What Vitamins do you take ?

Omega 3-6-9, Vitamin B-50, Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc.
multi-vitamin (I have to take 2 one a day ones in the US as they are half as concentrated as ones in Australia) and vitamin D since I was tested to be deficient

Back to an old comment, I take spirliina when I am feeling run down - it is supposed to be good for you skin, energy levels and is high in protein and omega 3 :) It is really popular in New Zealand (apparently) and Australia. I have seen it in cafes in Australia!
Vitamin D (because I have a deficiency)
Probiotic with fiber
Back to an old comment, I take spirliina when I am feeling run down - it is supposed to be good for you skin, energy levels and is high in protein and omega 3 :) It is really popular in New Zealand (apparently) and Australia. I have seen it in cafes in Australia!

I saw spirulina at the chemist the other day and I couldn't recall why I had the urge to pick it up and now coming into this thread I remember.

I didn't buy it as I had no idea what it did but maybe I'll check it out. Anything that can help me with my energy levels and with the added benefit of healthy skin sounds good to me :D.

I'm currently taking B12, vitamin C and iron. I think they all have their place in my diet. And I notice changes when I eliminate them. But I had to stop taking multivitamins because they were causing me to breakout in rashes. After a few brand changes I finally came to the conclusion that I must be allergic to one of the preservatives in them or that really there is no need for them personally.
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MSM (sulfur) helps with other supplement absorption, hair (amazing growth), skin, and nails
NAC (N-Acetylcysteine) raises gluthione levels, which is a powerful antioxidant
VitC, another powerful antioxidant
Magnesium to stall amphetamine tolerance from ADHD meds
Fish oil for concentration and Omega 3 & 6
Coenzyme Q10 for skin, weight maintenance, and energy
Melatonin for sleep and vivid dreams
Sometimes, Super VitB for energy and minimal meat in my diet
And last but not least, One-A-Days multi
... And with that, I'm a vitamin junkie.
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I try to remember take daily fish oil capsules, Ladyvita multivitamin product, includes also magnesium, calsium and likes, and then I also take a little bit more pure calsium, because I can`t use dairy products at all.
I just started work as an air hostess and the long hours/cabin pressure/general exhaustion are resulting in me becomming really run down quite often. I purchased seven seas multibionta boost yesterday,the tablets that you dissolve in water,but I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions for any vitamins/supplements that might be able to help pep up my immune system a bit more?
Just recently started taking Seven Seas Multibionta complete multivitamin plus probiotics with minerals and CoQ10.
Vitamin C
Vitamin B-12

I take so many more now.

  • Fish Oil
  • Salmon Oil - (Yep, both)
  • Iron
  • Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc
  • Silica
  • Biotin
  • Vitamin C
  • MSM

Man, that's a whole lot of capsules to swallow every morning and evening. :ninja:
^ Why do you take silica?

Silica and biotin are kind of the closest thing to clinically proven "beauty pills", taking them improves nails, hair and to some extent skin as well. Taking extra silica allegedly improves the quality of all sorts of connective tissue, staring from skin and ending with blood vessel walls.
I've been taking silica in various forms on and off for over 10 years now and the two most pronounced effects I always notice after 2-3 months are thicker and shinier nails and less hair in the drain. On the down side, after I stop taking it, hair fall returns to normal rate. Not that it's much, but it's always so sad seeing 10 hairs swimming away instead of 2-3. :rofl:
- multivitamins and minerals
- probiotics pills (IBS)
- cranberry (urinary infections)
- beta-glucan (immune system)
Fish Oil

I just started taking both of these. I bought wild salmon oil (to be honest it sounded better to me than cod liver)

Just curious about those who have taken the different types of fish oil (cod liver, salmon, krill) did you find one was better or worse?

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