Paul & Joe for Target

the baseball jacket doesnt look too bad, but not my cup of tea either. maybe if it gets marked down to 37.50 like the luella leather jackets!

i like the knit bag a lot.

new ad for paul and joe in september issue of bazaar, has the poncho and green cords in it.
ohhh *cry* i WANT one so badly (owl bag) but i live in australia and im unable to order it! usually i will buy on eBay, but they go for over double the price!
Hm-it looks kinda grandma's couch-ish on the site. Then again, it's a good idea I looked on the site because now that I realized there's leather trim it means I can't get it.
Wow, thank you!

Hey, the leather baseball jacket is now available for purchase online, too!
Go get it, clickmekate! :D
A bunch of other stuff online now through the Looks section: the sweater bag, the yellow wool blazer, the brown cord skirt, brown cord blazer, blue plaid shirt
yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ayayayyayyyyyyyy! :bounce: i just ordered one! thanks for posting the link on here!!!!!!!
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usmarinewife said:
A bunch of other stuff online now through the Looks section: the sweater bag, the yellow wool blazer, the brown cord skirt, brown cord blazer, blue plaid shirt

thanks for the update! i like the knit bag too, but the color is too light and i think i'd be way too paranoid about keeping it clean. i think i will make one in brown tones or earth-tones....since it's just a basic cable stitch. i think mossimo has knit bags at target too. i wasn there and saw some knit bags, but they weren't the paul and joe one. the owl bag will totally be handy! it's so vintagy cute!!!
Yahoo, new things in the new this week section! :)
The ballerina sweater, silk paisley pants, pinstripe pant suit, embriodered ls shirt, etc. I'm wondering how many more items could possibly be released in the next 2 months?! I know there are 112 total, so how many does that leave...I'll have to go figure it out.
Funny thing, I just saw a capelet in GOODWILL yesterday from the P&J Target line. Must have been damaged. But this particular one I go to have a relationship with Target evidently cause they have tons of terrible Mizrahi stuff there.

I usually find great vintage there though. I actually found a great Henri Bendel private label alpaca great cape in red. Looks like from 60's but this must have been in the last 20 years or so. I also found a great vintage short leather, black zip front jacket from Jigsaw, size 1 if anybody's interested , just kidding. Keeping for the archives.
Paul and Joe for Target opened a temporary location on La Cienega in Los Angeles and the store is SO cute! I almost got into an accident the first time I drove by.
jun3machina said:
/\was it the plaid one :shock: i should pay you to pick it up for me....

It was a light ground with small colored widow plaid, yellow, red maybe:flower:

will stop by again tuesday if you want it.$14 bucks i believe.
YAY! the ballerina sweater! finally!

Of course I was just at Target yesterday... :angry:

And I looove the plaid shirts... I might have to get one of those too.

I don't really see much of the appeal of the owl bag though.:unsure:
my local target had a lot of new things.

i saw the herringbone jacket and pants. hideous.

still havent seen the yellow blazer yet!

the white knit bag is in a fashion spread in the new issue of marie claire with maggue gyllanhall on the cover.
i noticed that target is listing some of the items as being sold out such as the poppy top, tie back blouse, silk kimono top, aprom cami etc.

glad i got my poppy top and tie back blouse quick!

click on the looks after videos.

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