tott!
I'm also trying to quit smoking. This will be about the third time I try to stop. I have cut down from a pack a day to about 3 or 4 cigarettes. Yesterday I only had one!!

It also has a lot to do with when I'm drinking. As soon as I take a shot, I light up a cigarette.
Thanks for the support! I started feeling anxious half an hour after I smoked my last cigarette. :doh: I think my psychological dependency is much stronger than my physical addiction...

Did you chew on straws for 3 years, Hip? It's certainly better than smoking, but it would be nice if it was possible to quit an addiction without replacing it with something else... Maybe it can't be done?! :p
tott said:
Thanks for the support! I started feeling anxious half an hour after I smoked my last cigarette. :doh: I think my psychological dependency is much stronger than my physical addiction...

Did you chew on straws for 3 years, Hip? It's certainly better than smoking, but it would be nice if it was possible to quit an addiction without replacing it with something else... Maybe it can't be done?! :p

Yup. I actually chewed straws for 3 years :lol: It was especially helpful when I was out drinking (when the urge to smoke was the strongest); I would usually chew on the stirring straw in my cocktail. I will say that over the years I relied on straws less and less. I think if I stuck with it I could have eventually given up the straws ^_^

You're right in that the psychological addiction is much harder to overcome than the physical addiction. Physically, it only takes 3 days for your body to overcome its addiction to nicotine. The psychological addiction, however, can last a lifetime.
Yup. I actually chewed straws for 3 years :lol: It was especially helpful when I was out drinking (when the urge to smoke was the strongest); I would usually chew on the stirring straw in my cocktail. I will say that over the years I relied on straws less and less. I think if I stuck with it I could have eventually given up the straws ^_^

You're right in that the psychological addiction is much harder to overcome than the physical addiction. Physically, it only takes 3 days for your body to overcome its addiction to nicotine. The psychological addiction, however, can last a lifetime.

hmm my mum is like that she quit 12 years ago when my brother was born and she still gets cravings .. you can see her literally taking deap breaths of air if she sees anyone smoking (she says shes trying to get a little smoke .. she just looks stupid tho lol) well yeah her friends know not to smoke infront of her as she will just steal them off her and smoke. I guess its different for everyone .. like my dad gave up easy peasy... well with patches and gum in a few months he was free of it.

Good luck with giving up tott :flower: hang in there and you'll do it eventually.
and well done hipkiten for giving up.
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Fade to Black said:
But I know it's going to be hell...I'm going to get that feeling inside again, my insides are going to start itching, my whole body is going to get restless and twitchy and I'm going to be edgy and irritable, my leg will start shaking and if anybody so much as looks at me I'm going to flip out.

Oh poor baby:o ...that's the best description I've ever read of quitting smoking:cry: ! How's it going Fade?

I've never smoked but my boyfriend is trying to quit. He went from a pack and a half a day to 5 a day for a few weeks, the other day he only needed three and was fine! Yesterday he didn't even get the urge after lunch or coffee, which is amazing.:woot:

Good luck Tott, it'll be pure hell for just a few days but I know you can do it...you seem a very wise and centered person. You have all my support. :flower: By the way, I meant to tell you, you're an amazing mod!
I am really struggling just now..... I have not had a cigarette for about 6 weeks, but work is so stressful right now that I admit my good intentions are starting to slip. Im so determined this time, but trying to lose weight as well so Im in such a bad mood almost every day!!!

Does anyone else experience mood swings like this at this early stage?
^ Up, I was a wreck the first few weeks, put eventually, without noticing it, it passed. ;)
Melisande: :kiss:

Hang in there, Coco!

Bionda, well done!

And coffee, if you're down to one cigarette a day, you're practically not smoking... Try to resist that one too!

I fell off the wagon, so to speak, and smoked a couple today... But tomorrow is a new day... :innocent:

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