Edie Sedgwick #1

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Still from Edie Journal at LJ.

"Outer and Inner Space"





(off to the side)





Edie Style


Thanks to everyone for sharing their photos of Edie. She is another of my favs.:woot: :heart: :D
ninja pirate thank you for your tons and tons and tons! of edie images. i hadn't seen many of those. :flower:
Thanks, did he have a partner? (and just so everyone knows, I'm just curious and have NOTHING at all against gay people, but I do have something against people who think it's evil, etc.)
you should read his diary ninja pirate if you are curious about him. there are tons of other books, there is one by bob colacello which is really good, he was his right hand man from the beginning and for the good factory years. very juicy and fun book.
I believe he had several partners... One even published a book I think, I'm not sure about that. I am a huge Andy Warhol fan but I have never directly come across anything where he states one of his lovers, I think he was very quiet about it (shy perhaps?) even in his own book he hardly mentions it.
Ninja Pirate said:
Thanks, did he have a partner? (and just so everyone knows, I'm just curious and have NOTHING at all against gay people, but I do have something against people who think it's evil, etc.)

as far as i can remember he did have a long term partner near the end of his life. a younger man. but there was always this ambiguity as to whether or not he had sex. he did seem very asexual. it seems like a bit of a mystery to people even close to him. and he seemed to fall in love with younger men that he couldn't really have. maybe keep them close but not really have them. he was also just a worshipful kind of guy, he made people "stars" etc, he was good at that mainly.

have you ever heard him speak in films. he is really sycophantic but in a way more honest it seems about the bullsh*t in the art and entertainment industries. it sounds like he called people on things but they just thought he was complimenting them. as in he was sarcastic. but some people got it.
I watched a biography on Andy a while ago when i was really into the factory scene. They said that after he got shot by tht woman he started to feel nervous having girls around the factory, so he decided to hang around transvestites/transexuals. They never mentioned a specific girlfriend or boyfriend, but a lot of the people who hung out at the factory were saying how Andy wasn't the weird druggy everyone thought he was. They said he never did drugs, he never ran up debts and he went to church ever sunday.

It always made me sad how Edie tried so hard to look like Andy. The way she dressed was very similar to him. And how she cut and dyed her hair to look like him.I think she looked a lot better with her long brown hair like she had in Ciao Manhattan.
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Edie ROCKS. She was so beautiful. I am currently r3daing Steins book about Edie. it is quite good, I can recommend it :heart: :p

thanks for the pics. they are awesome :heart: :flower:


greetz from germnay, isa :heart:
adorevintage said:
In that last photo she looks like Jennifer Garner :-)

Yeah, only Edie has about 100 times more life, light and charm.;)
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