Louis Vuitton: style icon or passe

Because among all the designer bags, LV is one of the most recognizable brands with their monogram canvas. For a lot of people, having a designer bag is to be seen with one, so the more logos the better.

Also, from a price point of view, LV has a lot of relatively(!) affordable models, meaning you can already own one for around 400 euros.
Hello! I'm just wondring how long does it take for the handles to change colour? My sister has had her speedy 35 for about two months and the colour hasn't changed a bit..
I'm so over LV bags. Yes, certain styles are a classic but with the amount of tacky patterns that have popped up within the last 10 years I think it's really cheapened the brand. Also, there are so many knockoffs now a days that no one even bats an eyelash to an LV bag anymore, it doesn't scream wealth it screams unoriginality.
Totally agreed.^
After seeing everyone and their grandma with an LV bag, I'm over it. Everyone only seems to buy the monogramed ones, which is totally boring and uninteresting.
Berryciaga that depends on how your sister use or keep it. If the bag stays in the dustbag most of the times than the colour changing is going to be slow.
I always put mine in open air, i don't keep it in the dustbag when i don't use it and the handle patina-ed quite fast
I'm so over the monogrammed LV but the damier canvas still catches my eye. It's understated, goes well with various looks, and is timeless IMO.
There are usually exciting bags on the runway, but they're barely produced. As others have said, it's the same old same old you see on the street. I find the brand passe and have for awhile.
Passe... When I think Louis Vuitton, I think the brown suitcases with the gold monograms repeated on it. If there's something new, I haven't seen it. There are no Louis Vuitton stores where I live, either, so it isn't like I can walk in and look. So I don't see or hear much about the label; therefore it seems boring and unexciting to me. :unsure:
Passe... When I think Louis Vuitton, I think the brown suitcases with the gold monograms repeated on it. If there's something new, I haven't seen it. There are no Louis Vuitton stores where I live, either, so it isn't like I can walk in and look. So I don't see or hear much about the label; therefore it seems boring and unexciting to me. :unsure:

You are from Vancouver, no? There is a very large store at the Hotel Vancouver, and a smaller shop inside Holts.
To add to what I was saying earlier, I perceive the brand as for those who lack confidence ... who need a label that says 'You made the right choice, you're carrying the right bag,' etc. etc. It's kind of the ultimate in conventional and safe. I see those who carry LV as being non-thought leaders.
I was reading this thread and I found some angry comments of people saying how many fake bags they see on the street and how everyone today has an accessory with the LV monogram on, the funny thing is that instead of making an argument to reinforce their point of view (passe), these angry people are just accentuating the fact that LV is a style icon. To have that status of an icon, IMO, you have to invocate on people that desire of having what you created, and when people buy fake LV bags is just their way to say how much they appreciate that brand, how much they admire LV products even though they can't afford to buy the real products, it's like when people copy Justin Bieber's hair or Lady Gaga's clothes. A brand has two ways to gain attention, being unattainable (like Balenciaga, Balmain...), using that logic that what's "forbidden" it's better (that's a poverb in Brasil, I don't know if that's a similar in other countries), I think that's the worst, because without the street merchandising you won't be able to make your brand a desire, or being very very very popular, so even if it's very expensive to have a product of that brand, and even if people buy fake ones, the possibility of people wanting to have the real thing, and gathering money to buy the real thing, would be much higher.
So style icon.
^ And what we're saying is, when everyone and their cousin has a fake, that is the very definition of passe.
If I had the money to get one, I'd only get the classic print ones. The multicolor ones look tacky to me.
LV is like a 45 year old street walker IMHO....while i love MJ on the design team, the average LV bag is terrible used and spent....and you cant buy style either....just because your bag is monogrammed doesn't mean you're up to date or in fashion. While i think the right gal can still pull off a vintage LV and make me want one, the average LV carrier is no better than someone carrying coach these days: it's just as popular and just as fake
funny i read my old post too...oh how fashion has changed for me over the years :laugh:
i have never been a fan of the LV bag, i see them everywhere and it doesn't turn my head.
i dont really like em . to me they look all the same and theyre kinda ugly.. IMO and it seems everyone has them. its just not pretty. so passe ;)
I wouldn't buy the general styles which you can find on practically everybody, but I do think they make really nice bags every season.. I would buy one of those in a heartbeat.
LV will always be an icon to me. They were my first real Designer love and I haven't been able to get over them since.
I saw someone with a purple Epi bag the other day that I wouldn't mind having ...

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