Stomach Exercises

lele where did u download the pilates video.

i've been breathing in and holding all the fat, i heard it makes muscle. its been about 2 weeks and i swear i have more muscle than b4.

wats reps?
pilates is fab. it gives you a lean sculpted figure and really helps improve your posture which can make such a huge difference to your appearance, you can look slimmer & taller just by improving your posture. :flower:
Hi Girls,

How are you doing on your stomach toning?? Bikini time is coming so that stomach is going to have to be flat and toned!!

Who wants to share exercises, advice, encouragement etc.

Let's burn off that flab!

I just started to do some stomach toning..

first thing is I eat a lot of carbs like white rice and that makes my belly expand. I eat it still, but in smaller quantities.

next my exercise I do a lot of crunches for em and I have been doing pilates workouts that are targeted to the stomach....actually, I'm doing full body toning...working every part of my body...cardio, then weights, then machines, then swim is my routine on a daily workout night at the gym.

Still, I dont know what else to do about my ponch tummy...I guess I need to give it time. :blush:
i got that same target and ive been doing crunches.
ive done it for bitonger than a month and i got definition already... so im hoping to get more definition in another month...
.. the outskirts of a six pack would be perfect :woot: (right now its a 2 pack :lol: )
same goal here too. I have been doing various ab exercises, walking eating less carbs, healthy foods. Will report back with results.
If you have spare fat on your stomach then crunches can make the problem should lose weight and then put on muscle as the two things often aren't compatible...
No, Prince; you should build muscle first! Building muscle takes energy and nutrition. Once the muscles are there they will use up calories, even while resting. Muscles take up less space than fat and burn calories.
From experience, I'd have to agree with prince of cats, as building Muscle first will in the short term, make you look fatter as it will push out the flab in your belly.
On the other hand, Tott is right. Doing crunches will burn the fat in this region anyway, if you do crunches before breakfast, you burn the fat and build the muscle. Two birds, one stone.
Yes, building muscle WILL push out the flab if you have any... You also can't burn fat in certain regions no matter how much you'd like to. You can tone your body, not burn fat in specific regions.

You need to slim down in general to have a slim waist.
Originally posted by leyla m.@Apr 27th, 2004 - 5:00 pm
i got that same target and ive been doing crunches.
ive done it for bitonger than a month and i got definition already... so im hoping to get more definition in another month...
.. the outskirts of a six pack would be perfect :woot: (right now its a 2 pack :lol: )
I hate you.

(except not really.)
Originally posted by ahhGucci@Apr 28th, 2004 - 4:01 pm
From experience, I'd have to agree with prince of cats, as building Muscle first will in the short term, make you look fatter as it will push out the flab in your belly.
I agree, it's discouraging, everytime I start to work out alot I gain inches on my waist. I think now I'm going to do it the right way though, start with the muscle, and not get discouraged, then work on the extra fat. What I've done diet wise is totally cut out potatoes and cola, those were about the only fattening things I had regularly so it made sense.

Good luck you guys. :flower:
I am not a medical doctor yadda yadda yadda.

When you first begin to workout, it will seem like you are gaining inches because of all the water your muscles retain. It will gradually go away. Eating fewer high glycemic carbs will help you lose that little annoying pooch that rides just below the belly-button. Complex carbs are the ones you want to keep- stay away from starchy foods like rice, pasta, white bread, potatos, etc. The only way you can get rid of fat is to burn more than what you take in. You can do this by lowering your overall calorie count and including more activity in your lifestyle.

Crunches are excellent to tone, but make sure you are using your abs to raise your head and shouldes off the floor; otherwise, you are just wasting your time. Doing 20 slow and controlled crunches are better than 300 quick ones. Remember, it's quality, not quantity. :P You also can't spot reduce. Sorry, but only cardio burns fat.

You should also work the muscles in your lower back as well as everything else. Your body is really a machine- each part relies on another to function.

Also, the best way to do this is long-term. Rushing these things only leads to fatigue and injury. Creating good habits takes time, and while short-cuts seem most convenient at the time, they will not help you in the long run.

Whew. I just wrote a book. Sorry about that. :flower:

Edited- Whoa. I need sleep. Please excuse the abuse of grammar and spelling! :shock:
Hi All,

Thanks for replies.

Anyone like to do a "crunch diary"...we just say how many crunches we will do each day and post back from time to time to make sure we are doing them. If you fail to do them one day you have to add them on to the next - plus a few extra as a "punishment" for being lazy!

I shall start by saying that I will do 100 crunches and 50 leg lifts each day.

This is a good way to keep up motivation.

What have you all found to be the best exercises to get rid of the dreaded "pooch"?
More running, less eating will get rid of the 'pooch'...

However if you want muscle then the raised legs cruch, the reverse crunch and the standard crunch with a gym-ball work well. Cable crunch will give you definition but that's probably more for men than women...

Best for getting rid of "pooch" are where you lift and lower legs straight and together. Allso hold legs straight out, 6 ins off floor, and do little scissors right foot over left, left over right, then move feet up and down like you are walking.

Just do it until it burns, then keep going!!

The pain is worth it!
Hi All,
Just wondering how many stomach crunches you can do before you have to give in to the "burn" and take a rest.
A few hundred I would imagine...plain stomach crunches are pretty dull though - try doing crunches hanging from an olympic bar...
I have done :neutral:, My knees :o Owww....
It gets boring, the main thing to do is not keep going untill my body can't take it, but to keep going untill I just get fed up and do something else. 1000 would take ages, Maybe if someone else counted :)

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