Whole lot 'o shoes! I'll try to go rapid fire on each one. Or... at least try to respond to as many of the proper Yay or Nay items as possible.
* I'm assuming you're wanting to trade the lace-up wedges for these zipper wedges. If so, they're okay. (Slight) Yay! from me on those in Post #41.
* Unless you're doing a research progress on the chances of breaking your back (or something else) by simply wearing shoes, stay the hell away from these pumps. I don't care if people like them because they are different or because of some other crap. I love mary janes. My all-time favorite feminine shoes. However, someone is always bound to take something classic and turn it into an atrocity. Thank you, Jeffrey Campbell (sarcastic voice)... Absolute Nay! to these demonic mary janes. Where's Holy Water when you need some? Defend them all you want- I couldn't care less.
That's all from me.