Style battle: Mary Kate, Ashley or Kate Moss?

Not sure if I could pick btwn the 3. I love Kate's carefree, yet sophisticated style. Adore Ashley's classy look. Am obssesed with Mary Kate's thrown together, hippie, gypsy look. I think MK & A draw inspiration from Kate (as do Nicole and Lindsay)..she is definitely the original, the style icon to be copied if you're going to copy anyone. Imitation is the best form of flattery. I also do love Nicole and Lindsay's though. All 5 of them have killer style.
Absoloutly KATE MOSS!That is not even a question!
Very bizzare thread topic!
Kate came before the olsen twins and she was rocking some amazing styles while they were still in dipers!And Kate Moss is a fashion icon recognized by fashion industry cant say the same for the twins!But they are cute!
I think they all have nice styles... I used to think MK and Ashley had stylists (do they?) because sometimes they look a little made-up and unnatural, as if they are in a film playing a role of Marlene Dietrich or something like that. This applies especially to Mary-kate with her dark makeup and hair.
Ashley's style is less over-the-top than hers--I think she looks nice with the short hair and tanned skin.
The thing with Kate is, she is a model, so of course clothes will always look good on her (she has good proportions, she's tall, etc.) and the clothing seems to really suit her rather than make her look like she's being trendy/fashionable.

BUT I do think seeing what MK wears is fun ^^
She's like a little girl in baggy clothes and curtains and giant bangles.
i'm going to go with kate moss because although i dont love every single outfit she wears she never looks bad in anything and pulls of the chic and glamorous dressy looks and the polished but trendy casual looks well, i didnt even like the boho look but i understood it and she did it better than sienna miller i think, i like some of the olsens looks as well though and they can look sophisticated at times but not as flawlessly as kate although i do give them big props for great hair and makeup which look better than most of their other starlet peers they have an eye for modern romantic beauty looks
Kate Moss by a landslide. But I think the best dressed model is Lily Donaldson.
Eeek I cant choose. I love all 3. I would have to go with a draw...MK & Kate<3
yeah that's hard, those three are my favourites, but if i have to choose i'll pick mk (she's the most creative person on earth)..
i'v always loved ashley a lil bit more but MK is definitely the style icon..
To me there isn't a battle.Style is not just about WHAT you wear,it's about HOW you wear it.And Kate moss(together with sienna miller) beats everyone.Definitely.
Why were those dreaded Olsen twins chosen to run up against Kate Moss? Seriously, what have these two girls done over the last 5 or 10 years that constitute them as fashion icons? I don't get the obsession with these little girls on this particular website.

Kate Moss wins this hands down. I'm not a fan of Ms. Moss personally but I find her fashion choices to be inspiring. I have to admit that I enjoy her personal style.
I can't really tell the difference between the 3 of them, they all dress rather sloppy and homely.
MK is dressing like CRAP, her style is awful. I can't believe I liked her like 2 years ago, she was gorgeous back then.
Ashley Olsen has good style but she's soo put together/stylist/wannabe. I just don't see it.
Kate is OVERRATED or at least right now, she is a style icon that's for sure but her recent outfits aren't that good but she's is still great.

KATE MOSS for sure.

Though I'll prefer Sofia Coppola, Kirsten Dunst, Audrey Tautou any day.
^ OMG i forgot kirsten before!So:sienna,kate and kirsten.THEY are such a style inspiration!
kate all the way...
i like the boho on one of the twins (i don't know which one is which :p)
but kate's an ultimate icon...
I think Kate is more stylish, still...I love Mary-Kate's style as well...!

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