LUC-Label Under Construction *Luca Luarini

they have a project progressing, apart from the standard semiannual collection. and they presented it this spring for the first time in two years.
it is called "o-project", and it seems to have more of a personal aspect,
maybe more of a private exhibition, less of a business show.
actually many of it don't (or cannot, because the fabric is too special etc) go into production or are bought by nobody.
it is on the experimantal side, and might be a bit too drastic or strenuous from a practical standpoint.
but instead it's full of dreams.
and it carries future, the direction of their future collections is suggested.
they will moderately reflect the efforts of the pieces/ideas shown here.

the theme is still consistent and structural metamorphosis.
titles include:

grilled sweater
fused sweater
stressed shirt
recycled vintage military tent hemp jacket
military sleeping bag j pants
military tent shoes
knit shoes
knit long johns
grandma handmade socks
and more

this time there were no pieces for women in particular unfortunately.
just some pieces that could be regarded unisex here and there.
as you see, they did footwear: one model, three upper material variations.
if your stores bought some of this collection, they say it will be there around late in november.
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the original source of inspiration for the theme (hope imageshack works)
courtesy luca

Beautiful Runner!
Thanks as always for all the information!
I had a chance to see the vintage hemp military tent jacket piece. It was pretty crazy. The rest of this capsule collection sounds pretty exciting as well!
those pants look amazing! and the schoolboy pants are also very very nice. thanks runner.
thank god ccp will show his 'fw08' later this year cause i'll be spending all my loot on luc for the moment...

but i'm a bit confused about the ss09 collection; luca presented the o-project as ss09... i assume their capability of the production for buyers is quite limited or they are just lazy.
hi guys!
does anyone know if there's any possibility to order LUC stuff pour homme via internet?
sorry I don't know well since I don't shop online, but I remember johnny talking about ordering a cardigan or something from somewhere. so try PMing him and asking about it.
he showed the third collection from his special project ( the second one since it got the name of o-project ). it came with the title this time, "signals". maybe it's a little message for the internet era. the net is speedy and has lots of merits, but it's vast and contains false information. without a certain literacy, you might go the wrong way. some might think that a jacket on a store's website is terrible when it is actually a pic of the jacket on a buyer at the showroom who is unfortunately not the right model in the sample size. so it may be signalling a message that it's the clothes in person that have all the true information, with a wish that we read between the threads the hidden information rightly and catch what there is to be noticed, although sometimes it could be almost like cryptanalysis.
it's signalling for the help of receptiveness and discovery through a simple, old, but sure method, the morse code.

・・・ ― ・・ ・・・ ・・ ― ― ― ― ・ ・・ ・・・

― ・・・・ ・ ・ ― ・ ― ・ ― ― ― ― ・・ ― ・

・・・ ・ ・ ・・ ― ・ ― ― ・ ― ・・・・ ・・ ― ・ ― ― ・ ・・・

・・ ― ・ ・・・ ― ・・ ・・・ ・・ ― ・・・ ・ ― ・・ ・

this is written on a simple yummy cotton sweater they call t-shirt. it's almost part of the knit's stitching as it is the same color and size as the fine yarn of the sweater that is available in white and graphite-dyed grey. so it's
very subtle or almost nothing.
but the stitching is done in fluorescent yarn excited by UV sources like black light under which it gets distinct in blue and reads " vision is the art of seeing things invisible ".

more later
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that is so COOL!!!...

i love the whole idea...
luca seems like a really thoughtful, sensitive and intelligent human being...

thank you runner dear for sharing this background info on the upcoming collection...
it makes it all the more interesting...
you're welcome softgrey
if I remember rightly, he is an alumnus of yours.

the space key didn't work in the post above.
so typed letters in white here.
this is the proper way to put the jonathan swift quote in morse.

・・・ ―...・・...・・・...・・...― ― ..........・・...・・・

...・・・・..........・ ―...・ ― ・..........― ― ―...・・ ― ・

・・・.........・・...― ・...― ― ・..........・・・・...・・...― ・...― ― ・...・・・

・・...― ・...・・・ ―...・・...・・・...・・...― ・・・...・ ― ・・...

apart from the UV device, the dots and dashes are formed by laser laceration, jacquard embossing (sort of embossed work by weave), corrosion, etc. by way of those techniques/treatments, aphorism, poem, concept words, numbers, etc are sent in the code.
the balance of his interest (or attention) this time seems to have leaned toward going into precision and details rather than letting the variable factors intensely play. one example is the corroded aphorism dual layer t-shirt where the texture is partly dissolved in the shape of the code. each dissolved part on the knit makes a small code whose outline is clear. it's done finely. the texture of that little part looks like a spider's web in honeycomb pattern and through the code part, the layer underneath is visible. it's a bit like skeleton watch in some way.
also the crafted buttons are mother-of-pearl, compressed knit wad (then shaped by laser), buffalo horn, etc. and the peculiar construction of the buttons describes A and N in code ( just in accordance with one of his long-underlying concepts, "opposti" : A ・ ― vs ― ・ N ). a word couture came to mind. but maybe this is a bit different in kind. still similar in degree.

CW (continuous wave) motif texture and weave pattern here and there, of course of his own design and programming.
a few things inspired by his father's wardrobe as usual,
such as his interpretations of the 30 years old shirt with frayed neck/collar band and cuffs, the embroidery shirt...
there is an item named talking selvedge j-pant. althought I'm not very interested in the talking part to be perfectly honest, I'd like to have one because it comes in washi, 100% paper, besides waxed cotton and wool cotton. looked like this paper works, being a serge weave washi.
the colors are mainly black, white, dark graphite, light graphite.
I guess the tag for this stuff will say label under construction in the signal.
the delivery is due in december.
thanks for the flower Inaya

F/W 10

from shelter and boutiquew
i hope i have a chance to see this, the shawl cardigan looks pretty incredible.
^ The black one? It's beautiful. Those shoes are cute too.

I'm curious about those gloves (or armwarmers) - are you meant to stick your fingers through the holes?

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