RIP Alexander McQueen CBE 1969 - 2010

The day fashion hung herself ...

I wrote something about him.I thought I would share it with you....

The day fashion hung herself ...

The showman has put down his hat. Will the show go on?

An old interview in The Guardian reads
'Joyce McQueen: What is your most terrifying fear?
Alexander McQueen: Dying before you.'
It would seem that Death granted him his wish after all. McQueen's mother Joyce passed away a week before him. Had he been alive, McQueen would now be arranging for his mother's funeral tomorrow.

We often get to see two kinds of geniuses in the world; the kind that works in ways that are totally beyond your comprehension and the kind that works in ways that make you wonder why you did not think it yourself in the first place. And then, there is a third kind, the kind that works in ways comprehensible and simple enough, but seeing whose work you realize that you would not have done it yourself in a million years. Alexander McQueen belonged to the third kind.

In fashion there are many ways you sell a product. Some designers sell their personality, some sell their sexuality, some sell their impeccable taste and a few, their designs.Alexander McQueen sold to the fashion world something they had been offered sparingly before, his intellect. He trampled down the conventional boundaries of fashion. Art in its most wondrous forms transcended the confines of his brains to take on a physical meaning on his runways. Fashion, which down the centuries had often been deemed frivolous and fickle turned brilliant,other worldly and supremely intellectual in his hands. His 'hounds-tooth morphing into a flock of birds' dress remains the single most intelligent piece of work I have ever seen on a runway.

McQueen was the 'L'Enfant Terrible' of the fashion world; the quintessential bad boy that exists in all of us, but is often too shy and restrained to come out. Growing up, he was the one I wanted to become and knew deep down, that I'll never ever be. I'll never be fully comfortable with who I am. I will forever be measured and controlled. I would never be comfortable walking down the runway in a pair of baggy jeans and a T-shirt. He was himself, and that I think is what set him apart. For the few years that he lived, Alexander McQueen was utterly and unabashedly himself. Everything he did had a resonating presence of himself. We saw not only the incredible clothes but the genius behind each and every one of them.

Some would say irreverence and disdain were the norms of his House. But those of us who have waited for his shows with bated breath, know that what the world saw were fleeting glimpses of the genius that strained against the constraints of a prohibitive society. And every time it managed to break free, it gave us a huge middle finger, a resounding f***-you; and we loved it, every single time. McQueen was essentially an intangible quantity that you tried to comprehend each time you watched one of his shows.

I don't know why he did what he did. I can't imagine McQueen down on his knees,struggling to cope with what he had to. I don't want to think that he chose the easy way out. I choose to believe that he did what he did because he alone could. It might have been his way of flashing his middle finger to the world, one last time.

In the new issue of LOVE magazine, McQueen said cryptically, “When I’m dead, hopefully this house will still be going. On a spaceship.” Karl Lagerfeld said: "There was always some attraction to death, his designs were sometimes dehumanized.Who knows, perhaps after flirting with death too often, death attracts you."

Alexander McQueen is dead. His Wikipedia page now reads '..Alexander McQueen was an English fashion designer..'. Everything about him will read in the past tense from now on; there is a dead finality about everything surrounding him now. Where McQueen was, there is an all consuming black hole now. Until and unless another man with brains the size of Kent happens to appear among us, we are going to be staring at that gaping nothingness that he has left us with. The world would indeed have a tough time filling out his fantastical shoes.

I hope that death has managed to perfect what little imperfections he found too unbearable to live with.

P.S. Love you loads.
This is not the kind of shocking news that I'd imagine getting while on a holiday....It's too sad and disturbed to comprehend. :doh::cry::unsure::shock: He was one of a kind, a visionary and a unique individual. He revolutionized extreme fashion and created so many important moments in the industry, he left behind a huge legacy that will be hard to fulfill. May his tortured sould be blessed on the other side.
I love you, Lee McQueen, RIP
The world lost an incredible talent. He is my favorite designer. I am sad to see he go. :( RIP
I was shocked.
He is one of my top 5 favourite designers.

I hope he, his mum and Isabella Blow are having a grand reunion and he's making plans to turn heaven into the best show ever.....
I still wish he wasn't dead though. RIP.
Also, Lanick, that was a beautiful tribute in words. You said what probably a lot of us would like to say, but couldn't find words for.

I got the news about 24 hours ago when I was all out of internet access- a friend texted me. I thought and hoped that he was joking, but it's heartbreaking to realise he wasn't.
I've heard it on the news yesterday, but I still can't believe it. He is/was one of my favourite designers and he will be missed so much! RIP.
Broken hearted for the loss of a genious. The sky is heavy today, and the light forever dimmed. You were everything that I was excited about in this industry, you transcended fashion, and gave me hope. Sadly, you are an irreplaceable flame.

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WHY. out of all the people, WHY did the person with the most wonderful imagination had to die, WHY -_-
Had to post again as I just read all the designer's tributes on He was held in such high opinion in particular for his creativity. I was emotional reading it. RIP Lee McQueen. We just lost an amazing talent x
i still feel devastated about the news. he commits suicide on my birthday :(
i always hated birthdays and say that it's my "bitchday" instead and it is indeed this year :(
McQueen had appeared candid, open and in good spirits during the Bazaar interview (which will appear in its April issue) but the death of his mother Joyce last week had devastated him.

On Twitter, he posted news of her death, writing: "I'm letting my followers know my mother passed away yesterday . . . RIP mum," He later added another brief message: "But life must go on!!!!"

Four days later he posted an update, saying he'd had an "awful week", struggling with grief and the final plans for his next showcase.

Sources said the designer, who had lacerations to his arms following previous suicide attempts, could not cope with the pressure to complete his Paris show or face his mother's funeral today.

One friend said: "His mother died and he couldn't cope. He just went to bed for a week. His Paris show is coming up and his staff have been nagging him all week to get up and start working.

"But he wouldn't get out of bed, he just couldn't get up. He hasn't even been to any of his fittings for the show. He was so upset about his mother. It was her funeral and he couldn't face it."
McQueen I will love you forever, your designs, creativity and have deep respect for all the beauty you created in this world, you were my hero, my fashion god, my role model, it is because of you and your career that made me go into fashion design, your talent will always inspire me. I'm really sorry for what ever caused you to make such decision, and it afflicted me so bad yesterday that i could not stop crying and feel emotional. I sincerely thank you for every single piece of art you created. I hope you are in fashion heaven doing couture for angels. RIP my dear....Requiescat In Pace.

Your dearest fan Damien B.
Not to take anything away from his family or other friends but one person overlooked has been Annabelle Nielson who was his best friend. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I lost my best friend. If he had second muse after Isabella Blow it was Annabelle.

They were introduced to each other by Isabella in the 90s. She was always at all his shows and was the other bridesmaid at his wedding. She's "Annie Tinkerbelle" mentioned in his last tweet. She always looked amazing in his outfits and pretty much only wore his creations. This is her below at the AW 2009 show wearing a piece from the SS 2010 collection that hadn't even been seen yet. My heat goes out to her.


I remember reading in an interview years ago when McQueen was about to launch the Novak bag he told this story about how he made his first bag for Annabelle and when he asked to borrow and copy it she refused because it was hers. He had to wait until it was falling apart to get it off her and promised he would fix and return it. I thought it was a sweet story. You can see the bag in the pic below.
Fashion world will never ever be the same with his absence!!!But he will be remembered!!!Hope know he is in better place and that he has found his paradise!!!Love,McQueen!!!Rest in piece,genius!

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