The 4-5 piece French wardrobe #6

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I've got t-shirts from COS that I've bought years ago and still look like new. I also have some American Apperal shirts that are very nice. But I've also had some of them ripping their seems within the first week, so the fabric is great but the lining not so much.

Thank you! I actually had a l/s tee with stripes form COS, that I wore a lot - the quality was great for the price. I still wear it, just a loungwear now.

American Apparel I think I will stay away from. I have heard some really bad things about how they treat their workers.

I have found some basic tanktops from Samsøe Samsøe that I like very much, so I think I will buy one in black and white when I get next months salary. T-shirts can wait for fall, if I still find that I need them (I do have the peplum tees frem Nelly, although the white one has gotten that hole -.-). It is almost too hot in Denmark right now to wear anything but tops without sleeves.
Went to Copenhagen yesterday and tried on that Samsøe Samsøe top. I really liked it - the fit was perfect, so I bought one in black and in white. Felt best about going for a brand that I know and have good experiences with.

I really hope they will live up to my expectations. In that case I am thinking of getting it as a l/s tee in grey as well (I have one on my AW list) - and perhaps tees as well, if it turns out that the peplum tees are just bad quality.

I don't think (hope..) I will do a lot of shopping before I go to Berlin. The only thing I am considering getting is a light weight scarf. The only scarf I have ATM that i like is my BOSS houndstooth scarf, and it is way too warm ATM, but at the same time I do feel like wearing a scarf some days, like yesterday, that was cold and windy. I think this one would be good since most of my wardrobe concists of solids.


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I really like the hem detail on the tank. I agree that a light weight scarf is practical in the summer. Despite the hot weather we have now, I still find the need for a scarf most days. My silk/wool grey scarf has been a very good purchase;)
I really like the hem detail on the tank. I agree that a light weight scarf is practical in the summer. Despite the hot weather we have now, I still find the need for a scarf most days. My silk/wool grey scarf has been a very good purchase;)

I really like the raw edge as well! Nice detail.

I could imagine that! Yesterday was so windy and today it has just been cold, so a scarf would be nice. I just can't decide wether to wait for the sales. I do not think I have the guts to do it, since I imagine that it will be hard to find something else that I like.
Hello ladies! I am such a sporadic poster in this thread, it is embarassing! I read it all the time, but I never take the time to write a post, I really should drop by more often. I see you are all making good progress with your wardrobes, so good to hear you've made some amazing purchases. I especially love the scuba dress Jinadaze posted and Betina's tank also looks lovely. :flower:

Personally, I've been going through a bit of a rut. My boyfriend recently told me he really dislikes the way I've started dressing. I had to change my medication and I've gained a lot of weight, so I subconsciously started covering myself up ... All I wear these days is long tops with jeans (jeans! Me! Back in the day I only wore skirts). So not only am I feeling quite bad about my appearance, I've also lost the will to try and look good - I feel like I can't, because of the extra pounds. Well, I've set around moping for long enough, so today I actually worked out a bit (shock! horror!), and even put together a playlist of yoga and workouts to do on a daily basis. I had a good rummage through my wardrobe and it really became obvious my boyfriend was right. I'm so self conscious I don't even want to wear sleeveless shirts, not even sandals because I don't like my ankles ... I know I could stand to lose a bit of weight, but I really need to work on my attitude. This negativity is really bringing me down! Rant over, I'll continue with fashion-y things. :P

As far as my wardrobe goes ... I'm actually quite happy with it! I have a few pieces I really love, like a faux leather pencil skirt, my oversized denim jacket, a pink bouclé jacket, my olive green parka (can you sense a jacket obsession?) as well as this cute dress I recently got from Promod - it's dropwaist, which I've always steered clear of, but it actually looks good. Problem is, I don't have anything for summer - I don't even own a bathing suit/bikini at the moment. Nor sandals, or anything to wear when it's extremely hot ... Here is a little list of things I'd like to get soon.

  • One-piece swimsuit. Because I'd feel more comfortable in it, and I also really like the look.
  • A bikini. I think I'm good with 2 swimwear items. Maybe I'll get two bikinis to mix and match if I get a good price.
  • Summer sandals, flat. I don't have one pair I can use, all of mine are worn out.
  • A pair of wedges.
  • Tortoiseshell sunglasses. I am in love with Karen Walker models, but they're completely out of my budget ATM.
  • Summer clothing?! I have no idea what to get, honestly. I really like kimono jackets, so that is an option. A silky camisole would also be nice, as well as a floral dress. I'm trying to get back into wearing dresses.

I've purchased one item to cross off this list though - a black maxi dress. I got one from ASOS, their Premium collection and it was reduced from 115€ to 40€. I think it's gorgeous and it was such a good deal. I think it's still quite sexy despite being a maxi - it has a slit down the side. In the front, it has a ruffled V-neckline. And the back is just gorgeous ... I got it in the black colour.


As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts, recommendations and suggestions for pieces I should get. I am on a budget though and a bigger size. Glad to be posting here again! ^_^
Apparently I had the same though as betinapple, because today I bought a summer scarf as well. In the fall/winter/early spring I almost always wear a scarf (at least outside), but now the summer has left us for a few days I missed a scarf that wouldn't be too warm (like my wool Marc by Marc Jacobs scarf I wear usually). So today I bought a two tone (grey and navy) scarf with frayed edges that goes with pretty much everything I own. All my outfits have either grey or navy as a neutral so it will work great I think.


I spotted two great options for summer shoes. White perforated leather slip-ons, or the Addidas Sam Smiths' with mint green accent. I'm not sure which one I will get. Maybe both, since I need a new pair of summer shoes and a replacement for my current slip-ons which are pretty worn out after 5 years. :innocent:
@Juliette: so nice to see you back - I will give you a little nudge once in a while ;)

I really do like that dress, the cut is so cute! I think you are perfectly right in regards of attitude - and you look gorgeous, you just have to show it :) If course you should not cover yourself up because of whatever your weight is, but remember to dress in a manner that you like, not just what your boyfriend likes. Mine think that I dress somewhat conservative, but truth is I just would not feel comfortable in some of the things he likes - like low waisted jeans.

you are really pushing me towards "buy" regarding that scarf. I just feel that the summer sales are getting so close - but at the same time I am afraid that the scarf I am looking for will sell out.

I really love the one you've gotten - and good thinking in regards of the colour. As for the shoes, I think that the slipons sounds divine!


Besides from the scarf I am eyeing a spaghetti strap dress with handembroided beads on the top. I is also avaible as a cami. I am so in love with this thing, and I think I will have to get it at some point, but I am not sure which one to get; the dress or the top? I definetely want the one that will be most versatile.
^ I'd think the top would be more versatile, as you could combine with anything? I like the scarf ... although in my climate I am puzzled by the idea of a summer scarf ;)
^ I'd think the top would be more versatile, as you could combine with anything? I like the scarf ... although in my climate I am puzzled by the idea of a summer scarf ;)

I was thinking that too. And I am wearing jeans quite a lot these days. But at the same time, generally I mostly wear dresses, and since it is a cami I would not have much use for it when it is cold (which is most of the time). A dress I could layer with a sweater during the winter. - I can do that with a top too, but it would not make much sence, since noone would see the top then.

- and welcome to Northern Europe ;) yesterday I wore tights, ancle boots, a dress and my Noa Noa coat, and I was freezing! The wind was so cold.
^ Yesterday I wore a cap-sleeve tee ... and was cold in the blast of A/C at work ;)

If you layer with a cardigan, you can see it, right? That's what I do ...
Fewormany: I love the scarf! I have a weak spot for "eyelash" scarfs with differently colored sides:wub:

Juliette: Welcome back!:flower: I stop by your blog sometimes to see how you are:) It must be tough to have your boyfriend doesn't love your style, especially when combined with body insecurities:( I can't really give any better advice than what Betina said though.
The damson/maroon porselli's are from the next fall collection of APC. So I will buy them after the summer. I still think about them every day haha. After searching so long for the perfect sweaters, I saw Massimo Dutti. I want this sweater now: SWEATER&colorId=401


COS scarf The two-toned scarf looks very good. The site says that it's 100% cotton. I'm also a navy and grey lover so I was wondering, is the quality of the scarf good?

My next purchases will hopefully be: porselli's, navy jumper hopefully a maroon one too, leather jacket. And I've recently bought two silk blouses.
COS scarf The two-toned scarf looks very good. The site says that it's 100% cotton. I'm also a navy and grey lover so I was wondering, is the quality of the scarf good?

COS always has a good price/quality ratio if you ask me. I really like the fabric, it's thin without looking or feeling cheap.
@Juliette, I LOVE your dress, great find!!
I totally feel your predicament re. body changing shape. It's not a matter of better or worse, it's just that we have to find new styles that suit our new body, and that takes time, investment, careful thought, and the knowledge that you look just as gorgeous as before! :)It sounds like you're on the right track though!

I also gained a few curves in the past two years, which actually looks even better than before when I'm wearing a bikini :ninja: but difficult in clothes. I don't feel at all comfortable feeling"sexually exposed" in daily life (though why a woman's curves have to be automatically sexual is another story), so I ended up subconsciously going the other extreme and covering myself up in swathes of black (for many other practical and style-oriented reasons too, like travel and work and busy-ness). In order to look neither too nun-like/matronly nor bursting out Kim-Kardashian style in my new figure, it takes extra careful re-calibration as to how much of which parts to expose and cover, how fitting garments should be and in what colour, etc.

Yesterday I made some progress on my list:

Wolford wide fishnets, absolutely gorgeous. (more fragile than I would have liked...hmm...still looking for the perfect, durable, wide-net fishnets...)

Happened to come across a dusty-pink flowy maxi skirt with lovely grey fern print, so I got that. It goes with most of my wardrobe.

I destroyed three white tees by washing them foolishly with a batik dress in a hurry...:ninja: so I have to go and get new white tees.

I still need new shoes, midi dress, and feminine tops.

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@Ta-ta: yesterday at work I wore jeans, ancle booties, a tanktop and a bouclé jakcet - I could really have needed a scarf, since there was a cold draft :lol:

Regarding the dress/top thing, I wear sweaters more than cardigans - it is both and aesthetics thing, but also since I will freeze my chest, when wearing a cardigan and a low cut top. I ended up with the dress btw. As a friend of mine pointed out, the dress probably would be more wearable for my style in particular. Also I thought that the cut/lenght of the top might not be that flattering - and if I regret my decession, the dress can be transformed into a top - might be a little harder the other way around ;)


Today I am really feeling the perks of having a wardrobe where everything goes well together. I left early this morning to hand in my exam project with my group, and was wearing jeans, a tee, slipons and a leather jacket. I am going to a family dinner tonight with my in-laws, and I felt so worn-out looking. Changed the leather jacket and the slipons for a bouclé jacket, a pair of pumps and a (new :innocent:) bag, and instantly felt better. I did not even have to freshen my hair or makeup.
^I think scarves are such a nice way to add interest, and there is nothing wrong with having a lot of them if you ask me;) I have quite a lot of scarves myself. I have small silk scarves in all my main accent colors - rust, green, burgundy - and they are great for wearing attached to my handbag or on their own. They can really pull an outfit together:) I also have ballet flats in all of these colors, so I even if I wear all greys, I can easily make an outfit by having shoes and a scarf that go well together:)

I am in a marked for a new green silk scarf though. My last one just vanished one day when I was running errands:( It was a favorite of mine, because it was a olive green with rust spots, and I think I got it at a charity shop for a 10 NOK(=1GBP).

Betina: I also find that most of my things go together now! The benefit of spending so much time planning everything;) Although it is not difficult for me in the SS season because I only have one silhouette that I accessorize - cropped jeans with a crew neck sweater. I think I am far away from feeling this about my FW-wardrobe:wacko:


I have bought another trip to London later this year and I am so exited:woot: I don't think I will have another shopping-binge though. When I was there last I had 1 million items on my wishlist, but I feel like my wardrobe is much more complete now. I will try to hunt down a pair of black Porselli flats, but I doubt I will be able to find another pair half of...:( Apart from that, the only thing I feel is missing is a black skirt. It would go great with my sweaters when the sun is out, but still not very hot.

However, I am apparently I am really picky (anyone shocked? I am not:P) when it comes to skirts. I couldn't find a single skirt in my town that even came close to what I wanted! It needs to be short enough (because I am short...), and I want it to be slightly flared, but not a full on skater skirt, I don't want a high rise, it can't be synthetic or some other none-summery material, and it can't be too expensive. Oh a girl can dream:D

I will post about what I have bought this spring in a later post. I have been so preoccupied with my studies I can't really remember what I bought. I know I bought a lot of Uniqlo crew necks, but the rest is a bit fussy in my brain.
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Eizhowa. Did you buy this IM jacket? I think that I have found my new favourite parisian stylish blogger. She has so many pretty and classic items
Clothing compatibility It's a great feeling that you know that you can pretty much pull out anything in your wardrobe and know that at least 80% goes with it.

It's finally decent weather here so my scarf doesn't get much action (which I don't mind). I did some shopping last week two additions to my summer wardrobe are Stan Smiths (see picture below) and beige shorts with elephant print (yes, I said elephant print). My love for nature inspired prints doesn't stop at plants :innocent:.
Plus someone has to balance out all the ' classic parisian' style. :wink::lol:

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