PrinceOfCats said:
I'm a creationist. I probably didn't wear suits when I still wore babygros. Probably.
Babygros with lapels and good shoes though I bet.
hmm not sure how much of an evolution I've had so far.
0-7 basically what my mam dressed me in, a child of the late 80's so there was a shell suit in there

ra-ra skirts and matching skirt and top sets when I was little...I had a fab little black and white houndstooth set with a little scottie dog motif on, that I'd wear with my patent red mary janes
8-11 I used to be quite hippyish/casual...alot of blues and browns and I went through a couple of phases with jumpers when I'd just wear one all the time because I loved them so much. Oh god spandex shorts too *flashback*...that was when I was 8 or something...with a baggy t-shirt, god I loved them

I also wore quite weird boots at times, and used to get funny comments off my friends, but I loved them and really didn't mentioned recently some 'mildred hubble' style lace up granny boots that I'd wear for school, and some brown leather flat boots that had two buckles at the top and the rest were lace-up...I wore those until they crawled off my feet.
12-14 The semi-charver phase

Berghaus and tog 24 waterproof coats, ellesse flat mens boots...BAD FRINGE...(like one inch thick and lay in the middle of my head...i tried in vain to spread it out but my hair doesn't like fringes)
15-16 The finding my style phase...back to the same kind of ideals when I was 8-11, wear what I want and enjoy wearing it. Quite alot of black...however I think my multicoloured striped scarf and matching gloves pretty much defines that mini era, I got more arty with what I wore, alot of dangly earrings, accessorising.
16-17 sixth form came about...alot of baggy pants, fitted v-necks, denim jackets, again alot of accessorising, scarfs earrings...the bag collection kicked in, started to wear alot of neck-ties.
18 at 6th form: lots of fine knit v-neck cardigans, arm warmers, bag collection grows, lots of co-ordinating, stud earrings...out of dangly earring phase.
18 at college (now

LOTS of black...pashmina's lots of neck covering, getting smarter, more tailored, quite a dark look in general at the moment, stud earrings still, red nails almost always, hair either down or tied back and in a thin hard hairband. Black armwarmers alot of the time, 3/4 sleeves with black short leather gloves. Defining piece at the moment...leather gloves. Bag collection taking a back seat.
Quite alot happening for 18 years