i still cannot believe it, yesterday i had goosebumps all day. then, i had an anxiety issue, that led to almost spending money that i shouldn't in his clothes, and then i thought, i can't and could never afford it, buying it won't bring him back.

but it made me sadder, becsue i always dreamed of reaching a point in my life where i could afford at least with difficulties one item from him, now i'll never will.

then i spent all day thinking about the impact and the implications of his death, because he was more than a human being, he was a dreamer and he shared that dream with all of us, luckily. but he did reach the leven in few years to built as he wanted the empire, it would be sad if they closed the brand becuase it was what he attempted, then again, i don't think i'll ever be pleased with any sucessor.
Moreover, i think about all the designers that stole from him, one local wich hasn't got moral and copies him horribly

, what will he do now?

And even those who didn't copy them, but loved the images he provided and where so inspired to do anything. every season, it was a rush of beauty that left you in a state of enchanting for a long time.
i cannot believe i'll never feel that or the excitement of the new show again, for he was the only one that did this for me at a larger scale.
i'm very sad now.