Your style evolution

travolta said:
continuation of eclectic dressing, ladylike skirts, very fitted clothing, vintage, lots of black, started wearing shirts inside out and tailoring my clothes.
Interesting evolution Travolta! That's more or less the phase I'm in right now, along with the mod look. I'm actually wearing my shirt inside out right at this moment, I like how the little washing instructions are hanging out :p It started with belts. Am also doing the skress thing (chanel gets credit for creating the definition) since I accidentaly tried on a skirt as a dress and the salesgirl came up to me to correct it. It multiplies your wardrobe ^_^

When I was about 7 yrs old my mom finally allowed me to pick my own clothes, apparently I made myself look like a fool (Pippi Longstockings was my idol) and she said I could decide which socks I wanted to wear. I loved leggings and long curly hair. Until I was 13 I looked just like anyone else, then I thought it was time for some action. Straight hair and 'alternative' clothing with heaps of bangles. At 15 I got sick and blabla.. since then I've changed like I never have before :p
I think people's styles constantly change - it has changed and it will carry on changing with your age and your experiences in life. As Grissom (Yes, dude out of CSIB) ) says and I quote, who you are never stop changing, but what you are never changes. Very wise.
I think I'm progressing towards a more laid back, less fussy/thought out style at the moment...which is good because I'm starting to feel more comfortable in my own skin.

wow Baizilla that is quite the rapid style growth spurt you've gone through ;)

AlexN thanks for the detailed insight into your style interesting read, and I think your style is developing and maturing into a look that's very you, and even better, it seems unique to you and I can't picture anyone else pulling off your style like you do...wonderful. :heart:
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i really can't say i've ever subscribed to a single 'trend' . . << tht's when things go wrong :lol:
& looking at photos of myself frm a few yrs ago to now . .
i'm not embarrassed of anythn i've ever worn ? :ermm:
& perle skresses are amazing ! :heart:

* i am only 16 . . . there's still alot of time for 'evolution' :lol:
It's a very interesting thread!

My mom made clothes for me when I was a kid, so whatever she made, I wore.
From elementary school to 12th grade: school uniforms.
college. My major was architecture. Black clothes only.very goth. I started wearing some "adult' clothes (think about BR) as I needed to work with developers on projects during school vacations. I needed to dress professionally.
Grad school. MIT means 4hrs of sleeps/night so there was no fashion. I was just covered up by Tshirts and jeans.
1st yr of work: ann taylor, BR, Jcrew....BORING!
2nd yr of work: started picking up nice things from designers (everybody...from avant garde to "classic"...+jcrew tshirts...:lol: )
3rd yr of work: my current style - chic/classic with a little twist during business days; cute or cool during the weekends. try to be glamorous in parties :lol: favorite designers? depending on season...Marc Jacobs, Balenciaga, etc. I'm not restricted to one or one type of designers though...but in general I like things with a little design or thoughts in them. :flower:
caffeine... you were an architecture student as well... why all black? i could never understand... i think we architects are a bit color blind...
calexico said:
caffeine... you were an architecture student as well... why all black? i could never understand... i think we architects are a bit color blind...

not only black, guys even wear Le Corbusier glasses :lol:
Maybe architects wanted to use our own body as great background to show the nice design...or for most of the people, being goth is the easiest way to be cool. :flower:
I no longer design, but I still love it :flower:
calexico said:
caffeine... you were an architecture student as well... why all black? i could never understand... i think we architects are a bit color blind...

I'm not an architect but I share your penchant for black...i can't live without my Philippe Starck frames :brows:
Hye Park Lover said:
I think people's styles constantly change - it has changed and it will carry on changing with your age and your experiences in life. As Grissom (Yes, dude out of CSIB) ) says and I quote, who you are never stop changing, but what you are never changes. Very wise.

I love that!
I'm only 16, but i have gone through many phases already(and few good..or decent)
1st grade through 5th grade- "girly" mostly wearing pink and florals
6th grade- I bought this white Esprit jean and jacket set, and wore them with white Keds thinking i was so cool. But mostly i was into short shorts and tight graphic tees.
7th grade- "super casual" mostly Roxy stuff. ugh, so ugly.
8th grade- Punk, i mean the stupid saftey pins and a faux-hawk(i'm a girl, it looked so bad) with weird hair colors. I don't know what i was thinking
9th grade- i ditched my friends and started to get my own style. Leaning towards hippie with lots of skirts and canvas bags i painted flowers on.
10th grade- lazy. I was ready to get out of school so i started wearing just jeans and some sweater every day
11th grade/current: Casual. I'm loving browns and plums and my clothes show it. Lots of skirts and thin knit sweaters. Nautral.
I'm 18, so I think my style has not stopped changing yet, since day 1. I think where I am at right now is what I feel the most 'me' in, and am happiest with.

2-6: I always had to have very matched outfits. I would never just wear jeans a tee shirt, it always had to be some sort of ensemble. Very simple kids stuff though, nothing very out of the ordinary.
6-10: More of the same as above, but I got very obsessed with formal wear. I used to wear a shirt, tie, and sports coat with jeans and loafers to school for no reason other than that it made me feel good to be dressed up a little. I didn't own my first pair of sweatpants till I was about 15, I have always liked the feeling of being "dressed." Color wise I was open to everything, but greens have had a constant stay in my wardrobe. I went through a brown/beige period here too.
10-14: I started taking less interest in clothes at this period, just tee shirts and jeans and the such here. Closer to the end of this range I got very into tacky logos and obvious designer pieces (I like to bring back some of this stuff ironicly now). Probably my worsed dressed period.
14-16: Some more logo stuff, but I also got into a very clean cut preppy phase. I didn't have any jeans in my wardrobe for the first year or so of high school (which probably explains my mass-buying of them after that). I wore a lot of crisp mantaylor shirts with khakis and some times dress pants. Again though, nothing that really excited me about this phase.
16-17: This is wear I got more into cut and quality with my clothing. I also started my denim obsession at this point. I can't really remember how I was dressing, but it was still kind of preppy (I have a sizeable tod's collection from this time period). Also the most colorful period of my dressing (lots of bright greens, oranges, and reds).
18-??: Now I wear mostly black, grey, and white with dark wash jeans. I dress pretty simply, but it suits me. Lots of basic shirts and tees (nothing graphic), predominantly my accesories stand out the most in my outfits. Shirts that button half-way up have become a mainstay in my wardrobe, as have converse sneakers. While I own a decent amount of designer clothes, I never wear them together. It just doesn't suit my style.
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Birth-13: Plain shirts. I also got Tommy Hilfiger shirthoodies in 1999 that I still wear. Whatever was provided for me in these times was somewhat instrumental, since I can still wear some of the stuff, and that stuff wasn't too trendy at all.
14 - Grunge/Neo Grunge. Multi-layers of clothing. Shirts that were larger than my size, but not too large. Plaid jackets. Ripped leather jacket. Ripped jeans.
15 - Indie/Glam look. Lots of shiny dress shirts. Scarves. Corduroys. band T-shirts.
16 - Greaser aka member of a steretypical gang in the 50's. Taking full advantage of my new leather jacket. (But not that way).
17-Now - Trendy. Shirts from American Eagle that actually fit me just fine. Jeans. Wide eyed shadesthat have black or white frames. Sneakers, since I go to the gym semi-frequently. This is the most documented phase of mine, since my digital camera was given to me at this time.

I've always worn the same clothes for six years but for some reason, they look different every time I wear it. (And it's not because it's getting tighter).
I have evolved so many times in my lifetime.

0-6(ish): Cutesy girly things - leggings, tee-shirts, dresses, whatever. I didn't care much about clothes but I remember being more picky about shoes. I treasured my jelly sandals.

7-9: SPICE GIRLS FEVER. I went through phases of each and every Spice Girl, just about, starting off with Ginger Spice (sequin dresses and platforms) and ending up with my tomboyish look at nine.

9-10: I just wore tracksuit bottoms and football tops. I was a serious tomboy.

11-12: Pretty girly. Tammy Girl to be precise. Capri pants and printed tops. Everything purple and glittery and shiny with embroidered bits and beads and all sorts. I was a total magpie.

13-14: Big baggy trousers, the wider the leg, the better. Zip up tops with cute tee shirts underneath. Converse or skate shoes. Lots of eye make up. Boring boring boring.

I want through a brief phase as well of wearing lots of different colours and things. I'd wear my pink flowery Converse with neon pink tights and a pink and grey striped skirt. I'd have ribbons in my hair and bright red lipstick on and I'd look a state but a colourful one.

15-16: Ultra-girly, ultra-1940s. Very chic, very feminine, little jackets, dresses, vintage hats and gloves, just a general love for everything vintage I think.

Now: Just whatever I want. I don't seem to have a set style. I still like the vintage a lot and feel a lot more comfortable in a 1930s dress than jeans and a tee shirt. I just like pretty things, always rather feminine.
:heart:lovely topic, it's so nice to read everyone's history

so i'll give it a try, too:p

from birth until mid-eighties i was the hippie child, embroidered dresses with small mirrors .... lots of stuff my mother had made herself, peruvian hats ...
there's this anecdote about me coming home from kindergarten, crying, because one girl had been so stupid, she had claimed that clothes could be bought at stores! while i of course knew that only food was to be bought at stores and clothes were naturally handmade or from the flea-market:lol:

between eight and thirteen i had an extra-conservative phase, i mainly wore navy and only liked old-fashioned things, i wanted to look like an old photograph...

then there was a very short time just spent in jeans and t-shirt because i was self-conscious

and then at fifteen: liberation!, impressed by courtney love's kinderwhore style i began to wear ripped little dresses, stockings, fur coats, lots of lipstick, chaos galore, wear your heart on the outside etc^_^!

at eighteen i shaved my head and began to dress more androgynous with a little punk attitude still left

between twenty and twentysix, i don't know, i think i have given up any particular style ... i just pick up pieces here and there that speak to me, i guess part of me is still the hippie girl, part is old-fashioned, eclecticism, dramatic .... but then i like to bring a smile on people's faces with a little twist to things....
for me

*childhood - neat navy & white little knitted suits and in summer smock dresses and sandals - all very proper and kind of old fashioned
*early teens - pastels, sweatshirts, funny flat shoes, baggy styles
*late teens - black black black - with my interest in film stars emerging (veronica lake, audrey hepburn, grace kelly, Katherine hepburn, deneuve, lauren bacall) so i liked glamourous/sophisticated things like black coats with velvet collars, prince of wales checked trousers and very baggy jerseys (because I felt bad about being so thin) - i tended to wear slightly gothy makeup.
*university - no money so little choice - a bad time for me style-wise. I wore floaty floral skirts, waistcoats and granny boots or black jeans & granny boots(all a bit grungy).....then I started wearing platform shoes....with everything. I had some nice vintage - suede jackets with satin buttons I made myself, I had several painted wrap skirts (painted myself with metallic paint - a helmut land rip-off or so I thought). I continued to wear baggy on top as I was still insecure. I wore my hair long like veronika lake's. Not my best style era!!!!!
*early twenties - money - first job. smart suits - particularly inspired by alexander mcqueen....nipped waists, shortish skirts. I also started going more to London and becoming more inspired and finding good vintage pieces.....velvet skirts & jackets.
*late twenties - I guess I started getting it a bit more together - working out what suits me best - knee length skirts suits, fitted tops. wearing mainly navy & black with greys. slightly boho, slightly gamine......
*now - well you all know my current style.
I'm a creationist. I probably didn't wear suits when I still wore babygros. Probably.
0-6: Whatever my mom bought for me with those shoes that light up when you walk.7-10: Sweat pants and zip up fleece sweaters. I was ice skating at the time and I'd go to school right after practice at 5am with no time to change. 11-14: Tomboy/comfortable. Loose jeans, big tees and hoodies. Helped to hide the fact that my body was changing which I hated.15: All black/goth phase. I discovered the Gothic Lolita look that Japanese girls wore and was enraptured by the dark, mysterious, feminine clothes but too frightened by the S&M fetish stuff that was in the stores to get anywhere near that look. So I settled for black with the excuse that it was easier to dress because I didn't have to worry about colors matching.Now: Complete mix. I found TFS and that enlightened me to the fact that I'm a teenager and I can get away with wearing the loudest, most flamboyant clothing. Color has worked its way back into my wardrobe along with some heels and vintage stuff. Biggest inspirations are the 1920s and mod era.Greatest thing I learned is that it's not what you wear but how you wear it. It's all about the attitude B)
PrinceOfCats said:
I'm a creationist. I probably didn't wear suits when I still wore babygros. Probably.

Babygros with lapels and good shoes though I bet.

hmm not sure how much of an evolution I've had so far.

0-7 basically what my mam dressed me in, a child of the late 80's so there was a shell suit in there :ninja: ra-ra skirts and matching skirt and top sets when I was little...I had a fab little black and white houndstooth set with a little scottie dog motif on, that I'd wear with my patent red mary janes :heart:

8-11 I used to be quite hippyish/casual...alot of blues and browns and I went through a couple of phases with jumpers when I'd just wear one all the time because I loved them so much. Oh god spandex shorts too *flashback*...that was when I was 8 or something...with a baggy t-shirt, god I loved them :doh: I also wore quite weird boots at times, and used to get funny comments off my friends, but I loved them and really didn't mentioned recently some 'mildred hubble' style lace up granny boots that I'd wear for school, and some brown leather flat boots that had two buckles at the top and the rest were lace-up...I wore those until they crawled off my feet.
12-14 The semi-charver phase :ninja: Berghaus and tog 24 waterproof coats, ellesse flat mens boots...BAD FRINGE...(like one inch thick and lay in the middle of my head...i tried in vain to spread it out but my hair doesn't like fringes)

15-16 The finding my style phase...back to the same kind of ideals when I was 8-11, wear what I want and enjoy wearing it. Quite alot of black...however I think my multicoloured striped scarf and matching gloves pretty much defines that mini era, I got more arty with what I wore, alot of dangly earrings, accessorising.

16-17 sixth form came about...alot of baggy pants, fitted v-necks, denim jackets, again alot of accessorising, scarfs earrings...the bag collection kicked in, started to wear alot of neck-ties.

18 at 6th form: lots of fine knit v-neck cardigans, arm warmers, bag collection grows, lots of co-ordinating, stud earrings...out of dangly earring phase.

18 at college (now): LOTS of black...pashmina's lots of neck covering, getting smarter, more tailored, quite a dark look in general at the moment, stud earrings still, red nails almost always, hair either down or tied back and in a thin hard hairband. Black armwarmers alot of the time, 3/4 sleeves with black short leather gloves. Defining piece at the moment...leather gloves. Bag collection taking a back seat.

Quite alot happening for 18 years :lol:

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