Project Runway

Or Wendy, for God's sake! She sucks the most. Rob generally sucks too, though.
wendy sucks, rob sucks, and austin hasn't been doing so well either. His "performance" at the party was lame-***.

Jay deserves to win. He has been pretty steady and very creative-chic with his designs through and through. His swimsuit this time was very VERY cool. Not many girls could pull it off due to the strappiness of it, but if you could, I'd say it would be sexyhot and well.... I'd hit on you hahahahaha.

No really.

I would.
I think for Alexandra to be eliminated is kind of unjustified b/c shes been great every other time. Whereas Robert or Wendy, for instance - have consistently failed. And how in hell Wendy has still managed to work her way this far is beyond me.

Though frankly, I liked Alexandra's the least this time. And I have to agree with them about finding your own voice and style, but come on, everyone copies!! Especially Michael Kors! From seeing him on this show, I actually rather dislike him.

Wendy's was really beautiful, but I would be worried about what it looks like wet as well. But the same could be said for Austin's.
I have been entertained. For the last couple of weeks I have been utterly turned off by Austin and his theatrics. His ho-ing and pimping at the party was disgusting. YET, his design was the best, I believe, in its concept, execution, and he had a working swimsuit under the draped piece and broach.

Seems like the lessons in this show so far are...
1. Make sure you have your own concept or else you get booted like Alexandra.
2. Never admit to your mistake or weakness, forget being honorable...otherwise youre gone like Vanessa.
3. If you aint schmoosin' youre loosin' (i.e. pimp-n-ho yourself so you can get noticed like Austin.)

Whats interesting to me too is that Jay's design was likened to Gucci -- I suppose thats okay since he didnt make the reference himself...Alexandra was naive enough to think its okay to say out loud that you were influenced by another designer.
Yeah...she does need to find her own concepts and give them more direction...but I'm sad to see her dumped.

Robert...cute man who makes some nice stuff, but mostly ugly clothes for women...a swimsuit baggy in the bust...which woman is going for that look????? Could you imagine dating him, him wanting to make you outfits -- which you'd be OBLIGATED to wear...oy vey.
marrimoda said:
...I suppose thats okay since he didnt make the reference himself...Alexandra was naive enough to think its okay to say out loud that you were influenced by another designer.

Nail on the head. She could have easily expounded on the fact she's from Miami, there's a lot swimwear there, the girls like to wear it tiny, etc.

Regardless, the judges made the wrong decision. This week's elimination should have been without a doubt Wendy. That wasn't swimwear. And even though I have no problem with women going commando, it had no bottom. It was incomplete.

Here's my question: Does anyone remember reading Austin's name in Page Six several months ago?
I missed yesterdays episode, even though I REALLY wanted to see it.
Any of you guys have info if there will be a re-run any time soon.
Thanx for the help.........!!!!
Kinda offtopic but..ooh Austin :sick:
marrimoda said:
Seems like the lessons in this show so far are...
1. Make sure you have your own concept or else you get booted like Alexandra.
2. Never admit to your mistake or weakness, forget being honorable...otherwise youre gone like Vanessa.
3. If you aint schmoosin' youre loosin' (i.e. pimp-n-ho yourself so you can get noticed like Austin.)

Hello Everybody, it's my first post! :woot:

Marrimoda, I think you bring up, at least to me, one of the more interesting aspects of this show, the not-so-subtle moral lessons .

It first hit me when in episode three, Wendy, who has been up until now attacking this show like she was on Survivor: Parsons, confesses her work is suffering because she's spending all her creativity on being conniving, rather than designing. So she focuses instead on her work and wins the Banana challenge. I thought that was actually a kind of an unusually positive message to send in a reality show.

Then the messages became what I can only think to call more "western" or "corporate" in philosophy.

As you point out, we see Michael Kors admonishing Vanessa for admitting she’s the weakest seamstress out of the group. What kind of message does that send? Lie or be unsuccessful? I don't want to work with people I've been fooled into thinking have certain skills only to find out they are full of hot air.

I feel sad for Alexandra, and would love to ask her this.... Were you thinking when you were being kicked off, "You taught me earlier in this show, Mr. Kors, to "research" other peoples designs, to "innovate, not imitate", etc. Then you kick me off for sharing with you who I was looking to for inspiration this challenge? Help me!!! I'm confused!!" I'm obviously completely reading into her blank stare as she got her “Auf Wiedersehen” lecture, but that’s what her body language was saying to me. Regardless, the message was strange: "Steal, but hide it well, and never admit to it!".

And this lasts weeks episode! No synopsis needed! How ugly did everyone become? It seemed Jay was drowning himself in booze to handle it. I felt like watching hookers turn their first tricks. Austin's model won that challenge by the way, not his Lindt truffle looking bathing costume (again Marrimoda, calling Austin a costume designer is so spot on! While I love Austin, I too watch Turner Classic Movies, come on branch out! :flower:)

Anyhow, this all got me to wondering, why couldn’t this show have been a positive type of reality show, like Bravo's Queer Eye? Why are they forcing all this negative, weird and less interesting drama to a show that just doesn't need it? And then Executive Producer: Harvy Weinstein scrolls across my screen. My mystery solved. :cry:
Did anyone see the new episode? Kara Saun wins again...I hope she wins the show - shes making some great peices. Who is Heidi Klums cardigan (at the judging) designed by? Its cute!
Vicious Wendy is still there?!?! Argh! Her awful Pochahantas design had no futuristic merit at all. Even if Kevin's was a bit on its own, surely it was better than Wendy's.

Fave designs: Kara and Jay.

On a positive note, that must-be-a-plant Morgan is outta there. Good!
I personally thought Austin's design was gorgeous, whether or not it fit.
pocahantas! ha! thats it I was trying to think of a clever thing to call it...those fringy things -- that was so cruel what the woman from Elle told wendy, that her design looked like her cat had swallowed a ball of yarn then coughed it up an hour later!

In classic tv scripting you need a villain, and Wendy is even more that morgan is out. You can bet they'll keep her hanging around for viewers to tuning in to see when she'll be ceremoniously dumped! I mean, I know I want to see that moment.
Kara is such a champ...I mean look at how she worked, level headed, consoling to Jay in his little freak out moment. Oh and did you catch how she said something along the lines of -- whatever Tim thinks in the workroom, they'll be hearing it from the judges on the runway. And didnt that happen? Wendy fussed to Tim about Kevins lack of leadership...then when the judges are slapping her around and its looking really bad for her, one of the judges asks Wendy for her assessment of Kevins leadership -- it was as if they fed her her next line -- go ahead Wendy give up Kevin if you want to survive. They flipped her! She turned states witness to save her own lame butt!

By the way -- have any of you noticed that little notice of disclosure they flash on the screen at the end of the show?? They throw it up there for about 1.5 seconds. It says basically(paraphrased) that the judges consider the designers scores, and INPUT FROM THE PROJECT RUNWAY PRODUCERS in their evaluations. I first noticed it last week but Ive been trying to see it long enough to read it. See if you can see it. What do you think of that -- I want to think about this more, but I trust the integrity of this contest less now. Obviously its in the shows best interest to make the most drama possible each week and I dont know if I trust their motives as much especially when you have someone like Alexandra, who was just not interesting enough to keep around...I'm thinking about this more...
I recently started watching this show, and to be honest with you, as much as I enjoy it for entertainment value, its a real hoax in my opinion. The fact that someone like Robert is stil on it and so many far more talented designers have been cut show that this is really just a game and not a true search for the next great American designer. I also think a lot of the judges are really beyond their puview in some cases. How does being the style director for Ebay, which has been sued left and right for selling counterfit designer goods, make you at all able to judge a designers work? I agree with marriamoda that they really just keep the interesting ones around. Alexandra had a lot of talent, but because she wasnt a raging queen or a kaniving b*tch she was ousted.
MJCouture said:
How does being the style director for Ebay, which has been sued left and right for selling counterfit designer goods, make you at all able to judge a designers work?

She used to be a fashion journalist and reporter for Full Frontal Fashion. I think there was a snippet in one of the recent mags about her. I guess that qualifies her but I agree with you that currently now being "style director" for eBay should disqualify her out of sheer tackiness and conflict of interest.
Constance also wrote a book some time ago...years ago. something on fashion.

I think I'm a little obsessed with this show...but I'm disenchanted now, at least I will be if Kara or Jay dont win.
I think it's ridiculous that Robert and Wendy are still on the show, especially when Kevin and Nora, who were MUCH BETTER designers were kicked off :cry: . I really do think they made it this far because of the entertainment value. However, they will not win. Do realize that Kara and Jay are still in. They will make the top three; the producers knew that for a while. They probably just wanted to weed out the "average", who despite having decent designs, would not win, and keep the bad, yet more dramatic designers to keep the ratings up. After a certain point, it's obvious who the best and worst are. Though, unfortunately, some of the worst are still present, they will not last.
Kevin was my favorite:(

Wendy has zero talent, she should have left much earlier. Oh well tv is all drama.
i really liked the model morgan that left this week ... she was def my fav model and i was sad to see her go ... even though she was kinda crazy sometimes, she had so much more personality than the other models ... plus i think she walked the best too ...

and kevin just seemed too softspoken to make it ... like last week with the bathing suit that no one really thought looked like a bathing suit ... i really liked it ... but when the judges asked him questions he got all flustered ...

im totally addicted to the show.
My prediction is that next week Robert is out... it's pretty clear that Jay and Kara are going to make it. Austin is up there as well, even though he's essentially a costume designer as many of you had said. It's honestly been a while since he's put out something that isn't "influenced" by films and such.

I really hate how Jay has consistently been short-changed. He puts out amazing pieces every episode and ends up coming up second all the time. I hope he gets what he deserves!!!

Anyone know how to get tix to fashion week? I'd really like to see what Jay ends up putting on the runway when he's able to do what he wants!

Can't believe that hack Wendy is still in this round... God...

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