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tFS Mod Squad
Oh No They Didnt:
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These rules apply to this thread and will be strictly enforced (Formal warning/ban).
1. Gossip is hearsay and these forums are provided for our member to discuss credible information. Therefore, we ask our members to have reliable sources for any information which they may contribute to the discussions" provision.
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tFS Mod Squad
Oh No They Didnt:
I think Snejana may have some competition in the diva department...although she isn't that crazy...Don't let the angelic face and the puppy purse fool you, Lera Sheremata, the green eyed Ukrainian who opened (or was it closed?) the Marc Jacobs show acted like a certified maniac at fashion week. First she got arrested for smoking in the airplane bathroom. The flight attendants caught her TWICE and then had to call the police. She was told off and released immediately. But that's just the beginning. Lera's nuttiest incident on record happened at the Prada show. We hear that Lera was set to open the show (a la Sasha P and Gemma W in the past--a very big deal) but when dressed in the first look Lera told the assistants that she didn't like it (GASP!!!!) and so they took her off.
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