OK - My take on the book, for what it's worth...
Gryffindor - 74%
Ravenclaw - 83%
Hufflepuff - 78%
Slytherin - 48%
About what i suspected. (I always suspected that you were sorted to where you wanted to be, but maybe i'm wrong.)
- I too disliked the ending. It was just SO "and they all lived happily ever after". But then i thought about how dark the book was and how the target really is "kids", and with that in mind i can understand it.
- My favorite part was probably the Gringott's chapter. I thought it was exciting! I was feeling so sorry for the dragon, so i loved how they freed him as a part of their escape.
- Dobby dying tore me up! It was the only part of the book that hit me strongly on an emotional level. It definitely was a turning point in the book as well.
- Harry was SO frustrating in the middle of the book. I don't blame Ron - i probably would've left too! The hero of the book, for me, is Hermoine. Time & time again, she saved Harry's hide. Hermoine for Minister of Magic!!
- I thought it was interesting how she darkened Dumbledore's character. I don't know how i feel about it, but it was definitely interesting. It was also interesting to find out Snape's motives. I knew he wasn't all bad, though i still think he's a jerk.
- Racism was a bit of a subtle theme in places in the book (and in prior books) with the way the wizards treated house elves and (in this book) goblins. I was kind of hoping that this could've been addressed in the epilogue. Free the elves!!
Gryffindor - 74%
Ravenclaw - 83%
Hufflepuff - 78%
Slytherin - 48%
About what i suspected. (I always suspected that you were sorted to where you wanted to be, but maybe i'm wrong.)