Astrology and personal style

What do you mean exactly? :flower:

Well, in Western astrology there are 4 elements (air, earth, water, fire) and 3 types (fixed, cardinal, mutable).

Fixed signs are great organizers and usually stubborn :ninja: :innocent: These people often have difficulty letting go--of anything.

Cardinal signs are good leaders (and no law against their being stubborn either ;))

Mutable signs ... sometimes they crave change, and sometimes they crave stability. Pisces has this oscillating quality that can make stability attractive. Pisces often loves to travel. My Pisces sister is married to a Gemini pilot--perfect.

I have noticed that when someone has lived in one place or had one job for many, many years, more often than not that person has a fixed sun sign.
Thanks for the explanation.

There is a constant struggle in me between the side that likes change and the side that likes stability. My life however is changing a lot lately, and I really like it and letting my fear of the change go. Hard to give away control :rolleyes:.

This also shows in my way of dressing, I often see things I really love but just don't try. Because I don't can't find anything good enough or just because I hesitate to much. But now I'm slowly letting new thing in my wardrobe, like yellow and slim-fit things.
^ That sounds very Pisces (I have Moon in Pisces, so I know how it is ... sometimes your mind can be a little hamster on a wheel--or more accurately a seesaw). This placement does not affect my approach to fashion AFAIK ... I am very decisive when it comes to fashion :lol: But I can see how Venus in Pisces would have this effect ...
^^ sterlinger, you also want the sign that venus is in!
the time will mostly affect your ascendant (rising).... a few minutes could make a difference, but only if it's very close to the next sign.
^^ sterlinger, you also want the sign that venus is in!
the time will mostly affect your ascendant (rising).... a few minutes could make a difference, but only if it's very close to the next sign.
Hey Maiden Voyage, what do you mean by "wanting the sign that venus is in?"

My mom won't even tell me my ACTUAL time for fear someone will perform some voodoo on me, :o
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We started to get into this topic a bit in the 4-5 piece "French" wardrobe thread, so I'm starting this thread so we'll have an appropriate place to discuss it ;)

Mine are: Sun in Leo, Sagittarius rising, Venus in Virgo.

hi hun, when is ur b-day? i have a Leo Sun and Virgo Venus (LOL once i read a book and they describe this combo as virgin queen XD), but the my rising sign is pisces
hence u can see, im not a typical leo, in a way :innocent:
I haven't yet worked out my fashion astrology but that website is scarily accurate
Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Virgo, Venus in Sagittarius, Aries rising...

Cap is cardinal, Virgo is mutable, Aries is cardinal (?), & Sag is cardinal. As well as a significant Sun & Neptune conjunction and Sun & Uranus conjunction and Venus trine Ascendant aspect. :heart:

Self-delusion aside, the Cap placement, imo, provides a sincere undertone of either individuality or conformity. Every cap I've ever met is either excitedly special or mind-blowingly safe. The Virgo moon alllows for discrimination and keen assesment of my overall personal aesthetic, I think. The Sag venus (in the 8th house, to boot!) yearns for change and exploration. So overall, they tend to balance each other out. The Aries rising can rear it's impluse head at times, however. :doh:

As with everything, can't take it literally, though it is fascinating to explore. :blush:
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hi hun, when is ur b-day? i have a Leo Sun and Virgo Venus (LOL once i read a book and they describe this combo as virgin queen XD), but the my rising sign is pisces
hence u can see, im not a typical leo, in a way :innocent:

July 24--same as JLo, who also has Venus in Virgo ... yes, an interesting combination :lol:

Yes, the fire & the water fight, it seems ... my feeling is it ultimately makes you stronger ;)
Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Virgo, Venus in Sagittarius, Aries rising...

Cap is cardinal, Virgo is mutable, Aries is cardinal (?), & Sag is cardinal. As well as a significant Sun & Neptune conjunction and Sun & Uranus conjunction and Venus trine Ascendant aspect. :heart:

Self-delusion aside, the Cap placement, imo, provides a sincere undertone of either individuality or conformity. Every cap I've ever met is either excitedly special or mind-blowingly safe. The Virgo moon alllows for discrimination and keen assesment of my overall personal aesthetic, I think. The Sag venus (in the 8th house, to boot!) yearns for change and exploration. So overall, they tend to balance each other out. The Aries rising can rear it's impluse head at times, however. :doh:

As with everything, can't take it literally, though it is fascinating to explore. :blush:

Just one of each type per element ... Saggy is mutable.

8th house is interesting, huh?! My Sun is there. I think actually Venus in the 8th probably says alot ;)

Mind-blowingly safe, I love it :lol: I say it's just a cover ;) I don't think I've ever known a Cappy who was, but I've known them who wanted to be ... or perhaps they just wanted others to think so :innocent:

Good analysis of Virgo moon. I wonder if my moon is affecting my approach to fashion in a way I haven't considered ... :huh:

The Moon in Pisces suggests a quiet, retiring, easy-going, super-sensitive, poetic and mild emotional nature. You can be restless, easily depressed, changeable, irresolute and easily discouraged by obstacles and opposition. To some degree you lack a matter-of-fact, practical and common-sense approach to life - by temperament, you are more emotional than intellectual. Psychic ability is indicated and you may be drawn to subjects such as religion, mysticism and spiritual growth. Music, poetry and romantic literature will have a soothing and therapeutic effect upon your inner self. Easily hurt, you seek emotional security through periods of peace and seclusion.

Yes, I would say this has zippo to do with how I present myself to the world :lol:
Just had an interesting thought ... I would like to know the 8th house placements of all enthusiastic posters to the neogothic thread :p ;)

PS I believe that Uranus transiting the 1st house is a "makeover" transit. (Experienced this myself.) W/b interesting to see Karl's chart at the time he decided to lose all that weight--don't know if that's what it was, but there's no doubt in my mind that you would see that change reflected there.
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I have a Sun in Libra, Ascendant in Capricorn, Moon in Scorpio, and Venus in Scorpio.
Great thread.. ^_^

I really don't understand most of this - and it has never interested me...
But after reading this thread and my horoscope I really want to know more since my horoscope seems to be somewhat accurate actually.. :unsure:
- it actually is quite interesting ^_^

Sun sign: Scorpio
Rising sign: leo
Venus: third house
8th house: Aries (Though I might not be a enthusiastic poster in the neogothic thread) :lol:

a few key words in my horoscope: I'm supposed to be a self-reliant person, full of activity and energy, takes pride in my accomplishments, have intense passionate and lasting feelings. Being drawn to secrets, being frank, generous and amiable. Have a desire to rule, to organize. have overly strong impulses.
And I'm supposed to be keenly interested in the creative arts, in beauty, taste, and proportion
And the disposition of my intellect is apparently congenial, youthful, and attractive.

I'm not sure what this says about my personal style though.. I do have strong impulses from time to time which means my wardrobe consist of some impulse buys.. And I often buy different things that I happen to fall in love with, and for the most part continues to love..
About being organized, I don't know. I have to keep everything somewhat organized or else everything will be a complete mess... All my stuff, appointments etc. are still a mess even though I try being organized. :lol:
Being interested in art, beauty, and proportion is true I guess. That's basically what fashion and personal style for me is about..
My dressing has some youthful elements, especially childish ones, I think that might have something to do with being energetic and playful..
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Great thread.. ^_^

I really don't understand most of this - and it has never interested me...
But after reading this thread and my horoscope I really want to know more since my horoscope seems to be somewhat accurate actually.. :unsure:
- it actually is quite interesting ^_^

I always think that the people who think it's a load of claptrap have never gotten any good information ;) It's quite difficult to do a sun sign only horoscope, which is what most people are familiar with, though it can be done & done extremely well ( is my favorite). It's a lot easier to get better information when you get more specific than that.

If there's something you'd like to know more about, let us know :flower:
July 24--same as JLo, who also has Venus in Virgo ... yes, an interesting combination :lol:

Yes, the fire & the water fight, it seems ... my feeling is it ultimately makes you stronger ;)

i used to read that the combo of pisces rising and leo sun is prove to mental problem because of a soft first impact but secretly held strong believe....
and yea i have gemini as a moon, so i got all elements together (sounds like a recipe, isnt it :brows: :rofl:)
Here's one take from

So I get sentimental, romantic, bohemian from that ... certainly not marching to the same drummer as the herd, right?
Romantic or period-inspired and very girly (almost Lolita-esque) clothing always wins me over: lace, ruffles, heart and flower motifs, and I'm an intensely romantic thinker sometimes. (Often... :mellow:) In contrast to this, I also favor androgynous dressing: suits and ties and oxfords, all of it... I guess that's my Gemini duality? -- I'm getting better at this (maybe). :lol:
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Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Pisces Ascendant in Pisces, Neptune in the Tenth House Saturn in the Tenth House Sun in the Eleventh House Moon in the Twelfth House Venus in the Twelfth House

bits of my description are actually easily translatable to what my style is, I think, I wonder if other people could get a clear grasp of it from this:

This astrological combination points to a rather delicate and refined nature. You tend to be sentimental and are easily moved by beauty. You are interested in unusual concepts and ideas that appeal to your artistic sensibility. Your manner is gentle and kindly. A somewhat retiring person, you prefer the comfort of an obscure corner to the harsh glare of the limelight. Your imagination is powerful. Little incidents and random associations can bring forth waves of sentimentality. The studious side of your nature is awakened. You could develop your psychic and occult leanings. If you appear passive, it may be because you have few demands. You are charitable, sympathetic, and eager to share.

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