I apologize for making such a stupid, ridiculous thread. Seems like anything that suggestively diminishes Kate Moss' superiority gets absolutely ridiculed. I never meant to question Kate Moss' style and choice of clothes, I never said MK&A were even in the same league...
I was merely interested in the number of people who preferred one over the other, because it seemed to me MK&A
style popularity had grown dramatically over the past year, therefore I was
curious as to how many people
here on tFS preferred MK&A's style to Kate's, or vice versa.
I am not stupid, I know that MK&A are teenagers and Kate is a woman, she has had her experiences in the fashion industry like no other person. Yet that doesn't mean that other people can't like MK&A's style more than hers. I respect Kate and I like her style (I have like a million candids of her on my comp.) but guys, please don't take everything so incredibly offensively! Same with the Victoria copied Kate, Sienna copied Kate, Nicole Richie copied Kate, everyone copied Kate thing..
I understand how easy it is to love someone like Kate Moss who is the ultimate trend-setter in England.
Yet, I think in the US, more people look up to MK&A as "the trendsetters", at least that is my impression on the amounts of MK&A lookalikes all over lj.
That is why I created this thread. It seemed to me these celebrities seemed to be the trendsetters for a lot of things.
And now could I kindly ask the moderators to close this thread, since I cannot help feeling slightly belittled and offended at some of these comments, especially since I never even
intended to start a fight or an argument.