Shoes: Yay or Nay? #3

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If you want a unique converstation starter sure go with the UN shoes
2 trends for spring nudes, corals

They're not ugly, I'm not sure how comfortable they are, but they're definitely "look at me" in a good way shoes.
Tali - YAY on all of 'em

Judleberry - NAY

8GreenEyes8 - Yay -I'm a fan of unique, statement type shoes...that being said, I agree with above in that they don't seem a bit comfy & they look far far better photo'd from behind vs. the side post.
UrMom - Nay to both. If you have to choose one pair, then opt for the first. They're slightly better.
Tali - Nay to all, sorry!
Judleberry - Nay
8GreenEyes8 - They look better when worn than they do in the picture, so a slight yay.
I probably wouldnt wear them, but I say yay 88Greeneyes! I love the eccentricity of them and they can be pulled off. They dont look hideous. One day I want to be ballsy enough to get some statement shoes as such....
Not badass... just bad, as in BAD, as in "the opposite of good/acceptable/likeable." I wouldn't dare touch these (Post #718). I'm not qualified to be a fashion expert, so let me just say it in simple terms- too many details, not enough style. A hot mess. Big Nay! Or really, somewhere between "nay" and "big nay." Only reason you'd even fathom wearing these is if you want to wear something different from what most others would wear. But different doesn't always mean better, and there's no way I'd take these over any similar pair of peep-toe pumps with an ankle strap and a much better-structured heel.

It's still up to you.
greeneyes, Yay. They are statement shoes and unique but I don't think they are that crazy or anthing. I wouldn't wear them but I quite like em.

These? Too trendy? Too...
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These shoes are a basic. You could wear it with anything, in winter/summer.
Wooden stacked heels are growing on me, so I'd give them a Yay. They are simplistic enough to be a staple. You could wear them in Winter or Summer as Valentine said, although suede always make me rethink the Summer part.
Getcloser, don't like the proportions. The right proportions are very important imo. The heels is too low (especially for its chunkiness) and I'm not sure bout the style. It's not bad though. But small Nay from me.
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Time to weigh in again...

* The cowboy-esque boots in Post #727 are a solid Yay! Not because I'm from Texas, but because they look very nice.

* I will grant you that a squared-off toes don't make these shoes very nice looking. However, they are a solid warm weather pair of shoes. Long dresses and/or long skirts will be no problem with these shoes. I'm going Yay! on these. Better-looking toes (like a round toe) would make these better to me.

Two yay's, but it's up to you to whether or not to get these. Dress (and shop) with confidence!
I'm going to say Big Yay!, Dego. Those sandals are plenty edgy while not being an overly hot mess. Talk about making a statement without saying anything- those are a great pair to make a statement with!
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