Cleaning out your closet

thank gawd i have storage space...
i don't believe in ANY of that stuff that those people on those TV shows say...

* if you haven't worn it in a year, then get rid of it...

i keep stuff for ages and ages...
i still have stuff from high school...
it's all really good quality and i love every piece...

i may weed out a few pieces here and there every couple of years...
but for the most part...
if it's a good piece i keep it...
i know from experience that i'll get to it eventually...
even if it gets tucked away on the top shelf for a few seasons...
i know there'll come a time when i get something new that works with perfectly with it and suddenly that old piece will have a new life...

so - yeah...
i keep everything indefinitely...
cleaning out my closet usually just means re-organizing it...
refolding sweaters...
bringing favourites to the front and tucking away out of season stuff...


I definitely agree about the 1 year rule - its dumb! I do occasionally get rid of pieces that arent really my style anymore, not more than 2-3 a year usually. But I have plenty of stuff I havent worn in over a year that I love. I just dont have enough occasions to wear all my nicer things to. And I keep buying
^I have some fantastic dresses that I wear for Christmas or New Year's Eve, and of course I don't wear the same two years in a row...why would I get rid of those fantastic dresses? Same thing about coats, really.
I am 'cleaning out my closet' tomorrow evening... I won't be throwing too much away, it's more so a spring clean, getting ready for the warmer months and packing away some of the heavier items that I won't be able to wear during the transition period between seasons...
wow, this thread has been quite helpful for me to read through. i am currently living in my childhood home, and there is much to declutter, especially with a death in the family. at the moment, it just seems as though i cannot bring myself to throw anything away, and i feel quite debilitated by it all. i feel better knowing that i am not alone.
^ :heart:

Definitely check out the books that have been mentioned in this thread :flower: It's quite true that you really have to get your head in the right place before you can be successful clearing clutter. Good luck :flower:
Quick update...

I went ahead and got rid of almost a lifetime's worth of letters.
Graduation cards, love-letters, you name it.
It was wonderful going through and re-reading precious words written for me by friends from long ago. Felt so loved and had a good laugh! But I also noticed that I had actually already remembered the special ones and hence didn't need the papers to remind me.

After throwing them out, a big breakthrough I'd been waiting for occurred the next day which physically opened up a wealth of new possibilities in my life.

Unrelated? who knows...;)
^ :woot: So exciting!!! Good for you! You're a textbook example of the value of clearing clutter quickly ...

I'm continuing to clear out magazines ... I've been looking through all my old Victoria magazines & really enjoying them. I'm starting to tackle the Martha Stewart Livings as well ... they have a ton of great gardening information. So far I'm keeping about half of those. The Victorias, I probably kept 5-10%.
I switched bedrooms in ny house the other week, and so finally bit the proverbial bullet and cleared out my things. I had so many birthday cards, I didn't realise how many, and letters which I through out all of, except a few. For me, reading them all was a mistake as I ended up getting really upset, it would probably have been better for me to toss them all as I had no emotional attatchment to them until I started reading them.and it brought up some painful things - although it was quite revealing to see which relationships (friends, family, romantic) that have ended through one means or another I wasn't ready to let go of yet, a shrink would have plenty to say I'm sure.

I also re-cycled all of my school books for up until two years ago. I still have about 10 ring binders of notes from the last two years, I just can't face just throwing away all of that time and energy. I didn't get rid of a single magazine either, unfortunately. When I (fate - and admissions tutors - willing!) go to university next year I know I am going to have to get rid of my old notes and at least some of the magazines, hopefully I will have 'prepared' myself by then.

And well done Melisande on such a good clear out!
I switched bedrooms in ny house the other week, and so finally bit the proverbial bullet and cleared out my things. I had so many birthday cards, I didn't realise how many, and letters which I through out all of, except a few. For me, reading them all was a mistake as I ended up getting really upset, it would probably have been better for me to toss them all as I had no emotional attatchment to them until I started reading them.and it brought up some painful things - although it was quite revealing to see which relationships (friends, family, romantic) that have ended through one means or another I wasn't ready to let go of yet, a shrink would have plenty to say I'm sure.

I also re-cycled all of my school books for up until two years ago. I still have about 10 ring binders of notes from the last two years, I just can't face just throwing away all of that time and energy. I didn't get rid of a single magazine either, unfortunately. When I (fate - and admissions tutors - willing!) go to university next year I know I am going to have to get rid of my old notes and at least some of the magazines, hopefully I will have 'prepared' myself by then.

And well done Melisande on such a good clear out!

It's such a revealing word you use there about your notes, energy ;) It's true, you have energy tied up with them ... I don't think it's bad to hang onto something you're not ready to let go of yet, but it's a good idea to really understand why ... are you going to refer back to them again? What are they for? These are the questions I ask myself :flower:

That's great that you went thru all that correspondence. I would say that you just weren't aware of all the emotions you had tied up with it. It was there, I think, you just weren't conscious of it. I had a pile of the same kind of stuff, and it was so great to get rid of it ... I bet you'll feel the same way.

The thing about your school notes is ... the point of your education is to learn how to think. Since I was in college the world has changed radically ... technology has changed, accounting principles, you name it ... it wasn't what I was taught that was important, it was the learning how to think critically, how to make my point, how to research, how to write, how to examine my values ... you're basically learning skills. The what almost doesn't matter ... everything you needed is in you now. You don't need the notes, they were just part of the process ... ;)
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Chanel, good for you for going through that pile! I'm sorry it was hard...I find that de-toxing is a lot like washing a dirty rag...first, as the water turns black and the filth comes up, it looks like things have gotten worse; but loosening up that stuff finally allows it to be washed away once and for all.

I find at such times it's helpful to write out my emotions in a journal to get rid of the negative and reach clarity. That may also inspire you to move on with your clutter.

As for school stuff, I realized that hanging on to that had kept me in a sort of student mentality where I wasn't ready to "own" what I already knew, and needed to cling to past achievements. When what I actually wanted to do was move forward in my professional life.
^good point about the "student mentality", melisande. that is my exact problem. i have all of my school work from since i was a child...not healthy. i can't even bring myself to go through it all yet. i'm currently going through all my clothes -- folding as we speak!
I'm a really massive neat, organised, clean freak - But when it comes to throwing out some things I just CANT do it:

- every single magazine since I ever started buying magazines.. yes like my Kidz Zones, Sabrina Teenage Witch, and Barbie magazines included! I buy alot of magazines so this pile is so huge.. everyone comments on it ha ha

- All of my school books.. not joking.. I have over like 500 cause my school made us buy them.. I don't know what to do with them? There are SO many.. It's a whole full bookshelf worth..

Don't get me started on clothes.. I have over 30 pairs of jeans and only wear 3. I have BOXES and BOXES of bags that are above my wardrobe, with my other 15 that I actually use at easy access.. yet I won't throw away the boxes.

:( is it okay not to throw away everything?!
I am also going through lots of de-cluttering at the moment. Clothes, papers, old magazines.. and then my sister went through our father's attic and found some of my old boxes with school stuff and toys :shock:

I find that it gets easier with time though. Something that has worked for me is packing things up and putting them away for a while. When I look at things after a while they've lost their hold on me so to speak - and I can toss themout without feeling bad about it. It doesn't go for everything obviously but lots of the stuff I've got really doesn't mean anything when I really look at it - if that makes any sense :unsure:
I'm a really massive neat, organised, clean freak - But when it comes to throwing out some things I just CANT do it:

- every single magazine since I ever started buying magazines.. yes like my Kidz Zones, Sabrina Teenage Witch, and Barbie magazines included! I buy alot of magazines so this pile is so huge.. everyone comments on it ha ha

- All of my school books.. not joking.. I have over like 500 cause my school made us buy them.. I don't know what to do with them? There are SO many.. It's a whole full bookshelf worth..

Don't get me started on clothes.. I have over 30 pairs of jeans and only wear 3. I have BOXES and BOXES of bags that are above my wardrobe, with my other 15 that I actually use at easy access.. yet I won't throw away the boxes.

:( is it okay not to throw away everything?!

I'd sell the stuff on ebay if I were you. I wouldn't be surprised if there were people out there who wanted vintage barbie magazines :)
It's such a revealing word you use there about your notes, energy ;) It's true, you have energy tied up with them ... I don't think it's bad to hang onto something you're not ready to let go of yet, but it's a good idea to really understand why ... are you going to refer back to them again? What are they for? These are the questions I ask myself :flower:

That's great that you went thru all that correspondence. I would say that you just weren't aware of all the emotions you had tied up with it. It was there, I think, you just weren't conscious of it. I had a pile of the same kind of stuff, and it was so great to get rid of it ... I bet you'll feel the same way.

The thing about your school notes is ... the point of your education is to learn how to think. Since I was in college the world has changed radically ... technology has changed, accounting principles, you name it ... it wasn't what I was taught that was important, it was the learning how to think critically, how to make my point, how to research, how to write, how to examine my values ... you're basically learning skills. The what almost doesn't matter ... everything you needed is in you now. You don't need the notes, they were just part of the process ... ;)
Good points on the notes, I'll bare those questions in mind when de-cluttering in general. And I love that point about the skills learnt rather than what you've learnt... how did you become some smart tata?! ^_^:p

Melisande the rag analogy is a good one, although it was horrid at first I do now feel 'cleansed' in a way.

allthatglitters are they text books you have? Perhaps you could try selling them on amazon or somewhere like that, or giving them to people you know who are going to be doing the same courses as you?
^ You know, the usual way ... it all starts with doing some really dumb things, as I recall ;) :lol:

I need some change in my life, so I decided to have a nice clear-out today ... I'm taking a bunch of stuff to the night shelter ... just as soon as I stop looking at tFS & dry my hair :p

Next up is a stop at the city electronic drop-off ... old computer cases, printer, etc. ...
My closet is pretty cluttered, really I don't think that rearranging things would be adequate, it would probably take getting rid of some things. Deciding WHAT to get rid that's the question. ;)
^ We do have a thread specifically about that, btw ... let me see if I can find it.

Well, I just figured out which drop-off station is closest to me, and pulled out all the electronic stuff I need to take :shock: Two CPUs, an old monitor, an old printer, a whole shopping bag full of hubs, routers, cables, adapters ... good Lord. Talk about your bad feng shui ...
So yesterday shortly after 4:00 I loaded up my car (three boxes of magazines, two boxes of miscellaneous stuff, and a stainless steel kitchen trash can) and dropped everything off. I checked my e-mail last night, and coincidentally enough, shortly after 4 I got an e-mail that modified the unacceptable situation that developed Monday, to an acceptable situation for the time being. Step 1 of the change I was looking for ;) It wasn't what I had in mind, but it will do just fine for right now.

And when I walked back into my office, where I'd been storing the magazines and empty boxes, I could feel the difference. So interesting ...

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