The Model Agency (Channel 4)

I don't think people compare her behavior to an adult, they compare her behavior to her peers.. the other models. And she isn't totally brand new, the agents commented that her attitude has stunk continuously and repetitively whenever she visits them.

Overall I don't think it was necessarily fair to highlight her behavior in the show like they did, but it is what it is.
Just to get a few things in perspective.

Firstly she is not a child. I don't remember anyone stating she was acting like one either. She is working and old enough to know better. There were no other models throughout this show shown acting like Darya did.
I am sure there are other 17 year olds working right now, in all professions, who would show their employers a lot more respect and if they didn't they would likely not be working there much longer. On the flip side she did appear to be personable to the clients involved.

I agree it is admirable of her to realise her faults and apologise, but do you think this would have happened, had Aiden not berated her as he did?
Surely she realised that she had overstepped the mark, for someone to take her to task the way he did.

Also is no-one here allowed to comment on someone's unreasonable behaviour? On the particular episode Darya's attitude was highlighted and their is a thread here about the show, this is a forum, and people are gonna comment. This might actually help her career, although IMO I doubt it, and I actually am allowed to have that opinion.

Thank you from the bottom of my stupid heart, Cold Sun, I'm always happy to see people can express such a detailed point in such a nice way ;)

Then I didn't mean people shouldn't express their own point in all freedom of speech in forums, just think this article reduces it to a certain idea that isn't true at all and this is trouble for me... what you or other say in forums is great and feeding great discussions most of times so I'm all for it, just thought the article in question was purely bashing Darya for wrong reasons.

But then, I much prefer a moody difficult model that TRULY has talent no matter how difficult she is and how old she is. It's also my opinion and think this part plays a role in success, plays a part in separating dull nice girls from really talented ones that will cause problems first but will become stars (real ones for once, not seasonal sensations I don't care about...). It's my point and to some extent it's totally subjective. But what I didn't like at all is the way this article presented things as if Darya is bad or a poor little thing lost in the middle of nowhere while there were some people up to say she is a great model first of all with a REAL personality (like Kate for instance) and this went to oblivion... as in every bloody stupid tabloid.

If you want real talent you should be ready for it, not hide behind stupid ready made perception of professionality. If I were paying attention to the latter I would work in banks or wherever logics are main criterias but not in fashion. And I'll never let such criterias be the main ones in an artistic domain as fashion is in my eyes.
I don't think people compare her behavior to an adult, they compare her behavior to her peers.. the other models.

Totally agree with this. And that's why I felt it was important to comment. How many are as talented as she is? They might be her peers in 'status' right now but that is just from a very industrial point of view. And best models are always popping up from 'out of the usual mold'.
I saw episodes 4, 6, 7 the other day and while it's quite fascinating, I wish they didn't leave so much things hanging. What exactly happened between Carole and Naomi? (No, really, what did happen?) What exactly happened with Leomi's agency hunting in Paris?

Another thing that bothered me, even though, I sort of understood the reason behind it, but just hearing some of the comments made to models. For example when that scouting guy is talking to India #2 and sort of brings up that whole story about his mom getting a breast reduction. He's obviously saying she needs it without coming out and saying it. Just the way he phrased it was so strange.

Yet another thing, not sure if it's because here in the US we have a minimum drinking age, but when they let Leomi have wine at Dinner/Lunch in Paris, when she's only what 16, 17?

And it really made me realize that as fun as it seems to work at an agency, discover/booking/developing models, I really wouldn't have the heart to tell a 16 year old her career will not be going anywhere. :(
^There's no drinking age in France.

Yeah, I also want to know more about the Carole vs Naomi thing.
I'm sorry, I totally did not make much sense with that sentence. I understand there's no minimum drinking age in France and that what they were doing wasn't illegal. It just made me feel uncomfortable, probably because I'm so used to having a minimum drinking age, that they had this teenage girl by herself out there and had wine with her.
^ Here in England you're allowed to drink with a meal once you're 16, it's pretty normal to have wine with a meal, it's not like she's being taken to a bar or something.
The wine with dinner thing was hardly a blip on my radar... I live in the US and am a parent and I treat wine w/ meals pretty much like any other beverage... my daughter is 13 and a small glass of champagne at NY or glass of wine w/ a holiday meal just isn't a big deal... anyhow back on topic...

I wish they were continuing the series!!! Or there was more resolution...

I'd really like to know more about how Leomie's Paris agency hunt as well... It'd also be interesting to follow for a bit after fashionweek(s) - see what editorials, campaigns, etc come of it...

And all of this yammering on about Darya - I actually found India's response and attitude far more insulting and immature than Darya's... Darya was angry and surly but India just seemed to not give a toss - much larger smack in the face if you ask me...

And before anyone gets started... I get the reasons, excuses, circumstances of both girls - I'm not defending or bashing either... I hope they both get what they want in life... and that someone figures out how to clone Leomie's attitude!!! :)
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I really enjoyed episode seven although I wonder what happened between Carol and Naomi Campbell? They seemed to have an incredibly close relationship but we've all heard rumors about how Naomi treated some of her minders.

Does anyone have an ID for the fifteen-year-old red haired girl from Russia who Cissy met in Milan? She was absolutely beautiful and eerily reminiscent of a young Natalia Vodianova. Can't believe that she didn't have any representation from what they showed. Hope that India Farrell and Leomie continue to do well. Leomie's attitude was really impressive and she's been in Dazed & Confused, Marie Claire and Emmanuel Ungaro's Pre-Fall 2011 lookbook since the show finished recording.

I don't know if this is notable, but India-Madeline is no longer on Premier's website. Poor Darya. Hope this doesn't impact to badly upon her career!
Well Premier has now scored their biggest current client - Snejana Onopka. :) Yepp, according to their blog, they are now representing her.

Will there be a season two of this show? If so, wonder if Snejana will be featured.
Here's an interesting review of the show by a model and it refers to other, less positive reviews -- it seems that those outside the industry were a bit shocked by some of it.

While taking new Polaroids, my booker turned to me and asked: “Have you heard about this reality show that BBC 4 is doing with Premier? It’s baa-a-a-d. Everyone here was shocked.” 0diggsdigg Intrigued, and hoping to find something hateful about Premier (they rejected me two years ago), I went back to my flat to watch it. But, unlike my booker, I didn’t find it that shocking.
Yes, the Premier bookers seem more dramatic and less mature than most I’ve worked with, talking **** about their own models as well as each other. But the show itself didn’t convey anything shocking about their fraught job. In fact, Premier isn’t doing anything differently from any of the agencies I’ve encountered. Generally, the show does shed light on a bunch of prevailing but typically misconstrued ideas about the industry. For example, how some models make lots of money, while others work for no pay. Or how ****ed up the weight issue can be; one client asks a booker to cast only girls with 31” hips—my jaw dropped at this—and weight, since either being too big or too small is constantly an issue. Or how nearly impossible it is to become a supermodel, even if you have a team of people behind you trying to make it happen. But all this is more or less common knowledge. The only thing that people might find shocking is the fickle, sometimes fraught relationship between model and booker.
I like Darya, she is very sure of herself. Btw, I wish they continue this series.
The exposure had an up side too... thanks to the show they signed one of this seasons Prada exclusives!

NEW model Karl Morrall's last two weeks have been the stuff of every model agent's dreams: two weeks ago the 21-year-old Liverpudlian worked in Morrisons supermarket, and this week he took to the Prada catwalk. Morrall saw Premier's offices on the Channel 4 series The Model Agency and decided to pop in whilst on a visit to London...
Ooh, I wish I would be able to see episode 1, 2, 6 and 7. I can't find them on YouTube and I'm not based in Britain so can't see the program on channel 4.
Ooh, I wish I would be able to see episode 1, 2, 6 and 7. I can't find them on YouTube and I'm not based in Britain so can't see the program on channel 4.

Wow thread bump!
I actually watched one the clips today.

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