sleepingbeauty13 said:
You are right,there is nothing wrong with wanting some privacy. But it does seems strange that now they want privacy after a year of them making their relationship as public as possible and trying to get as much attention as they possibly could.
Personally, I hope they want privacy from now on, it's nice not hearing about their odd behavior for a while.
Totally agree. It's not the no pictures of Suri that's odd - it's the no pictures of Suri in conjunction with their previously frenetic, desperate attempt to have Katie photographed every single day of her 11 month pregnancy. Cruise is still doing his endless world tour (and commenting on how "all Katie does is breastfeed" and how he changes all the that magical Scientology way apparently, from Japan and England and where ever...) but all I remember seeing of Katie since the alledged April birth - I believe that she gave birth, just not where and when they said, not with the paps that hovered over their every movement for nearly a year not getting a single shot of even 1 of the 3 supposed SUVs coming or going - is the same vacuous eyes, Tom's hand clamped around her wrist, nursing bra flapping in the breeze. And oh, yes, the excursion to the sunny public park where they played catch with each other and stated Suri was left in the car nearby. Though witnesses say it wasn't running. I sure hope a nanny fashioned a paper fan to cool little Suri off
1. I don't think we have any right to ever see Suri.
2. I don't particularly care to ever see Suri.
3. I think #2 is how a lot of people feel now, and the Cruise camp knows it, and that's why we're not seeing her - they mi$$ed their chance at optimal public intere$t. Hubbard's mission statement in creating Scientology was to see how much money he could make. Cruise buys into the religion hook, line, and sinker - he's something like a level 7 by now, almost Thetan free. I don't blame him for being mercurial about it, I blame Hubbard for designing a system that milks susceptible personalities for all they're worth.
4. It's the whole of their behavior throughout their entire relationship, and the lack of statements from pretty much everyone who's not Tom or intimately connected to him - no hospital records, no birth records, no witnesses that they were ever in the hospital...personally I think Suri was born in the Scientology center and has never left, because of the possibility that she may be L Ron reincarnated (completely consistent with their beliefs - that pings the radar. If we'd never seen Violet Affleck or even Moses Martin, or hell, Shiloh! our minds wouldn't be going to conspiracy theories. We'd assume the parents wanted to keep their children private. It's the no sighting of the baby, not even of a baby seat or carrier or blanket covered head, taken with the last year + of manically courting the press and paps, that's just....strange.
Hope this makes some kind of sense, I just woke up.