What's your Flair?


Aug 25, 2005
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I've heard this mentioned a couple times, for example, in the context of "I wore this, this, that, and my flare"

I understand it's accessories (jewlerry?) of some nature, could you elaborate (maybe with pics?)

Does the fact that it's "your flare" mean you always wear these same items every day with every outfit?
it's from a movie with jenifer anniston called 'the good girl'...

i think it's that movie...
and she works at a restaurant sort of like 'houlihans'...
and is required to wear all these silly buttons and pins on her suspenders which are called 'flair'...
her boss always says...'how many pieces of flair do you have on today?'
supposedly the more 'flair', the more enthusiasm for the job i guess...

anyway...eventually she gets annoyed and tells him to shove his flair...
**in the movie it wasn't really a 'good thing'...:ninja:

that's the only way i have ever heard it used until now...

I thought it was Office Space :ninja: A fantastic movie btw ...

In answer to your question, I have no flair ... of this sort anyway. I wear different watches/jewelry each day.

PS I've seen the term used here too, referring to necklaces, etc.
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you're probably right...ta-ta...:flower:
Yeah, I've seen the movie, (Office Space is right btw), but I didn't expect to see it used here. I assumed it was something different

Does that mean some of you guys are wearing 30 buttons all over every outfit??

I could see that as really limiting your look!!
the only flair i knew growing up was...

therefore, i never tried to have much flair :ninja:

(rick flair, professional wrestler via www.csclassicwrphotos.com
EEK!!!....*runs away*...

i remembered it...
but i can never remember the word 'flair'...

although i have to confess..
my mom
*who is european, and a language teacher, so she doesn't speak like the rest of us do*..
always says to me when she likes what i am wearing...

'you have such a flair'...

so i guess that once upon a time people did used to say that one has a flair for dressing....
which i suppose means that you have some style or good taste or some especially elegant way of dressing while still being unique...

but it's such an antiquated term...
it always makes me smile when my mom says it...
because it's something only SHE would say!...

i guess it's part of HER flair...:wink:...

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^ I've occasionally heard it used that way ... I agree, old-fashioned and charming ...

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