Dating? Alexander Skarsgard & Evan Rachel Wood/Kate Bosworth

that's just lainey being lainey. when she doesn't like someone she turns them into sluts or famewhores, when she likes them even obvious famewh-res are great, nice and funny girls *cough*Nikki*cough*

what's weird is, that normally the girls she dislikes are the same that i don't like, but i love kate and honestly don't think that there ever was something, since she was with james the whole time

anyways...i don't know if they're dating since they could also just be friends (judging from those two pics), do we have any more pics? maybe of them holding hands?!
i'd be totally cool with them, if evan wasn't on top of my ew-hitlist together with paris hilton :ninja:
yeah, that's lainey's course of playing, but this time she actually hinted the person she relates kate b.-famewhore thing, so i'm interested in hearing the rumor/story (since there clearly was one and lainey has gotten an impression she likes to catch taken guys).

as for ERW - there's something just so very off with her, prob started with the whole MM transformation. i don't know, anyone able to screw MM is hard to understand, IMO. though, what's weird, i like Dita.
I used to like her and her acting, but after the MM thingy and the persona she adopted for dating him, she put me right off. In my eyes I think she needs at least 10 years of nice behaviour and great movies to wash out MM and the idea of them both out of her.
^ Same deal for me, I thought she was a good actress but didn't have any real opinion on her till the Marilyn thing then I was like "Yeah...cause that's what normal people do when they want to date someone...":blink: Ever since then I've seen her in a totally different, weird light
so you guys value her acting based on who she's dated? that's an awful way to base things on. and personally i respect MM quite a lot...i don't nor have i ever loved his music but he's a very smart,interesting guy who's actually quite charming. no he's not the most attractive but if that's what's so odd then how superficial are we? and i don't think MM made evan rachel a bad actor or anything.
i also respect MM and he's not the problem (for me). it's just that evan changed completely (i'm not sure if it was just her looks or also her persona, because i don't know too much about her) and it may sound stupid, but i just can't respect anyone that changes SO MUCH just for a guy. she clearly adopted the dita look during her MM phase and looks completely different again now that she's single/dating someone else. it may be due to her very young age, but she seems very contrived and like she adopts whatever personality/look her recent crush likes instead of forming her own personality and style...that's somethng i don't like in a person.
again, i may be completely wrong with that judgement, but i can only base my opinion on what i see and there's just something off about her :(
and i don't judge her acting based on her personal life, but i haven't seen too much with her and nothing made me go "wow! she's talented", and since her queen portrayal on true blood i can't take her seriously anymore, because it was plain horrible (again, to me personally)
i also respect MM and he's not the problem (for me). it's just that evan changed completely (i'm not sure if it was just her looks or also her persona, because i don't know too much about her) and it may sound stupid, but i just can't respect anyone that changes SO MUCH just for a guy. she clearly adopted the dita look during her MM phase and looks completely different again now that she's single/dating someone else. it may be due to her very young age, but she seems very contrived and like she adopts whatever personality/look her recent crush likes instead of forming her own personality and style...that's somethng i don't like in a person.
again, i may be completely wrong with that judgement, but i can only base my opinion on what i see and there's just something off about her :(
and i don't judge her acting based on her personal life, but i haven't seen too much with her and nothing made me go "wow! she's talented"
, and since her queen portrayal on true blood i can't take her seriously anymore, because it was plain horrible (again, to me personally)
i second this. :flower: i wasn't basing my opinion on her dating regarding her acting, actually haven't even mentioned it.:unsure: i just commented on her persona which is (for me) very off after MM thing.
Alexander did say in a TMZ video that he lies younger women...he's what 33? so I guess under 25 is where he feels comfortable. Anyway they must have good chemistry in their scene together next week...I mean I remember watching the scenes with Stephen and Anna and thinking that these two were definitely doing the do off camera. LOL
He also said he doesn't go on many dates with girls from Hollywood. I read an article about him in Swedish ELLE and he said so. Which is a win for me :p

He's dad went to school with my mum's best friend, he used to lie in her lap and say he didn't need school because he was going to be a famous actor. Guess he was right. Lol. Sorry for of topic.
I'm another one who has no problem with Marilyn, I've seen him in a few candid interviews and I think he seems like a really sweet genuine guy under all the make up and everything and I don't judge people on who they date (unless it's like Jeffrey Dahmer or something) but I think going to such ridiculous Frankenstein-ish lengths to get someone just isn't normal and that I will judge someone on. I remember when those reports first came out about how she supposedly completely changed and they were dating and I was like "Oh come on now the press is just getting ridiculous, who would do that!" Then they showed up together at some event or something and I saw how she looked and I just couldn't believe it
so you guys value her acting based on who she's dated? that's an awful way to base things on. and personally i respect MM quite a lot...i don't nor have i ever loved his music but he's a very smart,interesting guy who's actually quite charming. no he's not the most attractive but if that's what's so odd then how superficial are we? and i don't think MM made evan rachel a bad actor or anything.

Have you been reading his interview lately? He's Such a loser, and a horrible looking, one on top that. :lol:

A small example.

Plus Rachel's persona and her acting went downhill since she started dating MM, I guess a 20 year old dating a 40 year old has been "gothic" start, is never a good mix.
RE: the Kate Bosworth thing for those who asked, I never heard any rumours about Kate/Jim hooking up :unsure: so I don't know what story lainey is referring to? Kate is very touchy feely with people, including guys so maybe someone just took some photos the wrong way? I don't know..

As for ERW I do actually like her as an actress. And I dot actually care who ASkars dates, it's just fun to fangirl sometimes :lol:
I wonder if ERW's people are doing it for publicity. The pictures released right before the finale (and after her bad reviews) and it's really all she's got going. Maybe she thinks people will pay more attention if she's seen with THE Askars. Could it be? He said he hated the smell of smoke and she smokes like a chimney so it's just a thought... but if they are genuinely together then I don't mind. I don't care either way! But I wouldn't be surprised if this blows over after the finale and turns out they were friends after all.
I loved ERW in 13. That was an awesome film but I agree the whole start of her relationship with MM (which overlapped with his separation from Dita) turned me off. I don't blame her for breaking up their relationship or anything (he made that decision) but as others have stated, the way she became in such a short period of time was for me, contrived.

Regarding Lainey. To be honest, with rumors she is pretty spot on. I don't agree 100% with everything she says, but she's honest and personal and I enjoy that. And for what it's worth, the pictures of them together did NOT come from her. They came from someone at ONTD. And if the story of them keeping it low-profile is to be believed, it would thus make sense why they weren't holding hands.
I wonder if ERW's people are doing it for publicity. The pictures released right before the finale (and after her bad reviews) and it's really all she's got going. Maybe she thinks people will pay more attention if she's seen with THE Askars. Could it be? He said he hated the smell of smoke and she smokes like a chimney so it's just a thought... but if they are genuinely together then I don't mind. I don't care either way! But I wouldn't be surprised if this blows over after the finale and turns out they were friends after all.
If they are dating she probably stopped smoking for him since changing for a guy seems to be what she does. Cheap shot, sorry but I had to take it :p
so you guys value her acting based on who she's dated? that's an awful way to base things on. and personally i respect MM quite a lot...i don't nor have i ever loved his music but he's a very smart,interesting guy who's actually quite charming. no he's not the most attractive but if that's what's so odd then how superficial are we? and i don't think MM made evan rachel a bad actor or anything.

Great post, Scott... :flower:
Marilyn Manson is a very smart guy... add a dash of charm and you can get any woman/man you want...
Looks are not the end all be all of human relationships, people..

Alex is handsome, but he is not the second-coming... :lol:
I don't understand the uproar... what would have happened had he stepped out with Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton???
At any rate, Evan and Alex look cute together... more power to them.
yes i agree the whole caricature thing was a bit strange but that's hardly all MM's fault. evan did have a mind of her own. and the i'view,while bizarre,it did say he was also drunk on absinthe for heaven's sake...that stuff will make you say and do crazy things if you drink too much.
Of course those who are upset don't have a personal stake in anything and certainly I'm not crying in my room about it :lol: But the point is, when you have an industry that is so built on appearance and fakery and there is an actor (who just so happens to be very, very attractive :p) who seems to eschew that in part but then get into a relationship with someone who you feel embodies that somewhat contrived aspect of Hollywood, it's disappointing. It doesn't mean you are going to weep about it for days on end because you just 'knew' he was The One.

Hollywood is built upon image - I don't think it's wrong to then make judgments based on those images. It is what is encouraged of us (us being the general public). I agree ERW doesn't court the paparazzi and isn't comparable to Lindsay Lohan and her slow, but constant breakdown, but I would hardly peg her as a bastion of maturity in Young Hollywood, like I would for someone like Natalie Portman for example.

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