Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes

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Anastasia said:
I think I remember something about when they divorced, and Nicole miscarried, that she had dna proof that the baby was his, in case he wanted to claim infidelity. But who knows.

The other "can't" rumors I've heard seem to go hand in hand with the gay rumors. Personally, I've never thought he was homosexual, but I don't think he's heterosexual either. I think he's either asexual or TomCruisesexual and can't accept it and doesn't think the world will give him the praise and worship he's so obviously desperate for if he's more private, or himself. He tries harder to make people think he's a virile stud more than any other person I can think of. Methinks he doth protest too much.

I think he's probably bisexual, but most importantly narcissistic to the point of insanity. I have heard that his first wife spoke of how Tom wanted to "keep his instrument clean", ie not have sex with her. It's hard to believe someone who was not suffering from feelings of guilt surrounding their sexuality would say that unless they were gay, in which case it would be a bad excuse. But that's still not proof of homosexuality, some men seem to think they're "violators" when they have sex with women, which could lead to guilt. But then of course, there are those stories of some male p*rn star (red riding hood, or something like that). Of course, the Oprah session certainly lead to questions as to his mental health - ADHD, manic (with no depression, which is pretty rare), constantly high (which somehow seems wildly unlikely) or an obsessive-compulsive narcissist? Or could it all be blamed by the Stockholm syndrome (where the scientologists would be the opressors, keeping Tom captive by knowledge of his deeds)?

He is a pretty good actor sometimes, even though I like it best when he takes on roles which have absolutely nothing to do with what he wants to appear like to the public, i.e. sinister roles like the ones in Collateral and Interview with a vampire. In his other recent roles he's just overdoing it.
from just jared:

Here's a quick rundown on what Tom Cruise revealed to Diane Sawyer on Primetime last night --
  • Katie Holmes is a Scientolgist -- "No. I mean, you can be Catholic and be a Scientologist. You can be Jewish and be a Scientologist. But we're just Scientologists. Katie, too."
  • Tom loves Katie's tongue -- "Her smile drives me crazy in a good way. She has this thing that she does with her tongue when she smiles. When she's really laughing when her tongue sticks out … and it's the cutest thing. But when we're riding motorcycles, I tell her look, please don't stick your tongue out. If we hit a bump or anything I get a little bit nervous."
  • Tom wants Katie to be his wife ASAP -- "We were just talking about it last night. She has this beautiful belly, this glowing woman... We were walking up to bed, and I just, I can't wait till we get married. I can't wait till I can call and say, 'Hey, you know, put my wife on the phone.' "
  • TomKat's baby will not have a Catholic baptism even though Katie was raised Catholic
OMG, can this be anymore....BS??? First it was funny, then annoying, then unbelievable, then just down right scary. I feel like I'm watching a scary movie. I mean it! No one is gonna believe that horror!! OMG, I wouldn't be surprised if their "love story" will end up on dateline 10 years later: The Biggest Psycho Crime that shocked Hollywood....
notice how he's finally given up on calling her Kate and now refers to her as Katie.
^He kept calling her "Kate" in the Primetime interview... but Diane kept firming calling her "Katie"... It was kinda funny actually.
Brazilian Girl said:
from just jared:

Here's a quick rundown on what Tom Cruise revealed to Diane Sawyer on Primetime last night --

  • Katie Holmes is a Scientolgist -- "No. I mean, you can be Catholic and be a Scientologist. You can be Jewish and be a Scientologist. But we're just Scientologists. Katie, too."

I think someone needs to explain to Tom that you can't be a Catholic and a Scientologist or a Jew and a Scientologist because Catholicism and Judaism don't allow it :rolleyes:

  • Tom loves Katie's tongue -- "Her smile drives me crazy in a good way. She has this thing that she does with her tongue when she smiles. When she's really laughing when her tongue sticks out … and it's the cutest thing. But when we're riding motorcycles, I tell her look, please don't stick your tongue out. If we hit a bump or anything I get a little bit nervous."

Does this quote make anyone else nauseous?

  • Tom wants Katie to be his wife ASAP -- "We were just talking about it last night. She has this beautiful belly, this glowing woman... We were walking up to bed, and I just, I can't wait till we get married. I can't wait till I can call and say, 'Hey, you know, put my wife on the phone.' "

Whoever lets him in on the rules of Catholism and Judaism should also inform him that generally getting a marriage license only takes a few days at the absolute most. Even if he wants a big bash, he's rich enough and powerful enough to have one the likes this country has never seen thrown together in a week. If he really wanted her to be his wife that badly, SHE'D BE HIS WIFE.

Unless she's resisting. In which case, run, Katie, run.

  • TomKat's baby will not have a Catholic baptism even though Katie was raised Catholic

All I've said before about this mess is speculation of course, it goes without saying. I don't know these people. But I know for an absolute fact that no devoutly Catholic family (as the Holmes' have always been presented by their community, friends, relations, and even the press) would be the slightest bit okay with their grandchild not being baptized Christian/Catholic (the RCC recognizes all Christian baptisms as valid sacraments), let alone "thrilled" or whatever Tom's said they are about the situation. This would be devastating. So either their regular attendance at mass and heavy involvement with their parish is a lie and all for show, or Tom's a bald-faced liar. Somehow I'm betting on the latter.
zionforsell said:
OMG, can this be anymore....BS??? First it was funny, then annoying, then unbelievable, then just down right scary. I feel like I'm watching a scary movie. I mean it! No one is gonna believe that horror!!....

Yes I agree, all in that order. They're both just gross now.

I'm scarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddddd:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

What kind of world are we living in:ninja: :shock: :ninja: They should be kept apart from all other humans.... in seclusion at Neverland Ranch
If we need any more evidence of how sick this is ....

Cruise: I'll eat placenta


Expecting ... Tom and KatieTOM Cruise has claimed he will eat the PLACENTA after fiancée Katie Holmes has their baby. The actor, 43 — who wants her to give birth in silence according to his Scientology cult rules — said: “I’m gonna eat the placenta, too.
“I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I’m going to eat the cord and the placenta right there.”
But when a GQ magazine interviewer said it would be a big meal, Cruise replied: “OK, maybe I won’t.”

ewwwww on eating placenta :yuk: hey, some guys won't even try breast milk and here we've got a guy who said he'll eat the placenta. he should be committed!
:shock: eating his girlfriends placenta?
next thing he will be turning to cannibalism, that could be nutricious too right?
what a total idiot, someone please stop him, he shouldnt be allowed having a child :angry:
Um, did that strike other people as totally bizarre and disgusting, or is having the father eat the placenta some obscure tradition that I don't know about? :shock: :yuk: Maybe on whatever planet Xenu is supposed to be from?
Tom Cruise is just a prime example of what having too much money and power can do to you.

I'm just so cynical about the whole thing, how can someone as devout to her religion as Katie was that she wouldn't sleep with her fiance of a billion years would then shag Tom Cruise and get pregnant in a millisecond?

Oooh by the way conviently at the same time as thier summer blockbuster movies were coming out. If Katie were serious about her career she'd know that she wasn't a huge celebrity and that she needs publicity to be offered good roles and what better way to get publicity?

It also seems to me that Tom Cruise just wants to prove waaaay too much that hes a stud who can pull all these gorgeous women and make them his hand maidens.

Oh and excuse me for not buying into a religion that was founded by a fiction writer, not even just fiction but SCIENCE fiction.

Can anyone else see this ending up on 101 Biggest Celebrity OOPS in like a years time.
ChristieHumble said:
Um, did that strike other people as totally bizarre and disgusting, or is having the father eat the placenta some obscure tradition that I don't know about? :shock: :yuk: Maybe on whatever planet Xenu is supposed to be from?

It's definitely sick and disgusting!!! :sick:
ChristieHumble said:
Um, did that strike other people as totally bizarre and disgusting, or is having the father eat the placenta some obscure tradition that I don't know about? :shock: :yuk: Maybe on whatever planet Xenu is supposed to be from?

I grew up around a lot of midwives, and my mom had my three siblings at home, because we couldn't afford the hospital (I was an unavoidable charity case, being breech). While it is a practice for the mother to eat part of the placenta following birth, 99% of the time it happens in extremely poor areas - 3rd world countries, Appalachia, etc, where the women are starving, dying, absolutely drained from giving birth with nothing in her system to nourish the child she now has to feed, and the placenta is viewed as iron rich, life sustaining nutrients. A small percentage of new age, "earth mother" types will try a taste, as a symbolic gesture, because they've heard of it being done and want in (like, I wouldn't be surprised at all to hear that Angelina would do it). I've also heard of women washing their hair with it, it's supposed to make it lustrous. In my mother's case, we buried them in the backyard. Except for the youngest, who was born in December when the ground was frozen, so it went into a ziploc bag in the back of the freezer and we forgot about it, out of sight, out of mind. Fast forward about 4 years, I have a friend over for dinner, she's digging around and finds it - luckily she was a close friend, and used to the weirdness :lol:

Anyway, eating the placenta isn't something Tom, or Scientology, made up. But I have never, ever heard of the father eating it. Of course, he's also giving a seminar on the birth, so why wouldn't he also eat the placenta? This entire pregnancy has been all about HIM. Not the baby, certainly not Katie, only Tom.

I do think the article sounds fakey, with the wording about "the cord", but it says volumes about the sanity of these people, that we assume it probably is true. After hearing about the adult pacifier and not holding or speaking to the newborn for 7 days, how odd is Tom eating the placenta, really? I wouldn't blink if he said he was going to try a couple of the toes.

Karma for you, VickyInStyle, I totally agree.
OK, the placenta story is too much. Tom Cruise should be banned from public life. Period.
The placenta thing was him lame attempt at a joke...

I wish Diane Sawyer had asked him, "so, how did you and Katie meet?"
would he have told the truth?...
well Diane, I was holding auditions and my first choice, Jessica Alba turned me down so...."
brokenenglish said:
The placenta thing was him lame attempt at a joke...

I wish Diane Sawyer had asked him, "so, how did you and Katie meet?"
would he have told the truth?...
well Diane, I was holding auditions and my first choice, Jessica Alba turned me down so...."

Don't forget Kate Bosworth and Scarlett Johansson ^_^
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