Prince William & Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge News #1

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I'm so much more excited now it looks like it will definitely be a McQueen.

Although the disappointment will be horrible if it's not!
It's an absolute monstrosity, that's what it is. I'd be more entertained bashing my brains against the wall than watching this lump of garbage. The accuracy is shameful (Kate swam ashore to William?) and the acting is catastrophic.

There's this tv channel called lifetime in the US that played that movie all day yesterday (day of the wedding) I saw it and it was even worse than you think. Bland story line, bad acting, didnt even make sense. Seems like even the writers didnt know what they were talking about
There's this tv channel called lifetime in the US that played that movie all day yesterday (day of the wedding) I saw it and it was even worse than you think. Bland story line, bad acting, didnt even make sense. Seems like even the writers didnt know what they were talking about

Haha, I loved the movie. Such a total cheesefest. I highly recommend it to anyone who has enjoyed Lifetime specials in the past.

I especially loved the part where she swam ashore. It was totally pointless! She was in a boat with a crew of rowers. They couldn't have just rowed her to shore and waited there? :lol:
^Big thank you. The title looks very nice now^_^. Darn I can not give karma right now but will when I can:flower:
Haha, I loved the movie. Such a total cheesefest. I highly recommend it to anyone who has enjoyed Lifetime specials in the past.

I especially loved the part where she swam ashore. It was totally pointless! She was in a boat with a crew of rowers. They couldn't have just rowed her to shore and waited there? :lol:

I love the movie too even though I have to admit I'm not sure which of the scenes were true and which were made up for the movie...
Anyway, I love their life story, it was romantic and the actors as well as the effects were supposed to be made simple, after all- it's the movie about the Royal Family, not about some action figures who fall in love... ^_^
^ :lol: Imagine that. They make their story into some action flick where Queen Elizabeth has a deadly shotgun, Princess Beatrice has fire breath and Camilla rides a motorbike :lol: THAT I would see.
oh wow, this will save kate's style thread!!!
Prince William & Catherine Are Coming to America
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
John Stillwell/Getty

The rumors are true: Prince William and his new bride, Duchess Catherine, are planning a trip to America this summer.

The royal newlyweds will visit California from July 8-10, though their exact itinerary has not yet been made public.

William, 28, has visited the U.S. privately. This will be his first trip to the country in an official capacity. Meanwhile, the Duchess of Cambridge, 29, has never before visited the United States of America officially or privately.

The couple's U.S. excursion will follow a visit to Canada from June 30-July 8.
That's SOOO great! I live across the country from CA, so seeing them in Canada may actually be more feasible, but I LOVE that they will visit the US!

Tuesday May 3 2011 by Richard Palmer

PRINCE William plans to take his new wife on a tour of New Zealand and Australia in the next few months to introduce her to the two Commonwealth countries.

St James’s Palace is in talks with the governments of both nations about the trip, expected to happen in September or October.

Final details have not been agreed but the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge hope to be in New Zealand for part of the Rugby World Cup which runs from September 9 to October 23.

They are also planning a short visit to Australia around the same time.

Buckingham Palace and St James’s Palace have discussed sending them to Perth in Western Australia to coincide with the Queen’s visit there for the biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting from October 28 to 30.

A senior royal source said: “The question is, will that enhance the Queen’s visit and enhance the image of the Commonwealth, or will it become a circus that takes attention away from CHOGM?”

The Queen usually spends two or three days in the host nation before the summit starts. So it is possible the couple could visit Australia immediately after the rugby world cup final, just before the summit. William, 28, has built an affinity with the two countries after visiting them twice in the past 16 months. His marriage has sent support for the monarchy soaring in both nations, where there had been growing calls to cut the ties.

The Queen discussed the Commonwealth summit with Australia’s republican Prime Minister Julia Gillard in an audience after the wedding reception on Friday.

At the reception, Kate told New Zealand’s Prime Minister John Key she was looking forward to seeing his country.

Mr Key said: “The first thing Kate said was she wants to visit New Zealand. She’s keen to come down and we’ll hopefully encourage her to come and visit us sometime very soon, so that was great.”

One potential problem is that a general election is due in New Zealand on November 26 and, by convention, royal visits do not take place in Commonwealth nations in the run-up to elections.

Opposition leaders fear Mr Key will use William and Kate’s visit to boost his popularity. He has said the couple can skirt convention by making their trip private rather than official.

An autumn tour would make it unlikely that William would be posted to the Falklands in September for 10 weeks’ military service, as was claimed yesterday.

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