So as nerdy as this sounds, does an 80,000 word fanfiction count?
It is your challenge, I guess you can count any book you want
We have book sale beginning of the year and I bought way too many books, so I decided to try finish books which I have read only chapter or two before starting new. Somehow new books look much interesting though. Well, soon.
The hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: Hogwarts for Muggles by Gregory Bassham, Gregory Bassham
I bought this book earlier when I was bored with Potters. Somehow I always end up read them from the first one and because I have read it so many times, my readings stop somewhere middle of book. Well, anything would be better than this actually. I have to read this along side Harry Potter Film Wizardy that I would even remember why I love Potter. I really didn't care philosphical essays, the most of them didn't seem to have any point at all.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Someone said earlier that she loved book, well, I didn't that much. I guess this from Rory's bookclub list (Gilmore Girls!
) I really wish I would love this, plot line was interesting and I picked the nicest cover of book (bubblegum girl) and still. Maybe I try to read it later again, maybe I expected way too much from this.
Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery
I loved Anne when I was younger so I tried this too even if she writes poems (it was reason why I didn't read this back then). Well, she wasn't same girl and when I read reviews about second and third books, I guess this going to be very different. But even if I don't like her (much) I like Montgomery's writing very much.