Grooming: Picture perfect from head to toe

lata i don't think underwear matters!
for me grooming is about what others can see/touch/smell (smelling good is so important!)
so aslong as there's no bad VPL from your granny pants, you're good to go! ;)

grooming for me is all about consistency. there's no let up!
that's why you need to have a routine/regime . . . to keep it all up
bit ridiculous really. but worth it in some ways
for me, it's all about the skin, hair & nails. looking healthy . . .
soft, smooth, even toned, glowy skin. shiny, voluminous, touchable, healthy hair.
neat, clean nails (polish not necessary!) smelling yum!
& girls! your eyebrows must be perfect. they are the key key ingredient to looking done
clothes to me are irrelevant really, they're all fine aslong as they aren't rags!
'grooming' yourself boosts your self confidence
but it's nice to let yourself go sometimes & be a bit human
otherwise it's just an eternal neverending quest to look your best . . ;)
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I definitely think one celeb that always seems to pull the "picture perfect" look so well is Victoria Beckham. She's always so polished, even when she's snapped in pics grocery shopping or something.

woohoo, 700th post!

yes, so well that I believe she has achieved the "plastic look" :ninja:
grooming for me is all about consistency. there's no let up!

Absolutely...and unfortunately, I tend to go through periods of obsession mixed with longer periods of laziness. :lol:

There is a girl who works in my office who is the epitome of well-groomed and perfectly neat looking. The first day on the job here, I couldn't stop gawking at her because she is just so put together. She goes for a blow out every single day! On the rare occasions when she cannot, she lets her hair go curly (which is its natural state), and it still looks good. I think that what makes her look so put together is the condition of her skin (no break-outs, doesn't tan and protects herself from the sun, wears little/natural makeup), the condition of her clothes (always clean and wrinkle free, and she tends to buy investment pieces and does the mixing and matching thing of the same pieces), and her nails are always filed neatly with clear polish. Her jewelry is also very simple, always perfectly suited to her outfits, and always polished and in great condition. I aspire to be like her, but these days, I would rather take my puppy for a run than sit in the salon and have my nails done. Maybe this thread will inspire me. :blush:
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Does underwear count? I know that this is something people wouldn't notice but would you say a person who looks perfect on the outside but wears granny panties for instance, is well groomed? Perhaps I'm asking this question because I like comfortable (not necessarily granny) underwear :lol:

It should *all* be comfortable, no question ;) The reason it's important (leaving aside the boudoir) is that it affects how you feel, and how you feel is key to looking good.
Does underwear count? I know that this is something people wouldn't notice but would you say a person who looks perfect on the outside but wears granny panties for instance, is well groomed? Perhaps I'm asking this question because I like comfortable (not necessarily granny) underwear :lol:
I think as long as it doesn't show (people with their knickers, especially thongs, rising about their skirt/trousers is one of my pet peeves :yuk:) it doesn't matter.

My grooming routine is in the morning cleanse/moisturise, put on some hand cream, sort out my hair, then mascara and concelar, if I need it, and lip balm and sometimes gloss. Sometimes a little blush or eyeshadow if I'm looking crappy that day. Then in the evening, make up removed/cleanse/moisturise and exfoliate and a mask once a week, hair wash/conditioned every other day, body moisturise every day, ditto foot cream and hand cream again. And of course perfume and deoderant every day like I<3Chanel said smell is important!
lata said:
Does underwear count? I know that this is something people wouldn't notice but would you say a person who looks perfect on the outside but wears granny panties for instance, is well groomed? Perhaps I'm asking this question because I like comfortable (not necessarily granny) underwear

I think it matters. Just for your own pleasure though. However, on the outside, it does matter if your bra fits properly. Also, not that I plan to show my underwear anytime, but we're not all perfect. If my undies were accidentally exposed slightly, I'd much rather it were something more presentable. Keep it reasonable--like black pants worn with black undies with small lace edges would be lovely.

i like to look polished, but it is not a chore for me, its a pleasure.

i always wear a pale pink polish on my fingernails, and a red or red/purple on my toenails.

my eyebrows are always nicely tweezed, and all other visible bodyhair is removed weekly.

my hair is easy, i have natural curls, which i give some serum, then its shiny without any fuss.

the most important thing for me is skincare, i like to have a flawless teint, and im lucky i dont have any zits.
^ It has become less of a chore for me latey and much more of a pleasure. I like to be one of those women who is more or less always put together. You don't even need to be obsessive. As you said, some polish on the nails, neat hair, and clear skin can make a big difference. I cannot stress enough the importance of neat clothing as well. Taking clothes to the dry cleaners is an investment that is well worth the money, IMO.
I so hate going through these motions, lol. All that work to look effortless. Seriously, it takes a good bit longer to look "effortless" than "plastic".

I used to go to bed with wet hair, so in the morning, it'd be all over the place, throw on pants and a shirt, leather shoes, biker leather jacket and briefcase and off I go to school. In reality, i'd stand in front of the mirror for 5 minutes trying to diminish my dark eye circles with SkinFlash, obsess over my pores for another 5 minutes, thinking about getting my nails done for another 2. Etc Etc....

These days, I go to bed with either wet or dry hair, which doesn't matter anymore cause I'm wearing a thin black matte hairband these days. The front looks like I applied wet look gel, but the back looks like a frizzy mess. Loves it. I think for 5 minutes what I'll wear (some shirt with pants, chinos or jeans), wash my face, 3 Step. Nails are getting done every 2nd week, i also bought a hand wash peeling from Alessandro which is HEAVEN! I seperate my eyebrows (hold a pencil to the side of your nose. Whatever stands out on the side, will be TERMINATED!) when I see that it's growing dangerously close to Unibrow territory (well, for my tastes. Even before I started plucking, I never had a unibrow. thank the genes for that!). I sometimes even need to pluck the hair in my nose (which is BEYOND painful... moreso than brows!).

I think I just went down with the obsession.... but generally, I'm always told that I look really dressed up, which surprises me cause these days things really go more effortless (maybe all that training, lol)
ohmygosh!! i didn't think I was that obsessed with my appearance, but after reading this.. :ninja:

I usually take about an hour in the mornings to get ready... wash my face, make-up, shower, style my hair (I have really frizzy, curly hair so I have to wash it & put mousse in everyday), pick out my clothes... and I never even look close to perfect...:blink:

Though i do manage to look pretty effortless, most people would go into shock if they found out I take an hour to get ready... :innocent:
ohmygosh!! i didn't think I was that obsessed with my appearance, but after reading this.. :ninja:

I usually take about an hour in the mornings to get ready... wash my face, make-up, shower, style my hair (I have really frizzy, curly hair so I have to wash it & put mousse in everyday), pick out my clothes... and I never even look close to perfect...:blink:

Though i do manage to look pretty effortless, most people would go into shock if they found out I take an hour to get ready... :innocent:

it also takes me an hour every morning, and that does not incluse breakfast.
^ Me too. I have a 2-hour morning routine, and half of that is getting ready. That includes zero obsessing, and zero plastic.
yeah, that doesn't include breakfast for me either... :blush:

i don't know how some of the kids at my school manage to get ready (including breakfast) in like half an hour...:blink: but then agian they have NO sense of style, they just wear sweatpants and birkenstocks with socks... :sick:
^ Yeah, I am becoming very perplexed by the new look girls (and guys) seem to be sporting lately... messy hair thrown on top of the head (unwashed or wet, of course), no makeup and not even any moisturizer, baggy sweatpants or shorts with writing on the behind, and over-size t-shirts. The "I just rolled out of bed look" is seen more and more. I, myself, CANNOT ever do that. I would feel too unpolished. To each his or her own, I guess.
^ Me too. I have a 2-hour morning routine, and half of that is getting ready. That includes zero obsessing, and zero plastic.

If it's not intruding, would you care to share some of what that routine involves, tata :flower:? Just curious to learn what an exemplary woman like you would do :heart:.

As for me, I could have my getting ready down to 15 minutes (wash, brush, makeup, dress) in the morning as long as I had taken a bath and washed my hair and lain out my clothes before going to bed.

However... it just feels so much better to take the time to groom every part of your body once in a's almost like a meditative ritual in honor of one's body.

I don't paint my nails, my hairstyle only requires a quick brush...all the rest of the grooming I take care of either a few times a week around my daily evening bath, or when I have a few extra minutes here and there.
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^ I do not mind sharing with you, Melisande ;)

One of my dogs normally moves, letting me know my Zen alarm is about to go off. It chimes for a bit & I get up, shut off the alarms, turn on lamps, and take the dogs outside. I come back in and start their breakfast, which most mornings involves some cooking (I don't feed my own dogs commercial dog food, the fosters get some kibble since I will not be making the ultimate decision about what they eat). I wash the berries for my breakfast, which is usually whole-grain organic cereal with organic milk and berries. I sit down and eat at my dining room table with a cloth napkin in a civilized manner ;) Take my vitamins and take the dogs out again.

Next I choose an item from my to-do list and spend 10-15 minutes on that--this morning it was figuring out my bills. Next I sit on the sofa, usually the dogs come sit with me, and spend 20 minutes with my journal (as described in another thread).

If I'm thinking, I'll choose what I'm wearing now. If not, I'll do it before I choose my blush color later.

Next I do a bit of clearing away in the bath, like put away anything I've hung on the shower curtain rod, take things to the laundry room, etc. and brush my teeth, take my shower and wash my hair. Showering wakes me up and I have oily skin, so this happens every day I'm leaving the house without fail. Usually shave my legs as well.

Antiperspirant, lotion, robe. Makeup, clean glasses, spray gel in hair. Dogs outside again. Touch up pedicure if wearing open-toed shoes. Get dressed, curl hair on brush. Perfume, jewelry, watch. Dogs back inside, give them their treats and put them in their rooms, set alarm, grab purse, keys, coat and/or umbrella, and dash out the door.

Enough detail? ;)
I'm glad I don't have much body hair. If I had to shave anything, I'd probably forget it and look like a hairy beast.
fashionista-ta, that was great! Your posts are always so worth reading. :)
fashionista-ta, that was great! Your posts are always so worth reading. :)

I so totally agree, thank you Ta-ta :heart:!! I love that you cook for the dogs and take your breakfast with a cloth napkin.

Although I try to keep my morning grooming routine down to a minimum, I do spend 30min~1 hour doing yoga, which really helps me to spend the day focused and calm.

I simply adore dogs, and admire those with the discipline to live with dogs and get everything done properly and on time. A friend of mine has two Corgis, a Jack Russell and a two-year-old boy, and it's pure chaos trying to get out the door according to schedule...:lol:
I recently switched jobs and now work closer to home and can therefore leave the house later. I still get up early though and use the extra time to eat breakfast at the table and not standing up at the kitchen counter (gasp!) and now spend some quality playtime in the morning with my puppy Emma. It puts me in a great mood. Of course, I have to play with her before I get dressed and primped because she likes to lick off my makeup! :lol:

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