Originally posted by Charlotte560@Oct 21 2004, 11:06 PM
I love that feeling when you've worked the abs hard, then you give them a really good stretch. It makes them feel firm and toned!
don't like crunches? try these:
Leg extensions
1)lie on back with arms at sides, legs hip width apard, knees bent.
2)lift head and bring right knee to chest (using upper abs)
3)exhale pull lower abs in and extend your left leg out, keeping your lower back flat on the floor. inhale....
4)exhale. brace your stomach as you switch legs
20 reps
tip-bisualize and feel your leg reaching beyond your body as it extends. when the lef moves out it lenghthens the stomach and then the stomach conrracts as you move your leg in.
leg levers
1)lie on back with arms at sides legs hip width apart, knees bent. place hands behind head, lift head off floor, supporting it with your hands.
2) keeping hands behind your head, elbows open, pull your lower abs in as you lift your legs up, straighten your legs
3) inhale and lower legs to 45 degrees, keeping your lower back flat against the floor(so you don't build up stress there) and hold 8 counts
4) exhale, pull legs back up with abdominals and bend back to starting position
6-10 SLOW reps
tip-be sure your abs don't bulge up as you raise/lower your legs. lower abs should be "hollow" (as my teacher says) to prevent lower vack straining lower your legs only as long as you can keep your back FLAT on the ground.
after doing a set of reps, stretch out your abs. try sitting in a (stable) mid backed chair and arching over the backboard, extending your arms over your head. or lying on the edge of your bed and hanging over the side
good luck!