Stomach Exercises

I have several little routines I do... this thread inspired me.... I'm jumping back on the bandwagon.

My half-way sixpack is gonna be wholeway again *grumble*
Could you tell us what your ab routine is? It would be good to try something new! I did 500 the other evening and it hurt! Oh well - it's my own fault for being so lazy!
I'm terribly out of shape. I can do 100 and then I have to give up for at least 45 minutes. Sometimes I can't even do that many.
When I actually do my ab routine ( :innocent: I swear I'll work out more this fall), I do a lot of different types of crunches in sets of ten or twenty so that I don't get too bored. Here are some that I do, if I can remember:
1. Normal crunches and situps...I figure that you can figure those out on your own ;)
2. Lie on your back and put one hand behind your head. Bend your knees and twist so that your back stays flat and your legs lay to the side. Then do crunches in that position. When you finish one side, switch to the other side and repeat.
3. Lie on your back and put your hands under your hips/butt (wherever you need the support). Then raise your legs. Hold them 6 inches above the ground (the time is up to you--as long as you can stand it?)
4. Variation of #3. The position is the same, but the action is different. Bend your knees and raise your legs up. Straighten them and v.e.r.y slowly lower them to just above the ground. Without touching the ground with your feet, repeat the motion.
5. Variation of #3. Same position, but when you raise your feet, do scissor-kicks (cross your legs and open them over and over). I'm not sure I know how to explain this.
6. Squat-thrusts! Jump up as high as you can (reach with your arms), then bend your knees so that you are squatting and put your hands on the floor outside of your knees. Jump back as far as you can with your legs (full extention--pushup position) and then jump back to the squatting position. It's important that you jump--don't walk yourself back slowly. The whole thing should sort of run together with no pause between the initial jump and the squat. When you get back to the squat, jump up as high as you can again and continue. THis also works other muscles like your legs, but especially if you really stretch it can really make your abs burn the next day.
7. Lie on your back and put your hands behind your head. Raise your legs off of the floor and bend one of them so that the knee is pointing toward you. Sit up toward the knee, leading with the opposite arm. Alternate between your two legs without letting them touch the ground. I don't think I've explained this well...hey, I thought of an example. If you've seen Zoolander, think of the scene with Derek in his shared apartment right before they go out and his friends blow themselves up. In that scene, one of the male models in the apartment is doing cool-looking crunches that are basically what I'm describing. I hope that helps.

Uggh, that's all I can think of (or that I want to type) for now. I know that there are others. If you do one set of ten of each of those (don't breal between sets), that's 70 right there and none of them had time to get boring. You can repeat it as many times as you want/can. You might also add in three more types so that you get an even 100 after doing each once (I like doing even numbers of them). You can also use a balancing ball thing for crunches, or lift a 10-pound energy ball above your head while you crunch.

Does anyone else have any suggestions?
you know, it shouldn't be how many CAN you do, but it's not good to stress your muscles. plus it's better to do less quality crunches than many sh*tty ones.
Hi Eloes,
Thanks...there are some really good ideas here. I love doing the ones where you hold your legs about 6 ins off the floor and do little scissors etc. These really burn the lower abs - you can sort of feel that little piuch toning and tightening. These just have to be done!
Thanks again for this,
Hm.. I'm starting back on the crunchs tomorrow I decided. I do this routine of 10 each in a different position twice and it totals up to about 260 crunches... also "six inches", squat thrusts, and some pilates moves.... when I follow it for about two weeks it's like... hello six pack, but i've been soo lazy.
last summer i started doing about 300 a day, a mix of different styles and i kept that up for about 3 weeks. i got lazy. i gained alot of stomach muscle and i still have them a year later. :muscles:

i told myself id start doing them again but yeah. im really lazy. :doh:
Just get down and get doing them. Think "bikini" or "tight skirts/trousers" when you want to stop. That always helps me keep going. 300 a day would be great.
Hi All,

Come on we all want flat hard stomachs!! What are we all doing to get them?

I've been lazy and haven't done much for a little while (I've been on holiday) so I ought to get back into it. It would really help with motivation to know what everyone else is up to!

The most important things are eating right and doing cardio. I think the old adage is 'abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym' and I've found that to be very true! But the bicycle crunch is one of the most effective ab excercises and my personal favorite.
I started doing 150 crunches at the beginning of every ballet class when I was 5 (they made us). So I think I can do a few. :P
we did 300 in body conditioning class. extreeeeeme! then our teacher made us do back bends to stretch out the muscles so they wouldn't hurt as much.

try doing full situps rather than crunches. they're more effective. :flower:
^ hmmm i heard that situps can put more stress on your back though... :unsure:
well last time i did 100 quality crunches. but even just 20 full long crunches keeps me in shape

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