Cleaning out your closet

^ I think it would be worth your while to consult with an expert, although they won't be able to do as much if you just have a room/apartment rather than a house and yard. As my feng shui person is always telling me, "Everything you do outside is far more powerful than what you do inside."

If you're not comfortable in your room when you're finished, it's not right--it's just that simple. My feng shui person does fairly elaborate calculations, and where things should be change according to the specific person (birth date and gender), the current month, and the current year. Each year she rearranges my desk, where I sit at the dining table, the sofa, and my bed. Anyplace you spend a significant amount of time is important. Some years the previous position continues to work--it's not total musical chairs every time. She will often give me a choice of 2 or more positions, and tell me which is best.

When your furniture is arranged properly (and as I say, from January to February this might be quite different), you will be more comfortable, sleep better, etc. As I mentioned, if this is not the case, the arrangement is wrong. You can also make adjustments for better health (or avoiding potential health issues), reducing conflict, etc.

Good luck!
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A few months ago I moved and I was pretty tired of all the clothes I never used soooo.... I threw it out :blink:
Thanks for your advie Ta-ta :flower: I have a large aparment and 100 foot garden but it's mainly just my bedroom that is in need of a major de-clutter. (My flatmates room is her domain,I gather it's more cluttered than mine!) I'm definetly going to look into someone in my local area who would be able to organise my apartment according to feng shui. I did buy a plant a few weeks ago to try and...well,whatever it is that pot plants are supposed to do?! Make a room feel more like a garden? But I'm terrible at remembering to water it. And I have a wonderful goldfish :heart: who is surprising a very calming influence on me.

As my exams draw ever closer my spring clean is gaining in intensity! Another 2 pairs of battered shoes finally went :) I just hope that I don't see this as an excuse in a few weeks time to go shopping to fill the void of what I have parted with.
^ I like to think of space & clutter clearing as making room for intangibles that I want--and I think it does work that way :flower:

Remind yourself that you don't have to save everything, because whatever you need in the future will come to you. And, you don't have to save mementos because all your experiences are part of you ... you don't need any evidence to prove it. Once you really internalize those two things, letting go becomes completely easy.

Bamboo in water is so much easier than houseplants--all you have to do is remember to add water every so often. I'm much better with plants outdoors, even potted ...

My feng shui person is coming tomorrow (she says the annual shift is on the 14th--why a month ahead of Chinese New Year I don't know, but mine is not to question why :p) & I've been getting ready for her tonight. I don't know how your person will be, but I'm not afraid to tell her no when something is not going to work, or it's just going to be too ugly. Like one time she wanted me to build this little rock formation next to my house, and I had to explain that no, there's a sidewalk there, and I have to walk on that sidewalk :lol: The rest of the time I'm trying to figure out how to do things and have them be aesthetically pleasing. It's an interesting little challenge ;) Certain of her cures (like the saltwater ones) are clearly odd, and people who make it far enough into the house tend to ask about them. My plumber was quite mystified :lol: but last time he was here he told me he'd been reading up on that feng shui ;) He sounded like he thought I was a little less nuts than when we originally talked about it. Hey, I don't mind ... I consider it part of my job to march to a different drummer & help broaden people's minds :D
well, that is my "new" new year's resolution...clean up my closet. It sure needs a clean up and update in some areas. In the past year I have bought new items that are basic, but more resilient to fashion fads.
I am hoping to do a real pruning of my closet this weekend. aaahahrhrrggghghghhh!!!!... nervous wreck here, but will manage . the thing that i keep reminding myself is that after the clean up comes shopping!

I just gave my cousins 2 bags of clothes from my last clean out, but atm I'm having loads of "what-to-wear"-crises, so I think I'll clean out my closet again soon. When I've just cleaned out my closet I think it is so easy to dress, since I wanna wear every single piece in my wardrobe.
Every other season I try to clean out my closet and donate at least one big trash bag of clothing. Seeing as how I've been trying to streamline my wardrobe in the last year, though, I might have less to throw out this time around. Hopefully I don't find too many "wow, these still have the tags on them" or "TOO TRENDY!" items!
i did that---kept it that way for ages even though i hated it...
just changed everything around and i am so much happier already...
i decided that it was better to organize according to ME...
and being ME was the best thing i could be!

Haha, when I moved into my apartment everything was arranged according to feng shui and I hesitated to move anything around for that reason. I never liked it though (I like having my apartment more "bare" as some people call it) so I rearranged everything "my way" (:p) and it opened up the small-ish apartment enormously and made it very "light-filled." Funny that when my landlord and neighbors who are Asian came in they complimented me on what I had done with the place. I think you should give it a try but do what works for you.
I sell stuff on ebay that is worth selling... you need to weigh up the effort against cash... and anything else goes to the charity shop... the prob with me is when im dropping stuff off I always end up buying something as well... charity shop shopping can be fun! Getting a walk in wardrobe in our new house... well it was the 5th bedroom but we have decided to knock through from the master... prob is my hubby was to have a bit of it too... but if i work out how i'd like to have it... leavs no room for him... not told him the bad news yet... but will work on it... im sure he will cope with a bit less space than planned... but I cant help it if 75 pairs of shoes take up more room than i thought can I???

Def need to maybe comprimise a bit though and throw out stuff
I send my husband to the Salvation Army to drop my things off...If I go myself, it's like a magnet. I have to take a look inside.:blush:
I have a difficult time getting rid of pieces, especially when I've spent a good deal of hard-earned cash on an item. Even if I haven't, I usually adopt some sort of twisted sentimental attachment that makes the process even more difficult.

Even though my personal style has evolved over time, I feel that because trends and interests tend to cycle, that I might be interested in something again if only I choose a different layering piece, etc.

My closet is getting mighty full, though, and I can only imagine how refreshing it would be to walk into it and like everything I see - rather than 10%, 15%.
^ You should try it ... don't get rid of anything, just split it up into two places ... the 15% you like, and everything else.
i'm sucking it up and i've got two more bags full of stuff to go to charity...

granted- there are a few leather jkts and a pair of boots that take up 1/2 the room...
but still...
^ You should try it ... don't get rid of anything, just split it up into two places ... the 15% you like, and everything else.

i agree. the key is to go in guns blazing when you're in a ruthless mood. i hate clutter, so luckily, this results in me purging semi-regularly.

my husband is another story, but my ruthless closet cleaning ways are rubbing off on him lately.

this is only with clothes, of course. i have a hard time parting with shoes for some reason.
i'm sucking it up and i've got two more bags full of stuff to go to charity...

granted- there are a few leather jkts and a pair of boots that take up 1/2 the room...
but still...
ok-so i gave the bags to my mom to bring to the charity shop and she looked through and saw that it was a bunch of brand new stuff, etc...
and wound up keeping 1/2 of it herself...
including the leather jkts!...

oh well- at least it got a good home and it's out of my house now!...

I need to clean out and organize my closets so bad because over half of my items I don't wear (or have never worn), but it's so so hard for me to get rid of perfectly fine (and brand new) clothes. : (
ok-so i gave the bags to my mom to bring to the charity shop and she looked through and saw that it was a bunch of brand new stuff, etc...
and wound up keeping 1/2 of it herself...
including the leather jkts!...

oh well- at least it got a good home and it's out of my house now!...


my sister did the same thing.

I really need to get rid of a lot of pieces I own. It isn't that I do not wear much of it but I just own too much extra.
ok- made an appt to take a few things to the consignment store...
things like...
oh--- a missoni scarf i bought 5 years ago that still has the tag on it...

so silly...tired of looking at them and feeling bad about myself for not wearing them...
so- off i the consignment shop...
hope they can sell them for me...
i don't want to bring them back into the house if i can avoid it!...

wish me luck...
What helps me is putting all the "dubious" stuff in big plastic bags, closing them tight and then putting them away, off sight, away from the "main" closet, in the garage or in another room for instance.

I always grab a Sharpie and put the date of the day I did the bagging. So when I go back to those bags in the next months I can realize the time passed and whether I actually missed any of those garments.

After a year of not missing them, off they go.

When I do my bi anual closet-cleansing I like to feel I´m not "divorcing" of my "mistakes" but only taking a time off.

After a year I´m convinced, and I don´t regret giving them away. When I tried to do it in just one move, I ended up having regrets.

I hope this helps.
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^I'd gladly take the Missoni scarf if the consignment shop doesn't want it :innocent::lol:

I totally feel like cleaning out my closet again. I barely have anything left in it as I've cleaned it out several times this year and never re-stocked, but I'm so tired of most items in my closet at the moment. :doh:

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