US Bazaar March 2006: Madonna

Earl Grey Review:
bazaar march 2006. madonna. ralph/winberg. gemma/karl. izabel goulart.
bazaar march 2006. madonna.

edit #1: freja beja erickson by sorrenti. very typical sorrenti studio shoot. its ok but nothing important or cutting from him. however freja is quite good here. maybe like you i thought she was an 'interesting' model but not 'beauty beautiful' at first. with time I am coming to like her more & more, shes doing pretty well for gucci, & she is radiant here. like sorrenti, melanie wards styling/pieces here are decent & like we've seen from her monthly but just not significant. freja is everything here. best look: gaultier black sheer dress. rating 6 of 10.

edit #2: daria by nat goldberg. pretty good outdoors shoot, looks like LA? palm springs? bazaar has used this type location over & over but carmen k & winberg as I recall made it better than this. daria is good here but based on this edit alone to say she's 'the #1 model in the world' is absurd. there must be 10-20 2006 girls that would do better than daria here. not that shes bad, shes certainly ok, i like her moves in LV ruby dress, prada grey blouse/shorts, and ck coat. i just think julia, winberg, emina, dondoe & others i cld list wld be better. like daria, like goldbergs pics, brana wolfs styling pieces are all ok, but really just nothing eye catching here other than the 3 pages/looks i noted. rating 6.25 of 10.
* look at julia in BOSS 4 pg ad. she is the #1 model in the world.

edit #3/cover. madonna by sundsbo. dunno about you but ive had enough of madonnas gyrations in leotard for 2005/06 for now. i still love & play hung up & sorry but this cher-1976 disco open leg thing is really over. sundsbo is a fine photog i just dont want to see this. arianne phillips styled an ok feature & sundsbo does the technical but really madonna is just hard to look at in march 06 after about 6 months of over hyped images like these over & over & steven kleins were first & better. the music still sounds great tho. covers ok but again dont wanna see it. rating 2.5 of 10 cos i love hung up & sorry.

edit #4 gemma by karl l. now we're talking. awesome bardot-tribute pics by kl, really captures bardot 1961 so so well. hair & make up is superb. panos yiapanis is turning in some major styling/editing recently. love the ysl-looking bespectacled guy. the looks are perfect the pics are perfect- this is so so so good. gemma is easily top 4 or so models in 2006 & maybe higher than that. so good 8.75 of 10.

edit#5 lindbergh shoots trentini & poly in fake western film set thing. yikes. lindbergh has gone down so much. a decade ago he was brilliant one of the very very best photogs. in the last 6-12 months only his maggie cheung/alien film set thing looked great. otherwise its been crap fake western set shiit like this. poly has 1 of the best bodies going but she looks like last years model now & that year was 2004. trentini can be good on the right day, such as by demarchelier in vogue in meier's new bldg 2 months ago. but not here. brana wolf not doing so great this month. i hope lindbergh can get his 1990 form back. soon. rating 1 of 10. ps maybe if wolf had watched z"here come the brides" tv reruns? bobby sherman = super hottie. just a thought

edit #6 ralph lauren special with karl shooting caroline winberg, and 2 pages of polo golden classics from 1970- 2005. you know my mantra. the 2 best models in the world are julia & winberg. karl proves me right with 4 awesome RL looks here on winberg. KL def gets big bonus for brill work in this ish. carolines just so beautiful, fantastic model, even better looking work than gemma. the RL retro feature is also fabulous +++ smashing looks: 1973 red/white day look, very rabanne/racing. or something. 1981 peasant blouse w/clothilde. among best RL girls ever. 85 tweed/velvet riding/tux look. HOT!! 86 TIME cover in tennis sweater yeee! 88 turly in bazaar, menswear look hot! 90 linda e military collar- awesome. 93 linda b&w look. 2005 RL denim shirt + stripey boating tee. actually i love every look here, RL is my fave us label ever and his design & marketing & ads & lifestyle dream & choices & everything inspires me forever & every day still. also cool l montauk waves portrait of ralph by richard corman. i suppose RL chose this pic why not its another sexy denim shirt shot in splendid east end waves. such a great RL feature-recap. 9 of 10.

* also 4 pg ralph ad w/valentina in white/navy is equally superb. classic pieces, colors, sharp, contrast.
** another cute stripey sailor top herein: diana dondoe in JPG.
*** winberg also in herrera 4 page ad. both winberg & anouck have livened up CH's ads in recent months. 2 of my fave girls & give CH & her ad people credit for good taste in girls.

edit #7. izabel goulart by anthony ward. iza is new brasil girl, seen her in vic secret already but shes pretty good here. i think shes still learning model poise but i like her look & espec moves here & ward did good studio shots, also ana steiners styling/looks are quite strong. i like the looks here more than most of this ish except for the great gemma & ralph shoots. really like the sander white jacket , hermes jacket, prada pants, jpg stripe shirt & branquino jacket, really strong back of book shoot. 7.25 of 10. i think iza is going to get better & could be like top 30 girl by end 2006.

edit #8. gisele in china with marc jacobs. not much of a travel story. daria in argentina in march vogue beat this. i do like the tan shirt/tie + shirt military look. but the black swimsuit- giseles speciality- wasnt much, nor was this story. lubomirski is really just an adequate photog and once in awhile he gets lucky. not here. katie mossman didnt do much with the clothes nor did marc really. gisele can be substantially better than this. not much here. 5 of 10.

STYLE: patti smith on the necktie. nice memories of shooting Horses cover w/mapplethorpe.

jeisa & luca arm in arm at burberry. sean cuningham one more time with excellent backstage pics

VERDICT: march bazaar is better than march vogue. and compares favourably with march w [which had geat raquel, daria & sasha stories]. in bazaar the ralph tribute [with earth angel winberg] was just awesome. and karl made gemma a great bardot with everything in place. the izabel shoot had great looks & its nice to see a new girl like cutie iza. thruout the mag theres tons of style & shopping stuff etc. its just a better read than march vogue. a few disappointments- lindbergh, gisele-marc-china, madonna is kind of a mess. but this was a pretty good march ish, and between the clothes girls & info/stories, its a happy look ahead to spring & summer. ONE STRONG THUMBS UP.

WTF!!!?? I'm so sick :yuk: :sick: of celebrities being on covers of fashion magazines!!! :angry: Mostly madonna. That face!!! :yuk:
peacelover142002 said:
a few scans from "Spring's Pioneering Spirit" - Natasha Poly, Caroline Trentini

scanned by mundane_facts and posted in caroline trentini's thread

Somehow I can't see these pics.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
tortoisie said:

Somehow I can't see these pics.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
from herfamedgoodlooks


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One can always find something interesting about Madonna....


I have a russian version of this Bazaar....I loved it...

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