
Touche Eclat is not a concealer, it is a highlighter.

I can vouch for Benefit Erase Paste too, I use it and love it ^_^

I am SO glad to hear somebody else say this!
When it was recommended to me, I just didnt see the difference it made as a concelaor. GREAT as a highlighter though.

Ive heard clinique's concealor is tres bien?
Is there anyone who knows if this is infact true? :S
Would be great help.

Im not a MAC fan. I think their make up is too cakey. Ive heard otherwise of clinique.
Ive stuck to YSL and chanel only, but im willing to branch out!
so i ended up buyin clinique concealer and powder
took the concealer in fair it s a tiny bit too light but since i can t exchange it i ll just deal with that till i finish it and get another one

am thinking of getting touche eclat as well since where i bought the rest they were out of touche eclat.
am also using Lierac dark circles cream 2 times a days as well as Avene hidrating cream 3 times a day
So I went out and bought Benefit's Erase Paste, after reading all of the rave reviews on the forum and everywhere else online + it is one of the best sellers on, turns out its actually quite great i'll be giving up Mac's concealers and sticking to this ^_^
Touch Eclat works wonders as a concealer...I tried it today for my dark circles, you need to apply it then cover it up with powder thats lighter than your skin color then cover it with powder that matches your skin tone
lol i know.. i dont understand why others call it a concealor.. it hasnt concealed sh*t for me :S
Touch Eclat works wonders as a concealer...I tried it today for my dark circles, you need to apply it then cover it up with powder thats lighter than your skin color then cover it with powder that matches your skin tone

hmm isn t it gonna look caked up afterwards? with 2 layers of powder and all??
no, because you would apply it lightly:flower:
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no, because you would apply it lightly:flower:
But then it wouldn't cover anything up, so it seems pointless to me...Touche Eclat is not a concealer for people with dark circles. It also photographs really awful. A waste of money IMO. It lightens the under eye area, giving you the reverse Panda look, which isn't what concealer is supposed to do.
But then it wouldn't cover anything up, so it seems pointless to me...Touche Eclat is not a concealer for people with dark circles. It also photographs really awful. A waste of money IMO. It lightens the under eye area, giving you the reverse Panda look, which isn't what concealer is supposed to do.

You are completely right about photos. A friend of mine looked SO odd in photos from a recent party and we realised it was Touche Eclat!

I just use a tiny bit under my eyes but I like Benefit's Ooh La La at the moment too.

Concealer wise you just can't beat Erase Paste! I also like Laura Mercier's Secret Camouflage and Benefit Boing is okay too.
kryolan dermacolor concealer pallette - several shades match well for my skin. i apply it with a lipbrush. i love the finish
My fave concealer is the one by Jane. I´ve tried expensive ones including Prada and there´s nothing like this. And it only costs a few dollars.
Has anyone had any experience with the shu uemura one??

which one? i've tried one of their pro concealer thingys and found it wayyyy too dry!! best bet is still laura mercier secret camoflage / pencil IMO! :flower:
I use touch eclat and dior anticerne. They work perfect together. there is no panda maybe it's all about the choose the right color for your skin.
My fave concealer is the one by Jane. I´ve tried expensive ones including Prada and there´s nothing like this. And it only costs a few dollars.

I didn't know Prada did make up!:shock:

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