Cleaning out your closet

Cleaning my closet sparks my imagination, and having fewer clothes actually makes me feel better. I feel awful pain when I think about the tons of money spent on the "wrong" clothes, that is clothes that are not "me" and I bought because I was tired, sad or simply because I had an temporary bout of amnesia and forgot what my body looks like.
The things that have stayed are the ones that flatter my actual body, and my needs. My key to buying is "replacing" and old and worn out classic, and I try not to stray too much away from that.

I find myself happier with a reliable stock of flattering clothes than with a lot of new things that clash against each others.

I read somewhere that you cannot be a cowgirl one day, a minimalist the other, and a boho girl the next. That´s so true for me, I have this image of what I want to look like, and I try to stick to that, the same woman everyday, filling different activities.
I soooo regreted my youngish adventures...trying to be somebody else(clotheswise)...ah so many torn pictures...
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^^ yea, good point. Having a clear personal style would definitely help.

Along those lines...I have a few woolen pencil skirts that's not really my personal style, but what I think my personal style should go towards as I get older. I don't love them, but they're well-made vintage pieces, fully lined and one is made in France. Not sure that I should keep them. :ermm:

I have kept one dress since college, about 15 years (:shock:) ago. As it turns out, it's in fashion again, but I haven't worn it yet. I just like the print, and the fact that it was Esprit, back when Esprit was so hot. :lol: Well, I'm glad I kept it.

newprincesita, I know what you mean about being inspired by having less. It forces you to focus.
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^ Nice to see you, newprincesita :flower:

I'm sure I've said this before ;)

I don't generally buy things that come across as trendy to me, but neither am I intent on buying something classic or basic. I mostly want to buy something I really like, and hopefully it fits well too.

Then when I buy something, I don't have that many things, so I often (always?) will wear something out before it has a chance to seriously go out of style. Or, it was a bit eccentric to begin with, so it can't really go out of style.

Certain things are good on you, and you should always wear them. 3/4 sleeves are good on me, and I buy them whenever I can. How hot or cool they are, I don't know or care. I'm just happy I can find them ...

It always amazes me when I see people wearing clothes from a completely different decade on an ongoing basis ... how did they not wear it out yet? ;) (Often, of course, it's that they've lost weight and are back in their old clothes ... for the ordinary person in my observation it tends not to be a good look, but hopefully we here are making much better selections ;))
I spent a whole day this week totally clearing out my room, which had just become completly clogged up and it feels so much better to be in now. I literally had no space in my wardrobes to add anything so I got rid of piles of clothes and it feels so much better. It is odd to see how much my style has changed, albeit gradually over the years. Like I used to work for a certain hip Spanish store so I got a lot of free clothes there, but now that I no longer work there I've moved a way a good bit from that style.

I definetly find it hard to know what to keep though, some of my dresses and skirts are years old and I still get great use out of them..

Also I find shoes hard to throw away, some are really lovely and can have very little wear, but I just don't seem to use them (usually huuuuge heels) Has anyone else had a similar shoe or accessory issue?! ^_^
Im moving into a larger apartment as soon as my brother moves out of it this summer, I get a full 60-70 sq ft closet all to myself... I cant wait :woot: My current closet is the same size but I share it and every inch of wall space is taken up. No more stinky litter box in my closet either. I was visiting a friend in NY and I couldn't believe what they consider a large closet there :shock:
Quimby, I know exactly what you mean. Just the other day I was switching out my winter stuff for summer and found a one-piece I bought from Express circa 1997. Sadly enough, I still won't get rid of it!
I posted about this on my blog recently: I really need to reorganize:

The good news is, I unearthed a lot of things I forgot I had:

It's still a work in progress, but I feel like I'm making some headway...
Hello Fashionista!:flower: Nice to see you too!

De-cluttering and cleaning one´s clothes is a subject that goes hand in hand with finding one´s style.
It´s difficult to keep a sleek and controlled wardrobe when your choices are still quite vague, and you keep jumping from style to style.

I know I have to fight my urge to buy things I don´t need. It´s my everyday battle.


80% of the time I resist the urge....20% of the time....I succumb to temptation and my closet suffers and becomes obese.

Of course sometimes I make great buys... Those I regret not buying a second piece....
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I have real sentimental issues with my clothing. I still have a few pairs of trousers that are two sizes bigger than me. I really annoy myself. The best I can do is put them in a box outside of the wardrobe.. one pair of the oversized jeans has sneaked back into my wardrobe this past week even!
^ that's funny about the jeans. i find the same thing thing happens to me if i don't get rid of things quickly enough.

right now, i have a box of stuff that has been sitting in my hallway for a few weeks (yes, i'm a slob), ready to be donated. but last night, i started pawing through it, looking for something, and i found myself second-guessing half the stuff in there.

but if i hadn't looked through the box again, i would have completely forgot about most of the stuff there.
I always attempt to clean out my closet but eventually at the end, i look at everything that I'm about to throw away and i change my mind and it goes straight back into my closet....
Today I'm tossing out a fashion section from 1987 with an article about the opening of Christian Lacroix's new couture salon. He was 36 at the time ;) And leather was expected to be big for fall.

PS As far as minimalism with antiques, I didn't say I was doing it :lol: But I can recommend some books ...
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I just threw some "stuff" out of my room into recycling...maybe I'll take a look of my fashion mags in five years, but those Finnish Nature magazines from 1993, what were they doing under my bed :D or Estonian teen magazines from 2001 with nothing exciting..or weird polyester tops I got from second hands before I knew wonder all my lovely clothes etc. were on the floor if this was taking up the space. And as I've read on this thread, I also felt really relieved and actually enjoyed it. The best part is that I even didn't go through half of it :D
^ I guess I should clarify that the papers I'm clearing are getting tossed into the recycling ;) I think you're going to sleep better without Finnish Nature under your bed :lol:

I find that fashion magazines don't have much of a shelf life. I look through the old ones, and it's amazing how out of date everything from just a few years ago is. Some of the articles are still good, though ...
I'm moving out in 4 days and I don't have time with finals, and it's a big move. I'm going back home to the United States!!! I'm quickly setting aside things to donate while I'm here.
Very inspiring stories and suggestions! I am in major clutter-clearing mode preparing for a big move. My own apartment was easy. But I'm also working on my childhood room in my parents' home...:cry:. I'm done with the clothes and personal books. Now it's the paper and work-related stuff...any advice for the following?

twenty years of letters...(including love letters)...this is a HUGE project as I need to check them for mailing addresses and create some kind of system for them...I know, I about lying in the bed you've made...:doh:

and what to do with books and papers pertaining to my present line of work...?

or projects you've done in a previous line of work, for that matter??
^ I think you shouldn't force yourself to get rid of things you're not ready to let go of. So, you have to get yourself ready ;) I believe I've already mentioned the books I recommend for this.

That said, in my clutter clearing, letters generally go, and that goes double for anything related to past relationships. My view is that all these things are part of me, and I don't need to preserve the physical evidence.

For my present line of work, I keep things that can actually contribute to my portfolio. Work I wouldn't show anyone else, I don't keep either. Also things I actually expect to refer to in the future. This means the majority of everything goes.

I don't have much of a previous line of work, but say, college papers ... anything really interesting, that I think I might want to read again, I keep. The vast majority can go ...

I don't know if I've mentioned/admitted this yet :lol: But I keep a basket in the bath with letters, newsletters, journals, magazines put out by non-profits, etc. and every time I'm in there I read a page (or not) and toss it into the recycling. (There's a first pass through the paperwork that winnows it down to this stage.) This way I'm making some progress every day, and I don't have to set aside a large block of time for going through this stuff.
For my present line of work, I keep things that can actually contribute to my portfolio. Work I wouldn't show anyone else, I don't keep either. Also things I actually expect to refer to in the future. This means the majority of everything goes.
I don't have much of a previous line of work, but say, college papers ... anything really interesting, that I think I might want to read again, I keep. The vast majority can go ...

Thank you for your immediate reply ta-ta! Your suggestions as always are amazing. "Contributing to my portfolio" is a really good one. And you're right, I have a lot of reference material that I don't actually refer to...:innocent:

Your idea of a basket/recycling bin combo is great. I should also start reading my mail next to the recycling bin...

I know this is not what you're saying, but I could never understand when people go on a rampage to tear up photos and letters when a relationship ends; I'm just filled with gratitude and we go on to become any reminders are just like reminders of beloved family members to me. The difficulty is getting rid of anything which people have put their hearts into creating for me--letters, sweaters, children's drawings...big softie:blush:. At the same time, I am so ready to get rid of it on a material level. I could very much relate when Theyskens said something like he wishes he can "keep" all the feelings people have had about his work, more than the work itself. I know they are a part of me like you say...hmm...

Anyhow, I've looked into the books you mentioned, and the Feng Shui one seems to be quite a favorite in Japan! I'm sure I'll find it on my next visit to the bookstore.
I view my wardrobe as a showcase of my clothes, bags and shoes. It's something that must be kept tidy, and I often de-clutter it once every month or so i.e. bin bag in hand with an intention of shipping the unwanted goods off to a charity shop.

I LOATHE messiness, it's disgusting. I hate messy rooms (although my room was rather messy in the pictures shown in my blog, sorry, but come on I was changing outfits, ha). Take pride in your wardrobe and your clothes, it's always easier to locate clothes in a well organised wardrobe.
Thank you for your immediate reply ta-ta! Your suggestions as always are amazing. "Contributing to my portfolio" is a really good one. And you're right, I have a lot of reference material that I don't actually refer to...:innocent:

Your idea of a basket/recycling bin combo is great. I should also start reading my mail next to the recycling bin...

I know this is not what you're saying, but I could never understand when people go on a rampage to tear up photos and letters when a relationship ends; I'm just filled with gratitude and we go on to become any reminders are just like reminders of beloved family members to me. The difficulty is getting rid of anything which people have put their hearts into creating for me--letters, sweaters, children's drawings...big softie:blush:. At the same time, I am so ready to get rid of it on a material level. I could very much relate when Theyskens said something like he wishes he can "keep" all the feelings people have had about his work, more than the work itself. I know they are a part of me like you say...hmm...

Anyhow, I've looked into the books you mentioned, and the Feng Shui one seems to be quite a favorite in Japan! I'm sure I'll find it on my next visit to the bookstore.

That's sweet :heart:

It really was a huge breakthrough for me when I realized that everything I've experienced is part of me.

Unfortunately in my case the pile of stuff wasn't so much sweet memories as a reminder of all kinds of painful times in my life. If someone ever wrote me a nasty letter or note, I still had it :doh: When I realized I had basically created a monument to unpleasantness, I couldn't believe my own stupidity :rolleyes:

I think in any case you are going to feel a real sense of lightness after doing this. Best of luck :heart:
That's sweet :heart:

It really was a huge breakthrough for me when I realized that everything I've experienced is part of me.

Unfortunately in my case the pile of stuff wasn't so much sweet memories as a reminder of all kinds of painful times in my life. If someone ever wrote me a nasty letter or note, I still had it :doh: When I realized I had basically created a monument to unpleasantness, I couldn't believe my own stupidity :rolleyes:

I think in any case you are going to feel a real sense of lightness after doing this. Best of luck :heart:

Ooh, monument to unpleasantness, lol!! :lol:
Not a laughing matter though, it is so true. We all need to look really cold and hard at what we surround ourselves with. I realize as I do this that I must focus on who I am now. Stuff of the past, whether good or bad, is of the past. The same goes for "just in case" stuff whose only relevance is that something undesired will occur in future...unless I actually enjoy having it around right now. (Except perhaps for the emergency kit, backup files and extra money...?). I'm still new to this. I could do with your huge breakthrough around now...^_^ How life-changing it must have been to get rid of your stuff!! Thanks for the inspiration. That'll be my new cleaning mantra: everything is part of me.

Having read Harry Potter recently, I loved the image of the friends embarking on a quest to save the world with only a tiny beaded bag...:)
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