Style battle: Mary Kate, Ashley or Kate Moss?

kate!!!kate!!! she has been in the fashion industry for years, she knows about fashion, how to wear it and how to create her own unique style
Have to go with Ashley Olsen. She does it so easily, simple and classy. You just cant help but wonder how she does it so well? Totally agree that Kate is flawless when it comes to style, but theres just something about Ashley.
kate moss! without her ash (and mk) wouldn't have the style they are having now!
I just can´t be familiar with the style of mary-kate or ashley
i love all three but i guess i'd go for 1 - MK, 2 - Kate, 3 - Ash. But only ordered coz i have to - theyre all really fabulous and have different ways of dressing so i dont think you can compare them
yeah i don't see where the contest is either...kate is in a completely different league. but anyway, i like ashley better than MK. although MK is more daring, i don't feel like she's able to pull off what she wears...looks pretty ridiculous most of the time IMO...ashley is better at knowing what works for her :)
I don't think this is a good comparision. It seems as though MK is still in the porcess of finding her identity. Whereas Kate's is more defined..I'm a fan of both but this is just an opinion!
I think mary kate is too caught up in being so unique and fashion forward that it looks a bit ridiculous and contrived, like wearing a fur hat or coat in 80 degree weather or evening wear during the day and day wear during the evening...seriously misguided. Also, I thought the rock star lifestyle preceded the image and not vice versa, so her talk of "i'm into the rock star look" is sort of funny and laughable
kate moss without a doubt, she exudes style and is a leader not a follower. MK & Ashley are always trying to invent a style for themselves, but end up looking like 13 yrs old playing dress up. Maybe in a few yrs when Ashley (more of a natural fashionista than her sister) gets comfortable with few looks of her own, for now thou they can't compete with the master.
Defintely Kate. I think she's the most original. Ashley is great, too. But she's kind of hit and miss for me (mostly hit, though) As for Mary-Kate...her style has really gone downhill for me lately.
Ashley > MK > Kate... but I still adore Kate's style! All of them... I can't really choose.
kate moss' style got boring in the last couple of years...
ash has an amazing style!

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