What's Next in John Galliano's Career?

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but wait a minute....didn't galliano kind of already destroy his own image when he made those remarks in the first place? that video was reverberated across the globe and everybody knows about it. i don't think firing him is what is going to tarnish his image.

i'm sorry but i feel like i see a lot of excuses and not enough blame placed on he himself. if this were a world leader making these statements,and not a beloved fashion designer,would some of us be so quick to jump to his defense,then? it just appalls me how sympathetic people have been to him.

What John did was disgusting. He nor anyone else should think they have the right to make such remarks. Firing him from Dior was the right thing to do. But Scott...there is such thing called over kill and this is a perfect example of it. His firing from Dior was just becaise he not only tarnished his own image but had he stayed there it would have tarnished the image of Dior as well. But now we are talking about his compnay the company he started that company this still has HIS NAME ON IT!!!!!!! It will forever be linked with John. If LVHM was so worried about the image and bad press they would get with John still being connected to him they should have just washed their hands of him and that comapny. What he did was wrong, but so is this.

What is really happening here is that they are trying to make an example of John, but they already did that when they fired him from Dior a HUGE global brand. Why is is necessary to take what little bit he has left from him. Out of respect for the man that created this comapny they could have atleast waited to make this decision until after his stood trial for what he did. Its not about being sympathetic for what he did because I do not believe thats whats going on, it about whats right and whats wrong and this is WRONG. Dont kick a man while he is down. The honorable thing would have been to part ways with him and his company and let someone else buy it.
i'm sorry but i feel like i see a lot of excuses and not enough blame placed on he himself. if this were a world leader making these statements,and not a beloved fashion designer,would some of us be so quick to jump to his defense,then? it just appalls me how sympathetic people have been to him.

If's/Could's/Should's/Would's. the thing is, he's not a world leader, nor is he anything else. he is a beloved designer. that's why there is sympathy.
This is vindictiveness at it's best the swan song for his own collection showed he was getting out of the artistic funk from the last several years. It will back fire on them just watch the artistic creations of Galliano is larger than any replacement(s) that can be culled.

If anything it shows the conniving greed of LMVH and their ilk and how they shamelessly exploit via cunning and ruthlessness to steal the artistic identity of an individual artist. I'm sure when John was a starving artist desperate for a gig he didn't have the business savvy to retain the rights to his own NAME! It was this naivete that allowed big business to own, hire and fire him at-will and make money off him in the afterlife.

Think of this as his mid-life crisis he'll come back smarter and healthier and no one can take away your talent period, even when they steal your identity.
If a killer apologise for what he did...does that make him less guilty? Sure you pardon him but he deserve every single action!!
If a killer apologise for what he did...does that make him less guilty? Sure you pardon him but he deserve every single action!!

I don't understand these skewed analogies. John isn't a killer, so why would we hold him to the same standards as one?

Likewise, I can say 'if a child throws a marble and it damaged someone's car, should we jail him' - and the obvious answer is no, but that doesn't apply to John either.

He didn't get out of this scott free you know - his career is over. The Galliano brand itself wasn't exactly a money maker - LVMH could've just let it die eventually. after this scandal, it was likely the Galliano brand would've shut down on its own. this is merely public execution.
mister Galliano did not kill anyone.
mister Galliano did not order anyone's murder.

therefore, by all logic and common sense, I find that comparation with an actual murderer is above all sanity and should never be mentioned ever again.
Hugo Boss did the uniforms for the SS, yet no one seems to mind wearing Hugo Boss now. There are lots of examples of this, yet nobody seem to mind. But THIS they go crazy over?!

exactly, its so sad. I think he's being over-punished.
^ Yes but in all scnerio the damage is done. Get it?

oranges and potatoes. you may find his actions to be more disgusting than i do, but you cannot compare him to a murderer.
and the only reason i think this is all huge mistake is that he did nothing. he said sth beyond stupid. but he is not a politician, so he should be allowed to make drunken mistake. anyway, remember Gilmore Girls when Lorelei wanted to say sth awful to Rory, so she said I LOVE HITLER. you cannot judge someone based on 2 sentences.
If it had been a racial slur of a different nature I doubt this would be happening. Yes racism is bad, but treating types of racisms differently is even more racist.
i agree with Squizree, but that is really touchy topic.
Galliano may not have killed a person/s nor is he a politician, however, the nature of the subject he spewed whether in a drunken stuper or otherwise, was one of the worse if not the worst in our history. And till this day it has such dark and grinding emotion that in our lifetime , past , present and future should never be repeated ever again... it is a very touchy issue however you try to discipher. Being a public figure that he is, an icon if you will, has had alot people offended. With that said, people don't forget nor will they forgive... PR or not, the issue at hand is sensitive to most people, it's difficult to turn the other way and excuse such actions. It is what it is.
Galliano may not have killed a person/s nor is he a politician, however, the nature of the subject he spewed whether in a drunken stuper or otherwise, was one of the worse if not the worst in our history

well this is clearly well blown out of proportion.
don't you think there are many more important things in the world happening right now? Galliano's scandal was an old news and people do forget (look at Naomi or Kate). it is absurd to fire John Galliano from John Galliano. i do believe that he stepped on wrong person's toes and that stupid video is just for media.
lvmh group could have made all this go away without media circus, but they only know why they wanted media. he could've been fired in silence. this is above any public humiliation.

i said all i have, i sort of understand that people's feelings were hurt, but he isn't your buddy, or your brother so that your feeling should be hurt. he said stupid things, and lost Dior. people should not really judge so easily, cos i am 101% sure that everyone says something that stupid more than once in a life. and this is person's life at stake, cos he is just an artist.
I'm not Jewish, what he said doesn't affect me, so I can't begin to understand the hurt that I'm sure some members here felt when someone they used to admire reminded us of one of the darkest spots in history.

But, with that said, I do believe some are taking an emotional stance on this when we should be looking at it objectively. While words do hurt, his actions were no more harmful than what a lot of other public figures have done (most recent person who come to mind is Mel Gibson, and as already stated in this thread, several past public figures in the fashion industry itself).

No one is saying to turn a blind eye to it, no one is saying to forgive and forget, sort of like sweeping it under the proverbial carpet.

But the punishment at this point seems harsher than the actual crime.
Unfortunately fashion is not only about the creativity of designers and their ability to surprise, is also a business and if people do not buy Galliano and Dior because the creative director is "racist" then it must take desperate measures.

I believe his dismissal exaggerated, it is very easy to judge and condemn someone, and, in this case, put aside everything that he has left us, Galliano doesn't save the world or found a cure for AIDS, but he not killed anyone. Coco Chanel was accused of collaborating with the nazis and the founders of Puma and Adidas were members of the nazi party, anyone remember that? Time to time, the Galliano gate will disappear when we'll find someone else to judge.
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You don't have to be Jewish to see why this is....

I think the word, "clientele" has more bearings than fans of Galliano.
Don't equate Kate, Naomi and Mel with Galliano scandal...
They hold different weight.
You offend clientele your loss is great.
I think it's possible for him to make a comeback. I don't think anyone can say that there's no talent left. Maybe the drive to create might have significantly subsided but it's not extinguished. Severing these links with LVMH will do him good. Just as there is a portion of this forum that supports him, perhaps some in the business side of this industry do so too?

Maybe it'll take a few years and the public's attention span is not that long so...
business is business and Galliano, for the most part, has raked in profit for both labels.
^ But the point is that LVMH's treatment was NOT ethical. If Galliano had said something really racist against Russians or Brazillians or Arabs or Asians, do you think they would have fired him? I highly doubt it. I'll say it again: There is something about Anti-Semitism and the Jewish race in particular that gets people's blood boiling more than any other form of racism.

No one is defending Galliano's behaviour, he should rightly be punished for such a reckless remark, but there's a problem when the same punishment is not given to other forms of racism.
Well then, my prior post got deleted, therefore, this is what i will say, MONEY TALKS, b.s walks.
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