GOSSIP:Prince Harry's Girlfriend

but I don't Harry likes girls with class. I think it's too much of a challage for him.

Agreed. I do wonder what his mother, Princess Diana would say if she saw this.
Originally posted by Meg@Dec 4 2004, 07:29 PM
as much as I don't like her I still find it rude for people to think oh she's not worthy because she's not traditionally pretty. or to say, as long as he's having fun. well what if it's as long as she is having fun. I mean just because harry is a prince doesn't mean he's some great catch.
good point :flower:

I don't like either of them actually - so to me they kind of suit each other :blush:
she looks like some skanky mtv spring breaker
and she does look kinda stoned in that first pic
Originally posted by tiffany@Dec 4 2004, 08:57 PM
good point :flower:

I don't like either of them actually - so to me they kind of suit each other :blush:
That's what I'm saying, prince or not I think Harry's doofiness and her trashyness go well together.
I've taken quite the liking to Prince Harry lately... :innocent:... so I'm a little jealous
harry's not exactly a catch though is he. i mean i really wouldn't. his brother seems to go for the weird looking ones too. besides, everyone in the royal family and everyone around them seem to have some weird horse faces.
Not a spectacularly lovely girl.

Now, whoever nabs Prince William is definitely a lucky gal and she better be one of the most gorgeous girls on Earth or I will have to think otherwise of his ability to be a King.

See now I think thats unfair. And though I know it's a joke but I think that is sort of telling of society. That if a guy is a 'catch' then the girl has to be undeniably beautiful. Wouldn't you rather have someone who is going to be king be married to an intelligent, thoughtful compassionate woman than one who is beautiful and vapid (not to say one can't be both beautiful and intelligent). I just find it aggravating when people think that if someone is a good catch that they should be with someone who is "beautiful".
Originally posted by eternitygoddess@Dec 4 2004, 09:53 PM
Agreed. I do wonder what his mother, Princess Diana would say if she saw this.

Why would you care, if you do that is. And i hate when everytime a celeb kid does something and someone says, "I wonder what their dead parent would approve of this?" I personally think they have that question popped into their minds enough of the time already. And i agree with meg, it's rude for someone to think that someone isn't worthy enough for someone else just because they aren't that pretty or stylish or trendy enough, so crude like. "He's having fun", what like having his way and enjoying it, nice.. (to the others) No offense to you or anything, because i've read worse from others in my young time so ;)
She looks like the hooker who seduced seth on the oc... she just looks like a hootchy mamma to me sorry and talking about there sex life in public :P ewwwwwwwww groooooose we dont want to know
Originally posted by versace_goddess@Dec 5 2004, 06:52 PM
She looks like the hooker who seduced seth on the oc... she just looks like a hootchy mamma to me sorry and talking about there sex life in public :P ewwwwwwwww groooooose we dont want to know

:woot: who spilled the beans on their sex life should be wacked just like ol' boy who got decked by harry no to long ago :lol:
She looks like the hooker who seduced seth on the oc... she just looks like a hootchy mamma to me sorry and talking about there sex life in public ewwwwwwwww groooooose we dont want to know

You've got it right. I totally agree. Its not that I don't like her because she isn't pretty or anything, but she doesn't ahve any class.
Originally posted by Meg@Dec 5 2004, 05:44 PM
See now I think thats unfair. And though I know it's a joke but I think that is sort of telling of society. That if a guy is a 'catch' then the girl has to be undeniably beautiful. Wouldn't you rather have someone who is going to be king be married to an intelligent, thoughtful compassionate woman than one who is beautiful and vapid (not to say one can't be both beautiful and intelligent). I just find it aggravating when people think that if someone is a good catch that they should be with someone who is "beautiful".

I agree :flower:
Originally posted by vintage_princess@Dec 5 2004, 10:56 PM
I agree :flower:
i second that.

besides i think she's cute. and you can't stick her in the same group as little kim (people who dont have class)... she looks cute and casual.

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