Kristen Stewart Cheated on Robert Pattinson #1

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^Twihards are a different breed.
If the other guy was a single peer the story would have been different for the general people but the fact that it was a married man with children and her boss makes it a different story. I think I wouldn´t have a problem and wouldn´t think that much less of her if she had cheated with a single guy.
^Twihards are a different breed.
If the other guy was a single peer the story would have been different for the general people but the fact that it was a married man with children and her boss makes it a different story. I think I wouldn´t have a problem and wouldn´t think that much less of her if she had cheated with a single guy.


There are at least two aspects of her transgression that make it very, very difficult for people to see past it.

1 - She cheated multiple times in a very calculated manner with a married man and father of two whose wife and children she worked with and befriended, and then drove directly back to her boyfriend of three years, who was waiting in the home he bought for the two of them to share. The situation really can't look much worse than it does.

2 - It made her entire image a mockery, hypocrisy. Ever time she opened her mouth in interviews, it was always the same thing: she drove this whole schtick of being honest and real, of staying true to her standards despite the "fakeness" of Hollywood, and she drove it really hard. It verged on obsession, really - it was all she ever talked about. So now it's like she didn't just betray and insult her boyfriend, she also betrayed and insulted the public.
I always wondered if people could see through her act. Everytime she put her foot in her mouth (which was pretty much everytime she gave an interview), fans and even people who weren't really fans of hers would make excuses for her like she's just misunderstood or awkward or uncomfortable with the attention, etc. She always struck me as an extremely self-conscious, entitled, immature young woman, but never cold and calculating. So color me truly impressed. Not in a good way, of course.
Wearing his stuff is probably just a sign that she doesn't want to let him go.

And are that flowers in her hand? Doesn't really look like it but I can't tell. Probably for Robert too. ;D

I agree, I dont think shes ready to let him go, although she did " flirt" purposely with Rupert...:huh:
Kristen Stewart is having a rough summer ... her mom has now filed for divorce ... TMZ has learned.

Jules Stewart filed the divorce petition on August 17 in L.A. County Superior Court. Jules, who married John Stewart 27 years ago, cites irreconcilable differences.

Jules filed the divorce docs herself, without using a lawyer.

As for the date of separation, Jules says she and her hubby have been estranged since June 15, 2010.

Both parents work in film production. Jules is a writer/director. John is a TV producer and stage manager.

someone on ONTD pointed out that her parents filing for divorce now after being separated for quite some time could be a PR stunt on kristen's part to make her seem more vulnerable
someone on ONTD pointed out that her parents filing for divorce now after being separated for quite some time could be a PR stunt on kristen's part to make her seem more vulnerable

I can believe that. Everyone who knows them knows they have been separated for over two years, so it's not like it's a surprise to Kristen and her siblings, but if presented the right way (like they're trying for the people who don't know) it can seem like she was in a vulnerable place and was just acting out. It's another rather feeble excuse to excuse her behavior and gather some sympathy for her, I mean why now? after two years why this exact moment? why not wait until everything with your daughter is settled and calmed down to file for divorce? it's just another desperate attempt after everything so far has backfired on them, they really do seem to be grasping at straws now.

To be honest, If Kristen was my daughter I would probably do the same thing and help in any way I can, the hate she's getting from the fans it's unreal. I never really cared for her much, she's pretty but I think her acting is horrible (and I haven't even seen the twilight films) I think the affair was appalling and I feel sorry for the people involved, and I would never trust her with a boyfriend/husband... but the reason I look at the news is because the PR is such an amazing mess. I mean really! what else can they come up with? what more excuses/stories/rumors can they give us? if I was Kristen I would have told them all to shut up already and get myself another PR team, they just keep making everything worse. I've never seem such transparent attempts before from PR in Hollywood.
^To be fair, I think any PR team have trouble trying to clean up her image. It was already hard sympathizing with Kristen before the scandal - she just added fuel to the fire.
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Her PR is terrible but I think she has become friends with the PR lady she works with and can't see how bad a job she is doing. However, at this point, they are trying everything. It will all depend on Kristen and how she reacts in interviews - the good old days of her being a brat and too cool for anything may be over. She may just play the game now.
^to be honest i dont see what kind of PR would help her situation. Like someone said before she never was liked before and this isnt helping either.
Her PR is terrible but I think she has become friends with the PR lady she works with and can't see how bad a job she is doing. However, at this point, they are trying everything. It will all depend on Kristen and how she reacts in interviews - the good old days of her being a brat and too cool for anything may be over. She may just play the game now.

Oh, I think she's been playing all along. (she always cared, she just didn't want you to think she did) it's just her attempts are much more transparent now, with the first photo op after the affair and putting all those stories out to gather sympathy, but like everyone in here says it's just because of her attitude that nothing seems to be working, but at this point her PR just needs to stop and back away. I understand her family and friends (including Jodie foster-I really love what they posted on Laney's about it) need to defend her but if everyone realizes that's they are making everything worse why can't they?
well, as the article mentions how long her parents have already been separated, people will totally see through this PR move... wow, her team must be getting really desparate!
brad and angelina weren't part of a multi millionaire dollar franchise that revolves around them being a couple.
i can seriously see fans going to the extreme if he flat out said he was single. i mean some of them are blaming this all on liberty. they are so delusional it's scary

How could they blame Liberty? That's beyond ridiculous.
Must be love. :rolleyes: Otherwise, he needs his head examined. How do you so quickly take back someone who not only cheated on you, but in true sociopathic form, smiled and kissed and caressed you all the while? :yuk:
Is it really a sign he took her back? She could just be wearing these things a) to stir up speculations or b) she wants him back and doesn't want to let go.

I don't know. It'd be stupid to take her back. It's not just that she cheated on him but she did it in such a public way. But maybe he doesn't care that much because of Michael. Maybe she really cheated on him with Robert back then.

I mean nobody really knows what kind of relationship they have. Maybe they're just really open.

Somebody also said that recently Robert signed a cuddle picture of him and Kristen and he was all smiles and awing. Who knows.
I think it a a and b. She looks really good at airport for once and she's had her hair and make up done so it's clear that she knew she was going to be papped and therefore cause a lot of speculation. I'm glad she looks good and i hope she actually owns it at the premiere as it will help stop the way she's being made a victim in the press and media who were the main ones who led the hunt to bring her down in te first place. I don't like her but I feel sorry for her however I don't need countless articles telling me so and exasperating the whole scandal and telling me she's actually the victim in all this when that could not be further from the case.

Also I agree with chickadee. If he gets back with her dude needs his head examined and he must like getting absolutely humiliated. I'll feel sorry for Kristen though as there is no guarantee he'll treat her as well as it appeared he did, basically it could become a really messy relationship for her.
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^this scandal (and her character based on her interviews beforehand) made me dislike her majorly, BUT i would've gained some respect for her if she had just taken the responsibility and admitted that she f*cked up (that ridiculous initial statement doesn't really count due to everything that followed). but the way her team painted her as the victim and these stupid stories a la "but they never had sex so what's the big deal?!" and blaming it on her age/gender made me lose all sympathy. i don't feel bad for her in the least.
I agree. She hasn't really taken any responsibility and I would have respected her more if she did. It will be interesting to see in the future however if a woman or man cheats in the industry and they receive snide comments if they'll get countless articles excusing it.
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I think this particular situation was made even more unique because it was obviously just a hook-up. Neither one had any intention of leaving their significant others. They just wanted to get their rocks off. Typically, at least in the past, scandals like this result in a relationship between the two unfaithful parties. I can't recall--maybe someone can help refresh my memory--anything on this scale. I mean, forget that they're in those awful movies, one of the reasons I think this gained so much press was just because the circumstances are so callous and cruel to those involved. All that to say, I can kind of see people trying to rationalize it just because given the main school of thought in our society, it's irregular for a woman to cheat like that--sexually as opposed to emotionally. Not that I agree with it. I understand why, but it was sickening to listen to people harp on about how she's just 22 and didn't know any better, as if that's 5-yrs-old in relationship years. No. She's been dating since she was at least 15. And anybody who has a conscience knows better, no excuses.

That's why I don't know how much I could respect Pattinson if he took her back. I never liked her, but he was at least funny and down-to-earth enough that I could stomach him. Also, the way he has been handling this whole thing is pretty admirable. But if he took her back, considering the circumstances of this whole thing, wow. :unsure::ninja:
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I'm lost...when did he take her back?! Did I missed something? Going back a few post to find out.........
^Kristen has been wearing his clothes and ring(s) he's given her. there's no proof that he took her back, but she certainly likes people to believe that he did
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