Boys And The Hoodie

It's just another way to victimise teenagers. I’m sick and tired of my generation being portrayed as lazy, arrogant and violent by the government and the press!

^ True, that's part of the manipulation done by the media.

Most kids I know are all very cool, not as portrayed by the media.
I think that if Bluewater (the shopping centre) had had problems with hoodies previously then they are okay to try and protect their customers. But I doubt that they have had those issues, I guess legally they probably have the right to say that people shouldn't wear hoodies in their shop, but it is totally stupid.

Actually a group of pubs has banded people from wearing Burberry and Hackett, Big brother is watching...
Diamond Star said:
It's just another way to victimise teenagers. I’m sick and tired of my generation being portrayed as lazy, arrogant and violent by the government and the press!

I don't think it's teens that they are victamising per se, and if they have reasonable information to assume that a person wearing a hoody is more likely to steal/hurt costumers, it's not so bad.
So if I get it right, they want to ban any kind of use of caps and hoodies? I mean, I get their arguments, but they interpretate them wrong. I'd give them the absolute right to ban people of actually wearing a hood on their head (thus not just hanging on the back) when something has actually happened involving such a person. This is a too quick decision and must definetly be thought over again....

That's why I get that some (high)schools in Holland have banned the Lonsdale brand. It is perhaps a bit to quickly generalised, but everyone that seems to wear this is somewhat of a neonazi and problems did occur with people wearing that, so in order to not scare anyone anymore on basis of clothes in those schools, they've banned it. That seems more fair to me than the upper example...
Actually a group of pubs has banded people from wearing Burberry and Hackett, Big brother is watching...

I know you're not making a big issue out of it but 'Big Brother' is about state control. If you're on private property you play by the owner's rules or you get out - that's fair...
I cant of understand it i mean comon have a look at those people actually wearing hoodies and caps and walk around in malls, usually they are charvs, and i am ot saying always but- most of the time.

And many times they just hang about, you know they are on to starting trouble, they are always loud and obnoxious.

I am not saying that all people that wer hoodies are like that but in britian, is a damn big part.
Jesus, this country has some rediculous people making some even more rediculous rules. I've never associated a hoodie with troublemakers....unless you're in a dakr alley in the middle of the night, in a bad neighborhood, and you're being followed by someone wearing one, maybe then.....but come on. I live in my hoodies, they're the most practical and comfortable garments I own, does that automatically make me a menace to society?

Dumb, there's just no other word for this...
screenage said:
I don't think it's teens that they are victamising per se, and if they have reasonable information to assume that a person wearing a hoody is more likely to steal/hurt costumers, it's not so bad.

Ok, wait a minute there, there is ABSOLUTELY no studies that proves you are more likely to be steal/hurt by someone wearing a hoodie than someone not wearing one.

It's just an assumption they're making, and one hell of a ridiculous one.
Kimkhuu said:
Ok, wait a minute there, there is ABSOLUTELY no studies that proves you are more likely to be steal/hurt by someone wearing a hoodie than someone not wearing one.

It's just an assumption they're making, and one hell of a ridiculous one.

Well I think it's more about the fact that some people wear hoodies to disguise their face if there are security cameras around

I still don't agree with it though.
Kimkhuu said:
Ok, wait a minute there, there is ABSOLUTELY no studies that proves you are more likely to be steal/hurt by someone wearing a hoodie than someone not wearing one.

Of course you're more likely to steal/hurt someone. In Britain the majority of people who wear hoodies with the hood up will be young and probably also male. And who commits the most crime - young males...
cosmocat said:
There a lot of emphasis here on anti-social behaviour but this is definitely not going to help the issue so many are worried about. I want to protest!

bring on the revolution...
I can't see the problem with this. Why would you wear a hood up in an indoor shopping centre? There are better fights to pick than this.
well we have rules against baleclarvas (sp ?) and bike helmets in shops as they cover your face. I think you should be allowed to wear hoodies with the hood down, si you can be capture by cctv.
They should band wearing hoods up not banning hoodies all together.
PrinceOfCats said:
Of course you're more likely to steal/hurt someone. In Britain the majority of people who wear hoodies with the hood up will be young and probably also male. And who commits the most crime - young males...

I don't agree with your reasonning. Of course you see a lot of criminals wearing hoodies, but you can't conclude that because someone is wearing a hoodie they are more likely to commit a crime.
That's not my reasoning. I don't think that because you wear a hoodie you are more likely to commit a crime, I think that people who wear hoodies are more likely to commit crimes. This is fact.
fact? Are there really stats on what criminals wear? I find that one hard to believe....
PrinceOfCats said:
I know you're not making a big issue out of it but 'Big Brother' is about state control. If you're on private property you play by the owner's rules or you get out - that's fair...
2 entries found for big brother.

big brother
  1. An older brother.
  2. A man who assumes the role of an older brother, as by providing guidance or protection.
    1. also Big Brother An omnipresent, seemingly benevolent figure representing the oppressive control over individual lives exerted by an authoritarian government.
    2. A state, organization, or leader regarded in this manner.
Originally Posted by screenage
I don't think it's teens that they are victamising per se, and if they have reasonable information to assume that a person wearing a hoody is more likely to steal/hurt costumers, it's not so bad.

Kimkhuu said:
Ok, wait a minute there, there is ABSOLUTELY no studies that proves you are more likely to be steal/hurt by someone wearing a hoodie than someone not wearing one.

It's just an assumption they're making, and one hell of a ridiculous one.

I know it's an assumption, I said if they have reasonable information to assume that, I don't think it'd be as "awful" and come on, if you are walking out of the mall and some boys have noticed you and they think you might have a bit of money on you, and say they injure you... maybe not in the mall, maybe the follow you, the police could contact the mall, get CCTV pictures of the boys, and put it on crimewatch. Or around the local aream that would help in finding them--- I know that is rather far-fetched but I'm sure quite a few customers think like that, and it is great pr for Bluewater as they will attract older clients who may feel less terrorised and lets face it who have considerably more money than teens
whatever the reasoning, i believe state should stop messing up with what people wear , this is too fascist.. if society wants to stop crime, they need to do something more drastic than just ban hoods or other garment styles, its too rediculous...
give people education, jobs and a dream for the future, this will reduce crime, not a hood ban or more surveillance..
innocent respectful citizens get annoyed with all this cctv around and uk seems the worst for cctv cams, its intimidating.. and has the opposite results, makes people nervous and upset, its like we are all 'suspects' until proven otherway.. give people jobs and a vision.

i guess wearing a hood up will turn out as somekind of political protest stance against constant surveillance..

as for banning headscarves etc, i find this completly wrong and aggressive, its so disrespectful of religious tolerance, let people be

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