I have conflicted feelings about being stared at...
on the one hand, i'd rather draw some eyes than never be looked at at all
but, the reaction to the staring varies greatly depending on whose looking and how obvious it is
i remember an "incident" where i was wearing a cute little dress this summer that admittedly came from the juniors section (it had a whimsical print - cream background with grey birds perched on branches, some of which had on little glasses and top-hats - cuter than it sounds i promise)
so the dress was a little on the short side - and i'm 5' 5" so i'm not super tall or anything, but still i was conscious that the dress was shorter than what i usually would go for.
i saw multiple people staring (maybe not staring but at least looking) as i walked to a restaurant to meet up with friends but it was the exaggerated reactions that bothered me. one guy called out to tell me that i looked great in the dress which i laughed off, but then another guy honked his horn as he drove alongside me and stared. THAT was what really creeped me out.

especially since i had to pass him again once or twice since traffic was stop and go when he got caught at a light and i then had to cross the street
that was one of those thank god for my sunglasses moments but you can't really fully ignore someone after they've honked at you and you distractedly acknowledged that they exist
did he think i was just going to take a look at him and hop in the car??
that was definitely my most recent uncomfortable stare moment. i don't think i looked like a prostitute by any means but the guy in the car sort of made me feel like it.
and of course my friends (who i trust to be honest) told me there was nothing wrong with the dress when i told them what happened on my way to meet them