Interview August 2008 : Eva Mendes by Mikael Jansson

This is an azming issue! Thanks for the previews Dieselmax! :buzz:

Maryna and Magda's ed is fantastic. They are so intense and work so well with eachother! :heart: I like Arlenis's shots as well.
OMG, look at Anna J:woot: That shot is just incredible. I think her eyes rival those of Cat McNeil's.:heart::heart::heart:

I love Magda and Maryna's ed two, they look like sisters:p
thanks, Diesel! and could you tell, please how many photos contains richardson and paris nights spreads?
thanks again
I don't think that the new team is fully installed on this issue, I thought it was September when the first Baron issue comes out?

yep. the official launch is in september, but parts of the new team began with the marc june/july issue. such an improvement already!
Eva Mendes covers Interview magazine the August 2008. Inside the cover her interview is reeking of personal issues. I had thought I should cut the interview but here is a huge clip on how defensive she gets when you ask her about rehab.
David Colman: Now let’s talk about substance abuse. My favorite topic.
Eva Mendes: Great.
DC: First of all, what is it with actors and substance abuse?
EM: I don’t know. I’m not a spokesperson for any kind of substance-abuse organization.
DC: They’re going to have to change the name of it to “Alcoholics Unanimous.”
EM: [silence]
DC: I’m sorry, that’s a bad joke.
EM: I’m not making jokes, because people die from this stuff. So, honestly, I think it’s a bit tacky that you made a joke. I’ve got to be honest.
DC: You’re angry. Listen . . .
EM: I’m not angry. People have died, and I’ve lost friends too–even recently. So I can be a little
sensitive on the subject.
DC: Look, I haven’t had a drink in 11 years. I’m just trying to be light-hearted about it, because it’s an awkward topic.
EM: I’m not angry. But because celebrities’ lives are so visible, I think it makes it look lighter than it is. I have a really good sense of humor, I’m just very sensitive. The other day I was reading an article. I don’t even remember who the actress was, but she’s been around for a long time. She said something like, “I’m proud that I’ve had a whole career without making it to rehab.” I thought, That’s such a negative twist on it. I’m proud of people who have the determination and the fearlessness to actually go and face their demons and get better. This is a life or death situation. Again, I’m not a spokesperson for this, but it’s just that I want to support people for their decisions when they do go in and get help.
DC: You might think it’s a new problem, but it’s probably only because people are quicker to say, “Okay, I’m going to rehab. Let’s get it over with.”
EM: It’s because everybody is so highly visible now. We see everything. We see what celebrities buy at the supermarket. It’s ridiculous. It’s that visibility. I’m confused by this whole celebrity-obsessed culture. It’s really weird.
DC: Again, I wasn’t trying to be . . . Well, I was trying to be flip, but not trying to be dismissive. I do take it very seriously myself. You could just say, “I don’t want to talk about that.” Which is fine.
EM: I’ve given you a more interesting answer, I hope, than to just say, “I don’t want to talk about it.” [laughs] There are so many lies out there regarding my recent trip to Cirque Lodge. But I don’t care what people think. I just don’t care. So I will neither confirm nor deny. I think now we just know way too much about our celebrities. It’s not that interesting when you know that much about people. I have no ego about me. It’s just better for you not to know, because it really does make me a better actor at the end of the day. You’re not going into the movie with all these specifics about me.
DC: I don’t know what I would do if all my business was out there . . .
EM: You know what? You wouldn’t feel that bad, because so much of it is not true. Actually, the
media has been pretty nice to me. They’ve really trashed some people, so I’m actually thankful that it didn’t get too crazy. But for all the stuff that came out a few months ago about substance abuse, there were so many wrong stories. I was so happy about that, because it’s when they get the real scoop that would make me really nervous. It’s a relief, in a way. You want it to be a lie, because when it’s true, that’s when I’d be like, “Oh, my God!” It’s time to rethink who’s in your circle, because stuff got out.
Catch the rest of the interview when Interview magazine goes on sale July 12.
On a side note, she seems a little bitter about the whole thing. I was surprised when she went into rehab, but I’m glad she got help for whatever she needed help for. The rest shouldn’t matter.

^^Oh pleaseee she is not inerested in the celebrity culture?She IS part of it, wheter she likes it or not, and why be touchy when people ask you about your Rehab stint? :rolleyes: I think the famous woman who said she is proud of never going to Rehab has all the reason to be, i am not being judgmental but Eva just always seems soo incredibly dishonest in her interviews, tha edit is totally gross.

And i have seen enough of Lou naked, put some clothes on, and then she is posing with her son?

Arlenis ed looks interesting and need to see other better, thanks so much for scanning.
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I actually like Eva's pictures. I'm surprised at the bits of her interview. If you didn't want to talk about your stint in rehab, couldn't you have had your publicist/manager/whoever make the interviewer sign a statement saying that rehab was off limits?
I admire her for going, it's hard to admit you have a problem to yourself and family, but then the whole world. And to seek professional help. Although I still wonder what exactly she went in for? Alcohol, right?
AAAH!Maryna's and Magdalena's ed looks amaaaaaaazing!!:buzz:
Interview is becoming more and more sensational...almost like W for the next generation.
I dont know what to think about Arlenis edit im still thinking if i like it or not:unsure:
^ is there anything else to arlenis' ed other than those two pics? like an article?
Maryna and Magda look amazingggg. I am becoming more of a Maryna fan, and I barely realize it.
Lou! Yay!
Can someone please explain societies recent fascination with Eva Mendes? I'm not getting it? She looks like a Monica Vitti wannabe and has never made a decent film in her life! :innocent: :ninja:

Since when has that stopped anyone?:lol: If making decent films was the criteria for getting covers, then people like Kate Hudson would never be on magazines (which would be a blessing...).
Does anyone that has this issue actually SEE Hilary in the editorial? I've looked through it a few times and studied my issue, but none of the shots look like her to me. Is she the one with the veil over her face?
could anyone scan...maryna's ed? looked great!!

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