Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows *Warning - Thread WILL Contain Spoilers*

I'm so glad the mom was the giant though. If it was the other way around, someone might be dead! (I know, I know. I'm nasty)
Now that I'm talking amongst you other Potterheads in a rather anonymous environment, I don't feel so bad about admitting that I too wondered how Hagrid's mum and dad got busy. I've been wondering that since I first started reading the books at age 12. -_-

Agreed. i have ALWAYS wondered that. :lol:
i always thought noone else did.
Now that we're at it... Are centaurs conceived by centaurs or uhm, you know...?
OMG I am not kidding, the other night I was just thinking that Ginny would have made a good qudditch player with the Harpies if she wasn't a journalist or something... I could totally see her on a chocolate frog card. It didn't cross my mind until I was on the HP Lexicon and was reminded of how good she was at Qudditch.
:rofl: oh, I think thats a worse image than Hagrids predicament; disturbing

"The centaurs descended from Centaurus, who mated with the Magnesian mares"

Now that we're at it... Are centaurs conceived by centaurs or uhm, you know...?

Salamanders? :lol:

As gutter-minded as I am, I do not even want to think about that (okay, I'm lying):p. But I do want to know how centaurs were started because it sounds to me that some human back in the day was a real freak!:ninja:

Edit: Lacroix, you beat me to it!

Whatever Magnesian mares are.. But Centaurus was half-man, half-horse as well, so..
Now that I'm starting to think about it. How about we'll leave it at that? I know I won't be sleeping calmly tonight. :lol:
On the subject of characters dieing virgins, what about Dumbledore?
Oh jeez....I seriously dunno.

I always thought he and McGonagall has something going on, until JK Rowling shot down those rumors.

I'm so glad the mom was the giant though. If it was the other way around, someone might be dead! (I know, I know. I'm nasty)
Well I'm sure the mom was on the bottom and not on the top (if you get what I mean):innocent:
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^ how come?? go, read and then get in the non-sense discussion :woot: (it's getting as funny as Ron's comments)
Thanks for the picture laurette! But somehow I imagined him even hotter. That Tom looks almost too much of a good boy!

Well since we're on this subject anyway... does anyone else wonder how Dementors breed?! :shock:
I dunno :ninja: The books only mentions despair and unhappiness, I'll go with mitosis. :lol:
I imagine Sirius to be hotter than Riddle, somewhat.
Riddle was so :brows: in the movie.

I watched COS with my best friend a couple years ago and during the movie, she leaned over and whispered "Yeah, I would so do Voldemort"

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