What Vitamins do you take ?

I just wanted to add... always do your research before you start taking something. Don't just listen to what somebody tells you about something. People get the weirdest ideas in their heads about what something does. Also, they can interact with medications, or each other, negatively, and certain things aren't for everyone. Some things shouldn't be taken longer than a week. Some things you shouldn't take alone, like B vitamins (as in, one B without the others) unless your doc tells you to.

Some things are shady too, overly hyped up, and can be BS - especially if you're in the US where things aren't regulated so well. It's a big $$$ industry, just like pharmaceuticals. But, don't be too skeptical. There is good, well studied stuff out there that does what it's intended to do.

Also: Health foods sales people ARE NOT DOCTORS.... lol Listen to your doctor!!

I take two wildberry flavored tablets daily of Jamieson Natural Sources Chewable Vita-Vim multivitamin.
Has anyone heard of magnesium being good for your brain?

I take zinc and multivitamin

I know that magnesium has a calming quality. I use it for this reason, accompanied with calcium!

Also, my core vites are C, Bs, Fish & Flax oils, iron, zinc, acidophilus.. also recently started taking Sam-E as a supplement to help with anxiety.. it happens to be good for joints and liver as well :D
Caltrate, Women's 1 a day, blackstrap molasses, omega 3 fish oil capsules.
I studied this thread a while ago and decided that I'd like to start taking vitamin supplements, at least until I started eating healthier than I was doing so at the time of my original research.

I went out to the drugstore and bought Vitamin C, because even as a kid it was something we were told to take! I also bought Zinc, because a lot of people in this thread speak really highly of it, and I bought fish oil supplements.

I originally read here to take zinc at night, before bed, which is when I decided to take my fish oil pills as well. Big mistake. It tasted awful and I spent half an hour with a funny feeling in my stomach before settling down for the night. The labels on both zinc and fish oils say to take with meals (unless directed otherwise by a physician) and now that I've started doing that I don't even notice the horrible smell/taste of the fish oils!

I definitely feel much healthier now that I'm taking these vitamins daily. I'm very glad I invested the time and money, and I can't wait to add to my collection!

Helps me sleep.

Do you take this every night? I used to, a couple of years ago. It would take me four-six hours to fall asleep (on a good night) and once I started taking Melatonin it only took me an hour. And lately I've been having trouble sleeping so I'm going to have to start taking it again I think. This has been the second night with no sleep in the past two weeks!
Zinc with Vit C, Echinacea but in effervesent tablet form for drinking I hate pill poppin, I swear by zinc it really helps my skin and a tall hot glass of peppermint, green tea and lemon tea that i keep refilling before bed and in the morning peppermint helps clear androgens which can cause acne and green tea has loads of antioxidants
Right now I'm scarfing Emergen-C packets due to having a cold, still taking Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, flax oil, sublingual b12..

also, started taking Vitamin D (because I learned I was low in it), Methyl Protect, because my body has trouble absorbing folic acid, and Mood Food for anxiety- contains GABA, 5-HTP.

The last two have really helped me, I recommend them! :magic:
Enervon-C, Vitamin E, Shark's Oil (for omega 3), Multivitamin complex with zinc, Berroca and a lot of green tea for antioxidants!
Valerian root, borage oil, flaxseed oil.
Do you take valerian in the morning? If so, does it make you drowsy at all? I've been wanting to try it but not sure if I should take it later or not. thanks!
haute femme, I take valerian in the evening sometime before I want to sleep. I bought a small bottle of it from Whole Foods and on it it says to take 1-2 times a days BUT not if you are driving or operating heavy machinery. I do feel drowsy after I take it, but it's hard for me to tell you if it's solely from the valerian. In any case, it's not anywhere near the drowsiness (or passing-out-ness) you would experience from rx sleeping aids.

The good thing is that you can take it whenever and it doesn't have to be with meals so I would start off taking it in the evening.
^thank you so much for that info! Yes, I suppose it's best to try it at night. :flower: I appreciate your response!
- Swisse MultiVitamin Mineral and Anti-Oxidant Formula
- Hair, Skin, Nail formula
- Salmon oil
At the moment I'm taking multivitamins, fish oil and echinacea drops...
At the moment I'm just on a multi-vit. What are any UK peoples' opinions of Berocca? (I'm presuming it's just a UK thing?).
Currently on a multivit and have just started hair, nail and skin supplement and a zinc one to help my acne out.....fingers crossed :X
I just found my Biotin supplement so I've started taking that again. My hair needs it. :)
also a multivitamin.

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