What Vitamins do you take ?

I started taking evening primrose oil after seeing how many people here take it.. and I was wondering if it made anyone breakout. :unsure: I have been been breaking out, and I don't know if it could be the primrose, or something else..
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I took primrose because I heard it helped balance out hormones and decrease hormonal acne. I haven't gotten any more but when I took it, I don't think it caused me any breakouts.
^^^ Hmm, it's never caused me any breakouts when I used to take it.

I currently take a women's multi vitamin (and it tastes like total and utter disgusting-ness) and a cranberry supplement (I can't stand regular unsweetened cranberry juice).
^Thanks you two! Yeah i don't think its the evening primrose.. i think its some other things i've changed. But it has seemed to help with some other hormone related things, and i've only been on it about a month! :)
I started taking evening primrose oil after seeing how many people here take it.. and I was wondering if it made anyone breakout. :unsure: I have been been breaking out, and I don't know if it could be the primrose, or something else..

when members say they have takened this vitamin or that vitamin we're not expecting other members to take it with blinders on. always read what that vitamin consist of before taking. sometimes it may contain soy (that some people might be allergic to) or some kind of acid that might cause adverse reaction on others...etc.
^yeah i know.. i had just never heard of evening primrose oil before this forum. i researched it, its effects, ingredients and reasons for usage..
daily multi vits

salmon oil (so gross when i burp :lol:)

all the vitamin water i can get my hands on :lol:
I think I grew dependent on Echinacea supplements a while ago :huh:
Whenever I forgot to take them I would get cold symptoms, which would then disappear if I remembered to take them regularly again.

I'm still struggling to get through my shark cartilage capsules, they smell awful. It means that half the time, I "forget" to take them.

And has anyone noticed that B-complex turns your pee more flourescent yellow?? :blink: I don't know the reason for this.

I'm going to buy evening primrose, or omega oils so I can start taking them today I think...
I take Flintstones. :rolleyes: Hey, they have a lot of nutrients and... well, they're fruity!

I also take an iron supplement.
I'm still struggling to get through my shark cartilage capsules, they smell awful. It means that half the time, I "forget" to take them.

what is shark cartilage supposed to do? i've never even heard of these..:shock:

And has anyone noticed that B-complex turns your pee more flourescent yellow?? :blink: I don't know the reason for this....

^yesss haha its so weid.. i think it is your body getting rid of all the excess b-vitamins it didn't absorb.
I take Flintstones. :rolleyes: Hey, they have a lot of nutrients and... well, they're fruity!

I also take an iron supplement.

do Flintstones vitamins appropriate for adults ^_^. actually i much prefer it. i remember taking it as a kid it's like candy.

...and many moons ago a friend of mine said it was candy and even if it's a vitamin we can take it like so. she then proceeded to get it from the cupboard and we were eating them according to the colors she laid out on the table and we were just happily eating them, when her mother came in the kitchen and saw the bottle opened and the remaining vitamins laid out ready for us to eat more of it... that's when we got a scolding of our lives. :doh::lol:
what is shark cartilage supposed to do? i've never even heard of these..:shock:

Actually, I only heard about it from my mom, who heard about it from my aunt... who said (yeah, I know) that it's supposed to stimulate hair growth. Then I did a google search the other day, and apparently it is marketed as a cancer-prevention supplement, which is questionable.
And so, since they smell damn awful anyway, I just decided today to throw the rest away, and buy vegetable omega supplements instead!
There's a good article about this in American Vogue =).
right now I'm taking a B complex with vitamin C, CLA, and Omega 3 fish oil capsules. I just ran out of my multivitamin and biotin!
I work in a health foods store, so keep that in mind while reading my list. Most of this stuff was free but you do tend to get kinda crazy about it when you work at one (I've noticed haha)...

Multi (I switch it up all the time: Progessive, Platinum, and New Chapters)
Vitamin C: 500mg x2, with other stuff like bioflavanoids and rosehips
Vitamin B complex: 50 mg, sometimes 100mg in the morning
Antioxidant complex: vitamins, minerals, lycopene, lutein, ALA, NAC, green tea ext, GSE, quercetin, etc etc etc...
MSM: 2000mg a day, for my painful wrists (its not carpal tunnel) - helps a lot.
Cayenne: For circulation and digestion.
Omega 3's: Nutrasea brand
Lorna V's EstroSense
: I'm seeing if it's gonna help with PMS. Free, so whatever. Same with her:
BodySense Metabolism Booster: A non-jittery thermogenic.
New Chapter's Holy Basil: Helps with stress. Actually came through for me. My next try is gonna be Rhodiola, which is very similar.
Vitamin D
Helps me sleep.
I THINK that sums it up... ... There's also random stuff I use when something comes up.
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