When Did You Start Wearing Makeup?

I wasn't allowed to until I started high school, but all through junior high I would sneak lip gloss and tinted clearasil to cover my zits...I remember the night of 8th grade graduation being the happiest of my life, because I could officially wear makeup! :)
i started in sophomore year of college, i was 17 then. but i started wearing makeup daily in grad school when i was 22.
Heh, about a week ago when I had a lesson and learnt how to apply it! BTW I am 26 years old!
i started wearing make-up at the age of 18, by taking a stage make-up class the frst yr of college and yea i learned a lot..and im sooo glad i took that class! :D
I think I started wearing on a daily basis at around 17, before then I wore concealer and lip gloss. Now I can not go out in public without out it. (The few times I do I am wearing a hat and sunglasses to cover things, I feel naked without it, but I have problems with acne which I can't treat now because I am pregnant)
probably around 15-16 but not regularly
i've always had all those bonne bell lippies tho :D
now i can't go out without it because my skin gotten worse and my mother blames it on my makeup :( it's a vicious cycle, i swear
I bought my first "makeup" case when I was about 13/14 (it was a little quad eyeshadow palette from Hard Candy with very teeny colors -- purple, yellow, brown and black with loads of sparkles). I used the black as an eyeliner and shadows every once in a while. I also had some Hard Candy mascara. It was such a rarity when I wore it though -- and the way I applied it I might as well have not worn any. :lol: I wore pretty much the same makeup all throughout my school years (being too lazy to put on makeup that I'd actually like) so I guess I really didn't start wearing makeup until I was 18/19. I still barely wear it now but when I do I have ways I like to wear it and I like experimenting.
I didn't really wear makeup in middle school.. but once I discovered it freshman year of high school, I loved it. I go through periods of wearing a little bit of makeup to nothing at all. I love the natural look.
I dabbled in makeup since about 14, my parents weren't strict about it or anything.
Probably at around 12 or so, but it was just mascara really. Proper makeup I didn't start wearing until about 16/17.
I started at 15 but only lipstick in a color that isn't too obvious. But I probably wore more makeup when I was younger than I bother to now. 10 years later I'm usually only wearing lipstick or even just chapstick.
I still don't wear it on a regular basis, though I want to start because I think it does make a real difference, but I started wearing any make up at all at around 17/ 18 (I'm 20 now).
I wear mascara and concealer pretty much every day. I only started wearing it regularly last year, I believe.
Probably at around 12 or so, but it was just mascara really. Proper makeup I didn't start wearing until about 16/17.

me too but with eyeshadows in all types of colours..

I was never one of those who tried to look older or anything with the make-up I just thought it was fun.. I'm kind of happy that I started kind of early, it saved me from having 'akward make-up'-fase that u have when you're just learning at a later age

I started using foundation regurarly when I was around 16
when i was 12 i wore some brown pencil eyeliner under my bottom lash line but that's it...it was really discreet....then when i was 14 i started to wear mascara and brown eyeliner....now i'm 15 and i still do just that and i also use under eye concealer. i dont use foundation and stuff b/c i have good skin already....and i havent found a bronzer that doesnt make me look orange
I started to wear a full face of makeup when I was 14. But I started at 12 ... eyeliner and mascara and lipgloss and such.
Started at 11, stopped at 13. I personally don't think it makes much of a difference to how I look :ermm:
I think I was about 14 when I first bought make up but only recently (at aged 20) that i've started to experiment and vary what I wear. I.e I'm more adventerous now

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