The Business of Magazines

Data from december 2019 but including printed and digital copies:
Amica 115 676
Glamour 57 125
Cosmopolitan 52 578
Marie Claire 48 659
Vogue Italia 26 846
Thank you!
Wow so Elle is not even included, wondering if they gonna keep the weekly edition...
I'm sure the quarterly magazines would sell more than Vogue even if they combine months.
How Farneti still has a job is beyond me! Makes me wonder how much they charge for advertising, can't be much is the reach is that low.

Italian print industry may give the illusion of a solid model with their weekly issues and high page count, but the stats are terrible.
Shocked at how low the figures are, but in a way, happy to see Vogue Italia is underperforming, because the Farneti person is doing a really bad job and a change (either in the approach or the person who's leading the magazine) is needed!
I tried buying the magazine for a few months this year, but ever since the children drawings issue it has been hopeless.
Vogue Poland just announced on Instagram that it will cut frequency from eleven issues to nine as we head in to 2021 - but the post has quickly been removed.

*Edit* post has been uploaded:

I think Vogue US will cut frequency from 12 issues to 10 just like Paris.

And Itália will cut to 9 too.
I'm doubtful about American and British Vogue cutting their frequency, but wouldn't be surprised if more editions of Vogue from the European market follow suit with a cut frequency. We already knew of Vogue Germany before the Poland announcement.
I mean it does make sense if you consider how ridiculously thin the January or June issues have gotten (I'm looking at you Vogue US). If the reduced frequency would mean more memorable content, yes please.
Vogue UK Beyonce has a yellow £2 sticker on it in my local supermarket
I forgot Vogue Poland even existed. I thought this was some joke lol
She did her time. Lately Vogue China was a bit a miss. Let's hope that Daniela will be out and will continue her insipid work at a insipid other vogue (ahem Singapore)
It was about three or four years ago that print magazines - mainly American ones - were trying to rebrand themselves as ‘a little bit of luxury’ by reformatting their size and increasing their prices – like they were trying to put the purchase of a print magazine on the same level as buying a fancy lipstick.

But they didn’t put any effort whatsoever into making these issues something worth getting and treasuring – the photography was forgettable, the art design ever-more abysmal, and decent articles stopped being part of the picture entirely. All they did was increase the size of the magazine.

And now the proposal is to decrease the frequency of publication.

Until magazines start improving the quality of the content, the death spiral of the printed product will continue, and once that goes, all you’ve got left is a ghost of the logo.
Exciting news! I wonder which man will take over as EIC of Vogue China. Maybe Peter Wong? He’s been doing such a good job over at Vogue Hong Kong.

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