The skin you're in ...

Oh no, so sorry!! :lol: Was it the part about taking full responsibility? I thought it may be misunderstood to mean you must blame yourself, so I changed it...;) I think responsibility is key. I'd love to hear what you were about to say.

Your breathwork sounds fascinating!! I actually do feel an iron corset when I expand my ribs :doh:. How did you manage it, was it just a matter of practice?? My yogic breathwork is more structured, it involves 25 minutes of various yogic breath techniques, but it's great how yours can be practiced anywhere. I agree, breath is powerfully healing. I love how you describe the breath as receiving/releasing; I've always thought of it as energizing/relaxing, which may be similar after all.

Yes, that was it ... and I agree. It's so important to realize ... I am a grown-up person in charge of my own life. It's actually quite difficult for other people to negatively affect us without our own permission. For example, if I have negative thoughts that are replaying something negative that someone else has done to me, I'm allowing that to happen. That person isn't ruining my peace, I am allowing my own thoughts to ruin my peace. So either I have not learned the skills I need to have peace, or I'm not using them--those are the two options.

I took a breathwork workshop, and then had another private session with the breathwork person. To tell you the truth, I'm not entirely certain how I got rid of the iron corset, I just know that it was there & now it's not & I can breathe deeply without restriction. In the Doreen Virtue book I mentioned earlier, there's at least one entity that helps with breathwork.

On the in breath, I consciously receive help, blessings, positive energy, everything good that's out there ... and on the out breath, I consciously release negative thoughts & energy & emotion & everything I no longer need.
Modemoiselle was mentioning skin problems, so I wanted to mention a few thoughts about how that could be approached.

One thing that every unsolved problem has in common is that you don't know the answer yet. It's the same reason you always find something in the last place you look ;) :lol: Because until you looked there it was lost, and after you looked there it was found. So the first thing to realize is that there is a solution to every problem out there, and it's just a matter of connecting with it. In fact, it's highly likely there are multiple solutions out there, and you probably need just one.

One of the easiest things for us to get is information, because we believe we can get it. After all, there has never been as much information in the history of the world as there is right now. So a good first step to solving most problems is to ask for information about the solution.

So in this case you might ask for

* Information about a doctor who can really help you. You could write in your journal, "I would love for information about a doctor who can help me to come to me."
* Information about new treatments, or treatments you and your previous doctors didn't know about. "I would love for information about treatments that would work for me to come to me."
* An improvement in the problem. "I would love to see an improvement in my skin."

Note that I am not suggesting affirmations like "I have perfect, beautiful skin." Your mind is going to offer a ton of resistance to that statement because you know it's not true at this moment, and regardless of how true it may be in the future, you just don't believe it right now.

But you do believe every one of the statements above, I would be willing to bet.

If you are open to the esoteric, you could also check out the Doreen Virtue book I mentioned. I have found it to be effective to approach these things (as long as they feel as if they are coming from a good place) with the belief that "I don't know for sure whether this is going to work, but I'm willing to try it."
It's actually quite difficult for other people to negatively affect us without our own permission. For example, if I have negative thoughts that are replaying something negative that someone else has done to me, I'm allowing that to happen. That person isn't ruining my peace, I am allowing my own thoughts to ruin my peace. So either I have not learned the skills I need to have peace, or I'm not using them--those are the two options.

So perfectly and beautifully put! I will quote you on that if I may....;)

I have been trying your breathing technique, with good results. I think my "corset" is not so much from encumbered breathing as the results of lugging heavy luggage (as discussed on the Chanel bag thread!), but it does help! I'm going to look into the book as well. Thank you!
i definitely feel that the right attitude is hugely important...
**think positive thoughts and positive things will come your way......
in this vein- i think it is also important to stay away from anyone who is too negative all the time...
or anyone who negatively affects your mood...


even though i know that exercise is so important and so good for me...
i still haven't found the right thing to get me motivated to do so on a regular basis...
but i know that it will make a huge difference if i can only get into a regular exercise routine~!...

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i definitely feel that the right attitude is hugely important...
**think positive thoughts and positive things will come your way......
in this vein- i think it is also important to stay away from anyone who is too negative all the time...
or anyone who negatively affects your mood...


even though i know that exercise is so important and so good for me...
i still haven't found the right thing to get me motivated to do so on a regular basis...
but i know that it will make a huge difference if i can only get into a regular exercise routine~!...


I couldn't agree more ;)
Just wanted to mention a couple thoughts about karma, as it has been on my mind this week. A few days ago, I happened to find out that someone I once worked with, who did her best to make my life a living hell, has gotten her karma payback as of last summer (well, that was the denoument--no doubt it started before that).

Having been on the receiving end of karma myself, I don't find this amusing, I simply noted it & the consistency of the universe, which I really appreciate :flower: I have read that it takes about 5 years, and from what I know, this one occurred just about right on schedule, like clockwork.

The irony is that she once came by my office ... she was convinced I had done her a great wrong by being better at the job she once held (she'd been vastly promoted) than she was, and allowing other people to notice this ... and said in a significant tone, 'You know, I believe in karma.'

'Oh, I do too,' I said ... 'instant karma is the best kind, but sometimes it takes a really long time. That's OK too.'

She left with a confused look on her face :huh:

Anyway, just wanted to share that if there is someone negative in your life, it really is a fantastic idea to get away, or find a way to stem the tide. I should have left that job much sooner than I did. I don't draw the line at family, either ... I have two extremely negative relatives that I haven't spoken to in years.

Just say no to negativity :magic:

But it's always nice to know that the universe has your back.
^I haven't spoken/seen any member of my family apart from my Mother and Sister for the past 11 years.One by one I have let them go from my life because there was nothing positive about knowing them. My Mother started the 'cull' if you like,but I have never resented her for it and it has taught me that going against the 'norm' can have a more positive outcome than simply doing what is expected. I have been so highly criticized for this,with the general ideal being that because they are my family I must like/love them and have them in my life. But I don't have to do anything ^_^ Besides,I see so many friends around me who complain to the heavens about their family but stick with them and let them drag them down.I'm never going to be that person.

As for karma. I too had a horrible work colleague. And was in a job I should have left about 1 year before I did. It took so much courage to leave, but again, leaving such a negative environment for an unknown future paid off. About 2 weeks after I left, said nasty work colleague got made redundent. Which to me was the karma for being a horrible person :)
^ That's what happened in this case, too ... first the #1 golden person at the company, then a demotion, then the door ...

We're all of us connected. There is a point to families ... but it can be not as important as many people think. In my view, this is one lifetime of many ... if you've had 50 mothers and fathers, that puts this set into perspective. Sometimes saying no to negativity is the most important thing a family member can teach you.

I also believe in forgiveness ... but it works just as well from afar.
I think it's important to surround yourself with things and people you love.
For me balance would be the goal, to find that place where everything just seems to fall into it's place. And music, :heart:. How could you do without? I love it when my Ipod is on shuffle and it picks the perfect song for that moment, like some cosmic soundtrack.

In nature I always feel good, it cheers me up and calmes me down.
Nature really is so important to our health, all the way around :flower: Getting out and seeing trees is really good ... even pictures of nature are beneficial. (Good to think about when decorating the office ... or when a loved one is in the hospital.) I love opening the curtains in my living room in the springtime and seeing my ash tree leafing out in that fresh spring green, with the sun shining :heart:
i've made a 'date' to meet some friends in the park this weekend for a run!...

* it's also a fun excuse to do some shopping...
since i have no running attire..:innocent:...

on friday before the run we are going to a special store to get fitted for special running shoes...:woot:...


and then after we run we are going to a special place for extra good iced coffees...

the best excercise is anything that you will actually do...

i went for a bike ride...
along the east river...

so good!...

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good friends and a strong support system can boost one's self image as well...
spending time with people i really care about and who care about me is always something that lifts my spirits and makes me feel good...

*here's to good friends!
I agree dumbfairy re: family. I am a firm believer that when I want to be with family it is because I think they are great people and I love them, not simply because they are "family". To be fair, this is pretty easy to accomplish since I'm an only child :lol: But I do have negative people in my family, and I just reduce the amount I speak with them and try not to take them too seriously.

Regarding negative thoughts, yes I totally agree that one has to be conscious of not letting someone else dominate their thoughts but likewise, I am always wary of these lines of thinking that focus on control within oneself. Because it can easily warp to, you are not in control if you let someone who has hurt you dominate your thoughts. And this in turn makes you feel worse about yourself for not be able to dominate your own thoughts. I don't disagree with the principle, and have said it to my friends on different occasions, but I just think it's a fine line.

Having an awesome laugh is the best way to feel good about oneself. And getting back to CLOTHING :p definitely wearing your favorite items. There's no better way to feel good than wearing your favorite jeans, or a top you think looks great
Simply for me: don't try clothes on after eating a huge meal because my stomach is full of food and it shows :D

Otherwise I love my body/myself/the chance to be on this earth lol
have we mentioned getting enough sleep/rest???...

SO important!!!...
i am SUCH a grouch when i don't sleep well...:ninja:...

which leads me back to the original thought...
thinking happy thoughts and smiling does wonders...

I agree dumbfairy re: family. I am a firm believer that when I want to be with family it is because I think they are great people and I love them, not simply because they are "family". To be fair, this is pretty easy to accomplish since I'm an only child :lol: But I do have negative people in my family, and I just reduce the amount I speak with them and try not to take them too seriously.

Regarding negative thoughts, yes I totally agree that one has to be conscious of not letting someone else dominate their thoughts but likewise, I am always wary of these lines of thinking that focus on control within oneself. Because it can easily warp to, you are not in control if you let someone who has hurt you dominate your thoughts. And this in turn makes you feel worse about yourself for not be able to dominate your own thoughts. I don't disagree with the principle, and have said it to my friends on different occasions, but I just think it's a fine line.

Having an awesome laugh is the best way to feel good about oneself. And getting back to CLOTHING :p definitely wearing your favorite items. There's no better way to feel good than wearing your favorite jeans, or a top you think looks great

I agree that there's no point in feeling bad about yourself ... and admittedly taking control of your thoughts and emotions is an advanced skill. But to me it so enhances your personal power to realize you actually do have control of these things. That it's up to you whether you have a good or a bad day. That no one else has the prerogative to put you (as someone once told me had been done to her, with what seemed a rather self-righteous victimy air) 'in spiritual ICU.' Being a victim can be addictive and seductive, but refusing to be a victim is the ultimate power.
Before I go to bed I write sometimes - about things I need to get done, things I want to achieve, things I need to build on or lack.

I also keep track of my shopping so that am not over the top consumerist! It makes me sick to think that am one of those people who amass things endlessly :doh: I'm trying to follow the 4-5 piece French wardrobe rule. Only buying a few quality key pieces ever season. That way what I buy is something I really want.

As I have flexi-hours and can do my work from home - I work late into the night and wake up at odd hours.

I like watching gossip girl and skipping/ fast walking on the tread mill. ^_^

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