iOffer Bags,, etc. #6 (Posting Requires Reading Rules in Post #1)

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I would love a Black city with pewter hardware. Does anyone else want one?
Let's compile a list.

For everyone out there. The hardware on Balenciaga bags does become brassy colored with use on the regular hardware bags but when they are new they are really a silver color. I can attest to this as I have two Authentic regular hardware bags and they are dark silver in color. I have asked T&D to correct this and they know this as I have sent them several Authentics for them to view. I am waiting on their response as I would like my Outremer and my sang bag with the corrected hardware.

Here is a picture of the color the studs should be. Also please notice the front panel on my authentic Bal Pourpre day bag. The front panel does not come to a point as many of you have mentioned. Not all Authentic Bal Bags have a point in the front panel. I believe the front panel is made as the craftsperson decides to make it and I have two other bags that are authentic where the front panels don't come to a point. Some have it and some don't so that is really not a sign as to whether a bag is authentic or not.
Picture courtesy of me.


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Hello Kaygirl- Welcome...and that pic of your mirror looks like the moon surface :lol:There is derfintley something wrong there (thats not normal) send the pic to T&D and I'm sure they will replace it with your next purchase:flower:

Coco- I never knew that about the front panels not all being pointed, thanks for that info:flower:

Protege-Alkistis-:lol: i try to rotate my bags out at least every 3 days or so, But of course when there is a new kid in town...they jump into the front of the que:blush:
Alasse- Love your city...mod pic please
Blairwarner- When will you wear you new pretty channel? Are you going somewhere special?
Pinkprincess- It came out good, right! I paid the balance yesterday, I can only say that if the bag looks anything like the picture he sent me:lol: I will be very happy...shopgirl gave me her blessing that also sealed the deal:flower:Thanks shopgirl.
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Does anyone have a problem recently with TnD's mirror backing? The back of my black city and amethyst's mirror was all uneven, stuck to the back. Don't know how else to explain it.

kaygirl, welcome dear :flower: Yup, my 2nd batch Ame has the same mirror issue, but I'm not really bothered by it so I won't be asking for another one. However, we should mention it to them so that the new mirrors don't have this issue, they should definitely correct this.

coco109, it's so great to know this. I was bothered by the pointed panel A LOT because my authentic Bbag has it. It's a relief to know that it's not an issue. I have looked at many pics of authentic bags and noticed that the pointing was not always present, I couldn't figure it out, I thought it was due to the photographing angle. Thank you so much for clarifying this!

The hardware on my Bbag is more brassy than on my NBFs, that said, the bag is very worn, I have used it a lot and still do. But honestly, the hardware is nearly identical, I'm not bothered by it all and wouldn't want it to be more silver. Because the very worn parts of the hardware on my authentic are almost gold, a true brass colour. I hope they leave it as it is.
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coco109, it's so great to know this. I was bothered by the pointed panel A LOT because my authentic Bbag has it. It's a relief to know that it's not an issue. I have looked at many pics of authentic bags and noticed that the pointing was not always present, I couldn't figure it out, I thought it was due to the photographing angle. Thank you so much for clarifying this!

The hardware on my Bbag is more brassy than on my NBFs, that said, the bag is very worn, I have used it a lot and still do. But honestly, the hardware is nearly identical, I'm not bothered by it all and wouldn't want it to be more silver. Because the very worn parts of the hardware on my authentic are almost gold, a true brass colour. I hope they leave it as it is.[/QUOTE]


The hardware being brass bothers me way more than some front panel. I have several authentic bags and they start out silver and turn brassy colored after use. I would like my bags to start out the right color. I don't mind paying a bit more for the T&D reps but I would like them to go the extra mile to get the details correct. I sent my Authentic Bags for them to fix this not ignore it.
Coco the less pointed (more curved) front panel, is this specific to a certain year? color or style? or could it be a random bag that has a more curved front pane?:flower:
For example have you ever seen a GH bag with a less pointy panel? or just RH?:blush::flower:
This could be the best news I've had so far this year!
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Sorry to double post, But I just went to and looked at different front panels...and Coco you're right:shock:...some are less pointed (more curved) than others and there all 2010 RH + GH...I never knew that at all! thanks for bring that up:D:flower:...I'm suprised that it hasn't come up before:shock:...did we all learn something new today? or was it just me and Malena?
So crystal- i retract the comment about the pomgazon city having a less pointy front panel...looks good to me now!:lol::flower:
Look on at the castagna GSH city compared to the moutarde for example...castagna more curved,moutarde more pointy!
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The hardware being brass bothers me way more than some front panel. I have several authentic bags and they start out silver and turn brassy colored after use. I would like my bags to start out the right color. I don't mind paying a bit more for the T&D reps but I would like them to go the extra mile to get the details correct. I sent my Authentic Bags for them to fix this not ignore it.

I see what you mean, but what I'm saying is that NBFs hardware looks like it does on a worn Bbag (maybe a bit darker if it's a brand new NBF), even more with time once NBF's also gets used a lot. So, if they made it more silver in the beginning how can we be sure that it would "age" the right way, maybe it would just get darker and more matte instead of becoming more brassy. I don't know, I too want it as correct as possible, but I have to say that the hardware colour doesn't bug me really and I would be worried that the change they make could be for the worse in the long run (e.g. the hardware does look more authentic on a brand new bag, but with use turns into the wrong colour), if you know what I mean.

I'm more annoyed by the stitching.
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I see what you mean, but what I'm saying is that NBFs hardware looks like it does on a worn Bbag (maybe a bit darker if it's a brand new NBF), even more with time once NBF's also gets used a lot. So, if they made it more silver in the beginning how can we be sure that it would "age" the right way, maybe it would just get darker and more matte instead of becoming more brassy. I don't know, I too want it as correct as possible, but I have to say that the hardware colour doesn't bug me really and I would be worried that the change they make could be for the worse in the long run (e.g. the hardware does look more authentic on a brand new bag, but with use turns into the wrong colour), if you know what I mean.

I'm more annoyed by the stitching.

MaLena: Please do write to them about the stitching. I will do so as well.
T&D did say that they were fixing the stitching by purchasing new sewing machines.

Beavercall: How is the stitching on your Outremer First? Do you see any improvement.

Bagalicious: I am always happy to help. I can only make comments based on Authentic Balenciaga bags that I own and I try to be as accurate as possible.

Everyone: T&D advised that they will make some new Black Cities with Pewter Hardware if anyone is interested from the next batch of leather. I already wrote to them to advise that I would like a Black City w/Pewter Hardware. If anyone else is interested please do let them know.
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Oh dear. I've been away so long that I know I won't be able to read everything i've missed and that makes me sad :(

My new job is great! but doesn't allow me to be online all day checking up on everyone's bag wishes, hopes, and dreams :(

That said, T & D sent me a corner buckle piece in black (RH) that I don't need (I don't even have a black bag??) so if anyone in the U.S. wants it, I can stick it in an envelope and mail it out no problem! :flower:

And why, you ask, did T&D send me this buckle? because I lost a metal nub on my amethyst Day bag so it left one of my corner buckle pieces loose and always dangling at '6pm' as opposed to the healthy '4pm'. (and this happened AT the Tents at NY Fashion Week! tres embarrassing).

T&D were great and sent me the hardware right away with no questions asked (and some extras and said black buckle patch.)

I love this bag but it has not had a good start to life. Before losing this metal nub, the stitching on BOTH sides of the bag near where the straps connect to the bag have ripped -- luckily I can sew a bit and have pink thread but it's NOT going to hold - i have to take it to a pro :(

You all remember how WRECKED my old Anthracite Day is and how much I abused it.. but never has it lost or ripped or did anything that would render it embarrassing-to-wear!

Luckily I see T&D have changed factories so maybe the quality will go back to how they used to be?

PS. Hi ladies!!:flower:


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/\ very nice to hear and see you..:flower:
Are you still wearing your welding mask all over town?:lol::flower:

I just got my tracking number from Mr buyandsell! woot woot!
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Oh dear.

And why, you ask, did T&D send me this buckle? because I lost a metal nub on my amethyst Day bag so it left one of my corner buckle pieces loose and always dangling at '6pm' as opposed to the healthy '4pm'. (and this happened AT the Tents at NY Fashion Week! tres embarrassing).

T&D were great and sent me the hardware right away with no questions asked (and some extras and said black buckle patch.)

I love this bag but it has not had a good start to life. Before losing this metal nub, the stitching on BOTH sides of the bag near where the straps connect to the bag have ripped -- luckily I can sew a bit and have pink thread but it's NOT going to hold - i have to take it to a pro :(
You all remember how WRECKED my old Anthracite Day is and how much I abused it.. but never has it lost or ripped or did anything that would render it embarrassing-to-wear!

Luckily I see T&D have changed factories so maybe the quality will go back to how they used to be?

PS. Hi ladies!!:flower:

kikidee: It is good to hear from you again. I am sorry about your Amethyst Day Bag having quality issues. That is bad news as I know you want to carry the bag. I stuff my Day bags to the gills and have never had any issues with stitching coming loose. I would like to ask might you perhaps be putting stuff in the bag that is just too heavy for the bag to support? If this is indeed a quality issue let's hope that T&D will fix it as this is not good at all.

Bagalicious: I am really excited for you to get your bag! It looks great in the photos. Congrats!
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Hi ladies!!

Thanks to all for the compliments on the Outremer. I'm so sorry I can't thank you all individually, but I don't have much time to post! (explanation below)

Here are some more pics taken earlier today in morning light. I hope the closeup shows some of the detail of the leather. It's really evenly distressed and simply divine IMO. My laptop monitor has a lot of glare so I honestly don't know if it is a good picture or not, but I hope it helps!

I am a bit tipsy right now.... (I think I'm the first to ever do "drunk posting" on TFS - :lol:) It's 12.45 am in Beijing and I just had a "pre-game" at a Korean dive bar. I'm headed out again in 30 minutes. My outremer first was a hit! It's so easy to carry and fits wallet, iPhone, pocket kleenex (for public bathrooms in China - it is a MUST), and keys - all the essentials - and the strap is so handy. I am a klutz and cannot carry a clutch. I would lose it in a blink.

coco - stitching looks perfect to my untrained eyes :blush: I think you will be pleased!!

pinkprincess - I think you should go for it - the leather is AMAZING! I miss you!!

alasse - OMG - YOUR BLACK CITY LOOKS HEAVENLY!!! I love black distressed leather so much! I'm going to ask if T&D will do a black First with Pewter H for me!!! Drooooooool......

les pics by moi


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Beavercall: You're killing me with these pictures!! I've never bought a bbag before but that outremer made me run straight to T&D and get my first one haha. (and it made me come out of lurk mode for the first time in, I guess, a year!) to say something B)
Beavercall: You're killing me with these pictures!! I've never bought a bbag before but that outremer made me run straight to T&D and get my first one haha. (and it made me come out of lurk mode for the first time in, I guess, a year!) to say something B)
Ahhhh!! Well I highly recommend it! I hope you will love it as much as I do! IMHO - Of the most recent colors (raisin, officier, amy batch 2, blue layette) OUTREMER is the BEST!!

kaygirl - YIKES. Do you use the mirror? If yes, def. ask T&D for another one. I'd be happy to give you my mirrors, just tell them to credit it to you and take it off of mine (I will be getting another black bag soon). If you want to do that, let me know and I will email them as well. I never use my mirrors.
kikidee: It is good to hear from you again. I am sorry about your Amethyst Day Bag having quality issues. That is bad news as I know you want to carry the bag. I stuff my Day bags to the gills and have never had any issues with stitching coming loose. I would like to ask might you perhaps be putting stuff in the bag that is just too heavy for the bag to support? If this is indeed a quality issue let's hope that T&D will fix it as this is not good at all.

Oh yes, I do put too much in my bags -- all of my bags (T&D and others) but this bag so so little used that it still looks the same as when I got it - stiff, bright, brand new. the stitching was soooo looose and weak that it tore -- not just 1 piece of leather but 3 stitches between FOUR pieces of leather (where they all meet under the metal nub's tab) - and on BOTH SIDES.
Does anyone have a problem recently with TnD's mirror backing? The back of my black city and amethyst's mirror was all uneven, stuck to the back. Don't know how else to explain it.

My black rh city mirror from the latest batch looks the same way. It feels like a pile of glue underneath to me. I just don't carry the mirror..

Beavercall your first is so luxurious, that picture is worth 1000 words, thank you!
Just came in from Barneys...And they have no Bals with RH just GS and GG and CH.
BUT I tried on and saw the "town" like a first but taller, and it had G Rose HW...well not giant, but the HW that is on our CP' can wear that bag messenger (long strap) its very cute for anyone who loves first's and city's.
GGH will only be available at Bal stores and so barneys Bal specialist say's...I checked out 2 briefs..they had an anthra and a black...and let me tell you our T&D boys are GREAT at what they do!
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i finally ordered a raisin RH city from T+D with a part time strap today.

i thought about ordering it in october but changed my mind. i didnt want to wait.

outremer to me looks exactly like electric blue. but beavercall's pictures look amazing:flower:
Thank you ladies for recomending Jacky's Chanel (Chanel Quilted Flap bag 1112 Black lambskin W/Silver)- the leather is gorgeous - so soft ^_^ not plasticky at all. I took a pic under fulorescent light w/ flash last night, as well as 2 pics w/ natural sun light this morning

The sides of the bag overlap the flap - I am trying to smoosh it into place - this baby needs to be broken in.

The interior matches auth medium Chanel's I have held & examined.

Bag - $85
Feel for less than 5 items - $30
WU fee - $10

I feel it was well worth $125. I picked black, because its the most classic, and I felt safe. Now I am considering roi blue. Previously, in thr #5 thread, someone mentioned that there were flaws to the roi bag......not sure what they were, or if Jacky has addressed. I havent seen a roi auth in person, so dont have a reference to compare them to.

attached pics taken my myself

Looks GORGEOUS!! I NEEEEEED this! x:flower:
Beavercall Your stitching on your Outremer bag looks amazing! I really love your bag! Congrats! I can't wait to get my Outremer Day and Outremer Velo. Velo will take some time though as I don't have my Authentic Velo yet.
Hopefully by the end of March.
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